@ -62,24 +62,11 @@ class ImageTensorOperation(TensorOperation):
Base class of Image Tensor Ops
def __call__(self, *tensor_list):
tensor_array = []
output_list = []
# Combine input tensor_list to a TensorRow
for input_tensor in tensor_list:
if not isinstance(input_tensor, (np.ndarray, Image.Image)):
raise TypeError("Input should be NumPy or PIL image, got {}.".format(type(input_tensor)))
callable_op = cde.Execute(self.parse())
output_list = callable_op(tensor_array)
for i, element in enumerate(output_list):
arr = element.as_array()
if arr.dtype.char == 'S':
output_list[i] = np.char.decode(arr)
output_list[i] = arr
return output_list[0] if len(output_list) == 1 else output_list
def __call__(self, *input_tensor_list):
for tensor in input_tensor_list:
if not isinstance(tensor, (np.ndarray, Image.Image)):
raise TypeError("Input should be NumPy or PIL image, got {}.".format(type(tensor)))
return super().__call__(*input_tensor_list)
def parse(self):
raise NotImplementedError("ImageTensorOperation has to implement parse() method.")
@ -285,9 +272,7 @@ class Decode(ImageTensorOperation):
if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray) or img.ndim != 1 or img.dtype.type is np.str_:
raise TypeError("Input should be an encoded image with 1-D NumPy type, got {}.".format(type(img)))
decode = cde.Execute(cde.DecodeOperation(self.rgb))
img = decode(cde.Tensor(np.asarray(img)))
return img.as_array()
return super().__call__(img)
def parse(self):
return cde.DecodeOperation(self.rgb)