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GoogleNet Description

GoogleNet, a 22 layers deep network, was proposed in 2014 and won the first place in the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 (ILSVRC14). GoogleNet, also called Inception v1, has significant improvement over ZFNet (The winner in 2013) and AlexNet (The winner in 2012), and has relatively lower error rate compared to VGGNet. Typically deeper deep learning network means larger number of parameters, which makes it more prone to overfitting. Furthermore, the increased network size leads to increased use of computational resources. To tackle these issues, GoogleNet adopts 1*1 convolution middle of the network to reduce dimension, and thus further reduce the computation. Global average pooling is used at the end of the network, instead of using fully connected layers. Another technique, called inception module, is to have different sizes of convolutions for the same input and stacking all the outputs.

Paper: Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke, Andrew Rabinovich. "Going deeper with convolutions." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2015.

Model Architecture

The overall network architecture of GoogleNet is shown below:

Specifically, the GoogleNet contains numerous inception modules, which are connected together to go deeper. In general, an inception module with dimensionality reduction consists of 1×1 conv, 3×3 conv, 5×5 conv, and 3×3 max pooling, which are done altogether for the previous input, and stack together again at output.


Dataset used: CIFAR-10

  • Dataset size175M60,000 32*32 colorful images in 10 classes
    • Train146M50,000 images
    • Test29.3M10,000 images
  • Data formatbinary files
    • NoteData will be processed in


Mixed Precision

The mixed precision training method accelerates the deep learning neural network training process by using both the single-precision and half-precision data formats, and maintains the network precision achieved by the single-precision training at the same time. Mixed precision training can accelerate the computation process, reduce memory usage, and enable a larger model or batch size to be trained on specific hardware. For FP16 operators, if the input data type is FP32, the backend of MindSpore will automatically handle it with reduced precision. Users could check the reduced-precision operators by enabling INFO log and then searching reduce precision.

Environment Requirements

Quick Start

After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:

# run training example
python > train.log 2>&1 & 

# run distributed training example
sh scripts/ rank_table.json

# run evaluation example
python > eval.log 2>&1 &  OR  sh

Script Description

Script and Sample Code

├── model_zoo
    ├──                          // descriptions about all the models
    ├── googlenet        
        ├──                    // descriptions about googlenet
        ├── scripts 
        │   ├──             // shell script for distributed 
        │   ├──             // shell script for evaluation 
        ├── src 
        │   ├──             // creating dataset
        │   ├──          // googlenet architecture
        │   ├──            // parameter configuration 
        ├──               // training script 
        ├──               //  evaluation script 
        ├──            // export checkpoint files into geir/onnx 

Script Parameters

Major parameters in and are:

--data_path: The absolute full path to the train and evaluation datasets. 
--epoch_size: Total training epochs. 
--batch_size: Training batch size. 
--lr_init: Initial learning rate. 
--num_classes: The number of classes in the training set.
--weight_decay: Weight decay value. 
--image_height: Image height used as input to the model.
--image_width: Image width used as input the model.
--pre_trained: Whether training from scratch or training based on the
               pre-trained model.Optional values are True, False. 
--device_target: Device where the code will be implemented. Optional values
                 are "Ascend", "GPU". 
--device_id: Device ID used to train or evaluate the dataset. Ignore it
             when you use for distributed training.
--checkpoint_path: The absolute full path to the checkpoint file saved
                   after training.
--onnx_filename: File name of the onnx model used in 
--geir_filename: File name of the geir model used in    

Training Process


python > train.log 2>&1 & 

The python command above will run in the background, you can view the results through the file train.log.

After training, you'll get some checkpoint files under the script folder by default. The loss value will be achieved as follows:

# grep "loss is " train.log
epoch: 1 step: 390, loss is 1.4842823
epcoh: 2 step: 390, loss is 1.0897788

The model checkpoint will be saved in the current directory.

Distributed Training

sh scripts/ rank_table.json

The above shell script will run distribute training in the background. You can view the results through the file train_parallel[X]/log. The loss value will be achieved as follows:

# grep "result: " train_parallel*/log
train_parallel0/log:epoch: 1 step: 48, loss is 1.4302931
train_parallel0/log:epcoh: 2 step: 48, loss is 1.4023874
train_parallel1/log:epoch: 1 step: 48, loss is 1.3458025
train_parallel1/log:epcoh: 2 step: 48, loss is 1.3729336

Evaluation Process


Before running the command below, please check the checkpoint path used for evaluation. Please set the checkpoint path to be the absolute full path, e.g., "username/googlenet/train_googlenet_cifar10-125_390.ckpt".

python > eval.log 2>&1 &  
sh scripts/

The above python command will run in the background. You can view the results through the file "eval.log". The accuracy of the test dataset will be as follows:

# grep "accuracy: " eval.log
accuracy: {'acc': 0.934}

Note that for evaluation after distributed training, please set the checkpoint_path to be the last saved checkpoint file such as "username/googlenet/train_parallel0/train_googlenet_cifar10-125_48.ckpt". The accuracy of the test dataset will be as follows:

# grep "accuracy: " dist.eval.log
accuracy: {'acc': 0.9217}

Model Description


Evaluation Performance

Parameters GoogleNet
Model Version Inception V1
Resource Ascend 910 CPU 2.60GHz56coresMemory314G
uploaded Date 06/09/2020 (month/day/year)
MindSpore Version 0.3.0-alpha
Dataset CIFAR-10
Training Parameters epoch=125, steps=390, batch_size = 128, lr=0.1
Optimizer SGD
Loss Function Softmax Cross Entropy
outputs probability
Loss 0.0016
Speed 1pc: 79 ms/step; 8pcs: 82 ms/step
Total time 1pc: 63.85 mins; 8pcs: 11.28 mins
Parameters (M) 6.8
Checkpoint for Fine tuning 43.07M (.ckpt file)
Model for inference 21.50M (.onnx file), 21.60M(.geir file)

Inference Performance

Parameters GoogleNet
Model Version Inception V1
Resource Ascend 910
Uploaded Date 06/09/2020 (month/day/year)
MindSpore Version 0.3.0-alpha
Dataset CIFAR-10, 10,000 images
batch_size 128
outputs probability
Accuracy 1pc: 93.4%; 8pcs: 92.17%
Model for inference 21.50M (.onnx file)

How to use


If you need to use the trained model to perform inference on multiple hardware platforms, such as GPU, Ascend 910 or Ascend 310, you can refer to this Link. Following the steps below, this is a simple example:

# Load unseen dataset for inference
dataset = dataset.create_dataset(cfg.data_path, 1, False)

# Define model 
net = GoogleNet(num_classes=cfg.num_classes)
opt = Momentum(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, net.get_parameters()), 0.01,
               cfg.momentum, weight_decay=cfg.weight_decay)
loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean', 
model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'acc'})

# Load pre-trained model
param_dict = load_checkpoint(cfg.checkpoint_path)
load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)

# Make predictions on the unseen dataset
acc = model.eval(dataset)
print("accuracy: ", acc)

Continue Training on the Pretrained Model

# Load dataset
dataset = create_dataset(cfg.data_path, cfg.epoch_size)
batch_num = dataset.get_dataset_size()

# Define model
net = GoogleNet(num_classes=cfg.num_classes)
# Continue training if set pre_trained to be True
if cfg.pre_trained:
    param_dict = load_checkpoint(cfg.checkpoint_path)
    load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)
lr = lr_steps(0, lr_max=cfg.lr_init, total_epochs=cfg.epoch_size,    
opt = Momentum(filter(lambda x: x.requires_grad, net.get_parameters()), 
               Tensor(lr), cfg.momentum, weight_decay=cfg.weight_decay)
loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean', is_grad=False)
model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, metrics={'acc'},
              amp_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=False, loss_scale_manager=None)

# Set callbacks 
config_ck = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=batch_num * 5, 
time_cb = TimeMonitor(data_size=batch_num)
ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint(prefix="train_googlenet_cifar10", directory="./", 
loss_cb = LossMonitor()

# Start training
model.train(cfg.epoch_size, dataset, callbacks=[time_cb, ckpoint_cb, loss_cb])
print("train success")

Transfer Learning

To be added.

Description of Random Situation

In, we set the seed inside “create_dataset" function. We also use random seed in

ModelZoo Homepage

Please check the official homepage.