@ -22,25 +22,28 @@ namespace irpass {
namespace internal {
AnfNodePtr ExpandJPrimitive(const ValueNodePtr &vnode, const pipeline::ResourceBasePtr &resource) {
ScopeGuard scope_guard(vnode->scope());
auto newg = ad::Kprim(vnode, resource);
if (newg != nullptr) {
return NewValueNode(newg);
// when find in J failed, try in Jmeta
auto prim = GetValueNode<PrimitivePtr>(vnode);
MetaFuncGraphPtr meta = ad::Kmeta(prim, resource);
if (meta != nullptr) {
return NewValueNode(meta);
return nullptr;
bool CheckIfEmbedJ(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph) {
// if func graph also contain J(FuncGraph) or J(Primitive), then ignore this funcgraph.
// ExpandJ innermost graph first.
bool CheckIfEmbedJ(const CNodePtr &j_node) {
auto &value_node = j_node->input(1);
if (IsValueNode<Primitive>(value_node)) {
return false;
auto func_graph = GetValueNode<FuncGraphPtr>(value_node);
if (func_graph == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Unexpected j node:" << j_node->DebugString();
auto func_graph_manager = func_graph->manager();
return func_graph_manager->func_graph_j_total(func_graph);
@ -49,31 +52,48 @@ bool CheckIfEmbedJ(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph) {
AnfNodePtr ExpandJ(const ValueNodePtr &vnode, const pipeline::ResourceBasePtr &resource) {
if (IsValueNode<FuncGraph>(vnode)) {
ScopeGuard scope_guard(vnode->scope());
auto func_graph = GetValueNode<FuncGraphPtr>(vnode);
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Node is ValueNodeGraph, graph: " << func_graph->ToString();
// high_order_grad begin;
// if graph also contains J(FuncGraph) or J(Primitive), then ignore this graph.
// ExpandJ innermost graph or primitive first.
if (CheckIfEmbedJ(func_graph)) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Funcgraph: " << func_graph->ToString() << " contains J, will expandJ later";
return nullptr;
// high_order_grad end;
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Funcgraph: " << func_graph->ToString() << " will expandJ now";
auto newfg = ad::Grad(func_graph, resource);
return NewValueNode(newfg);
if (IsValueNode<Primitive>(vnode)) {
return ExpandJPrimitive(vnode, resource);
return nullptr;
} // namespace internal
bool ExpandJPrim::operator()(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, const OptimizerPtr &optimizer) {
// Search all j nodes.
// Get j nodes that don't have embed j nodes.
std::vector<CNodePtr> todo;
// If graph also contains J(FuncGraph) or J(Primitive), then ignore this graph.
// ExpandJ innermost graph or primitive first.
std::copy_if(j_nodes_.begin(), j_nodes_.end(), std::back_inserter(todo),
[](const CNodePtr &j_node) { return !internal::CheckIfEmbedJ(j_node); });
// Expand j nodes that don't have embed j nodes.
bool change = false;
for (auto &j_node : todo) {
auto expanded_j = internal::ExpandJ(j_node->input(1)->cast<ValueNodePtr>(), optimizer->resource());
optimizer->resource()->manager()->Replace(j_node, expanded_j);
change = true;
return change;
void ExpandJPrim::GetJPrim(const FuncGraphManagerPtr &manager) {
for (auto &fg : manager->func_graphs()) {
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &&toposet = TopoSort(fg->get_return());
for (const auto &node : toposet) {
if (IsPrimitiveCNode(node, prim::kPrimJ)) {
} // namespace irpass
} // namespace opt
} // namespace mindspore