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* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package mindspore.irpb;
// Versioning
enum Version {
// unknown version
// Initial version (IR VERSION 1), published on Sep 23, 2019
IR_VERSION = 0x0000000000000001;
// Data type definition
enum DataType {
// Basic types.
DT_BOOL = 1; // bool
DT_INT8 = 2; // int8_t
DT_INT16 = 3; // int16_t
DT_INT32 = 4; // int32_t
DT_INT64 = 5; // int64_t
DT_UINT8 = 6; // uint8_t
DT_UINT16 = 7; // uint16_t
DT_UINT32 = 8; // uint32_t
DT_UINT64 = 9; // uint64_t
DT_FLOAT16 = 10; // float 16
DT_FLOAT32 = 11; // float 32
DT_FLOAT64 = 12; // float 64
DT_STRING = 13; // string
DT_TENSOR = 14; // tensor
DT_GRAPH = 15; // graph
// list type
DT_BOOLS = 16; // list of bool
DT_INTS8 = 17; // list of int8_t
DT_INTS16 = 18; // list of int16_t
DT_INTS32 = 19; // list of int32_t
DT_INTS64 = 20; // list of int64_t
DT_UINTS8 = 21; // list of uint8_t
DT_UINTS16 = 22; // list of uint16_t
DT_UINTS32 = 23; // list of uint32_t
DT_UINTS64 = 24; // list of uint64_t
DT_FLOATS16 = 25; // list of float16
DT_FLOATS32 = 26; // list of float32
DT_FLOATS64 = 27; // list of float64
DT_STRINGS = 28; // list of string
DT_TENSORS = 29; // list of tensor
DT_GRAPHS = 30; // list of graph
DT_TUPLE = 31; // tuple
DT_LIST = 32; // list
DT_DICT = 33; // dictionary
// other types
DT_NONE = 34; // None
DT_SYM_INST = 35; // Symbolic Key Instance
// type related type
DT_BASE_INT = 36; // type generic int
DT_BASE_UINT = 37; // type generate unsigned int
DT_BASE_FLOAT = 38; // type generate float
DT_TYPE = 39; // type type
DT_ANYTHING = 40; // type anything
DT_REFKEY = 41; // type refkey
DT_REF = 42; // type ref
// Value definition for attribute value or parameter default value
message ValueProto {
// data type of value
optional DataType dtype = 1; // discriminator that indicates which field below is in use
// Exactly ONE of the following fields must be present for this version of the IR
optional bool bool_val = 2; // bool
optional int64 int_val = 3; // int
optional uint64 uint_val = 4; // uint
optional float float_val = 5; // float
optional double double_val = 6; // double
optional string str_val = 7; // string
optional TensorProto tensor_val = 8; // tensor value
optional GraphProto graph = 9; // graph
repeated bool bool_vals = 10; // list of bool
repeated int64 int_vals = 11; // list of int
repeated uint64 uint_vals = 12; // list of uint
repeated float float_vals = 13; // list of float
repeated double double_vals = 14; // list of double
repeated string str_vals = 15; // list of string
repeated TensorProto tensor_vals = 16; // list of tensor value
repeated GraphProto graphs = 17; // list of graph
// tuple or list
repeated ValueProto values = 18; // tuple, list of value
// dictionary
repeated NamedValueProto dict_val = 19; // dictionary info
// filed for type type
optional TypeProto type_val = 20; // type type info
message AttributeProto {
optional string name = 1; // attribute name
optional ValueProto value = 2; // attribute value
message NamedValueProto {
optional string key = 1; // attribute name
optional ValueProto value = 2; // attribute value
// Defines a tensor shape.
message TensorShapeProto {
// One dimension of the tensor.
message Dimension {
// Size of the tensor in that dimension.
// This value must be >= -1, but values of -1 are reserved for "unknown"
// shapes (values of -1 mean "unknown" dimension).
optional int64 size = 1;
// Optional name of the tensor dimension.
optional string name = 2;
repeated Dimension dim = 1;
// Types for graph input(parameter) and output
message TypeProto {
message Tensor {
// This field MUST have a valid DataType value except DT_TENSOR
optional DataType elem_type = 1;
optional TensorShapeProto shape = 2; // for scalar, this field is not set
// tuple type
message Sequence {
// The type and optional shape of elements of the tuple.
repeated TypeProto elem_types = 1;
// data type
optional DataType data_type = 1;
oneof value {
// The type of a tensor.
Tensor tensor_type = 2;
// The type of a tuple.
Sequence sequence_type = 3;
// Defines information on graph parameters, including the name, the type, and
// the default value of parameter if exists.
message ParameterProto {
optional string name = 1; // parameter name
optional TypeProto type = 2; // parameter type
optional ValueProto default_val = 3; // default value of parameter if exists
// Defines graph output information
message OutputProto {
optional string name = 1; // output node name
optional TypeProto type = 2; // output node type
// Define node input information
message InputProto {
enum EdgeType {
DATA_EDGE = 0; // data edge
CONTROL_EDGE = 1; // control edge
optional string name = 1;
optional EdgeType type = 2;
// Nodes
// Computation graphs are made up of a DAG of nodes, which represent what is
// commonly called a "layer" or "pipeline stage" in machine learning frameworks.
// For example, it can be a node of type "Conv" that takes in an image, a filter
// tensor and a bias tensor, and produces the convolved output.
message NodeProto {
repeated InputProto input = 1; // namespace Value
optional string name = 2; // namespace Value
// The symbolic identifier of the Operator to execute.
optional string op_type = 3; // namespace Operator
// The domain of the OperatorSet that specifies the operator named by op_type.
optional string scope = 4; // namespace Domain
// Additional named attributes.
repeated AttributeProto attribute = 5;
// Optional type info of this node
optional TypeProto output_type = 6;
// other fields for debug
optional uint64 output_i = 7;
// The full_name_with_scope of CNode
optional string full_name = 8;
// Models
// ModelProto is a top-level file/container format for bundling a ML model and
// associating its computation graph with metadata.
// The semantics of the model are described by the associated GraphProto.
message ModelProto {
// ir version
optional int64 ir_version = 1;
// Domain name of the model.
// We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example:
// `com.facebook.fair` or ``
// Together with `model_version` and, this forms the unique identity of
// the graph.
optional string domain = 2;
// The version of the graph encoded. See Version enum below.
optional int64 model_version = 3;
// The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model.
optional GraphProto graph = 4;
// metadata info of opeartors
optional OperatorSetProto metadata_operators = 5;
message OperatorProto {
optional string name = 1; // used as key, must be distinct
optional bytes config = 2; // operator config info
optional bytes obj_info = 3; // operator related object info, e.g. content of operator binary or name
message OperatorSetProto {
repeated OperatorProto operators = 1;
optional string summary = 2; // summary info of operators, e.g. file position of operators file
// Graphs
// A graph defines the computational logic of a model and is comprised of a parameterized
// list of nodes that form a directed acyclic graph based on their inputs and outputs.
// This is the equivalent of the "network" or "graph" in many deep learning
// frameworks.
message GraphProto {
// The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
repeated NodeProto node = 1;
// The name of the graph.
optional string name = 2; // namespace Graph
// The parameters(inputs) and outputs of the graph.
repeated ParameterProto parameters = 3;
repeated OutputProto outputs = 4;
// Constants used in this graph
repeated NamedValueProto const_vals = 5;
// Tensors
// A serialized tensor value.
message TensorProto {
// The shape of the tensor.
repeated int64 dims = 1;
// The data type of the tensor.
// This field MUST have a valid DataType value except DT_TENSOR
optional DataType data_type = 2;
// Tensor content must be organized in row-major order.
// Depending on the data_type field, exactly one of the fields below with
// name ending in _data is used to store the elements of the tensor.
// For float values
repeated float float_data = 3 [packed = true];
// For int32, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, and bool values
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
// INT32, INT16, INT8, UINT16, UINT8, or BOOL
repeated int32 int32_data = 4 [packed = true];
// For int64.
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be INT64
repeated int64 int64_data = 5 [packed = true];
// For double
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be DOUBLE
repeated double double_data = 6 [packed = true];
// For uint64 and uint32 values
// When this field is present, the data_type field MUST be
// UINT32 or UINT64
repeated uint64 uint64_data = 7 [packed = true];
// Store raw tensor content. When this raw_data field is used to store tensor value,
// elements MUST be stored in as fixed-width, little-endian order.
optional bytes raw_data = 8;