implment pause in MapOp, added more to callback
add ds_callback
- Initial drop of Python DSCallback
- Pybind DSCallback
- Pybind DSCallback
added callback to mapOp
- de_pipeline DSCallback
- de_pipeline DSCallback
add test case, segfault for now
fix seg fault
- de_pipeline DSCallback
remove 1 line
update callback test case, now works
use builder class for mapOp callback
- de_pipeline DSCallback
- de_pipeline DSCallback
- de_pipeline DSCallback
better test case
minor fix
add comments and minor clean ups
get rid of nullptr in MapOp, use other flag instead
fix a bug ParseMapOp only takes 1 callback
- Added WaitedDSCalabck
refactor callback param
fix text case incorrect number
- added testing
fix cpp test case
- added testing
- revert back lenet changes
- cleanup
- cleanup
fix CI stage I
fix CI stage II
fix CI and update epoch counter
- add validation
- add more testing
use random data op to do tests
adjust when to call EpochBegin/End
- add repeat with callback
- addressing reviewers' comments
- docstring and CI fixes
- docstring and CI fixes
- docstring and CI fixes
- rebase with upstream/master
fix cpp test case
fix review comments
addr review cmts, add test case