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181 lines
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# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
Retriever Evaluation.
import time
import json
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
import mindspore.context as context
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
from src.onehop import OneHopBert
from src.twohop import TwoHopBert
from src.process_data import DataGen
from src.onehop_bert import ModelOneHop
from src.twohop_bert import ModelTwoHop
from src.config import ThinkRetrieverConfig
from src.utils import read_query, split_queries, get_new_title, get_raw_title, save_json
def eval_output(out_2, last_out, path_raw, gold_path, val, true_count):
"""evaluation output"""
y_pred_raw = out_2.asnumpy()
last_out_raw = last_out.asnumpy()
path = []
y_pred = []
last_out_list = []
topk_titles = []
index_list_raw = np.argsort(y_pred_raw)
for index_r in index_list_raw[::-1]:
tag = 1
for raw_path in path:
if path_raw[index_r][0] in raw_path and path_raw[index_r][1] in raw_path:
tag = 0
if tag:
index_list = np.argsort(y_pred)
for path_index in index_list:
if gold_path[0] in path[path_index] and gold_path[1] in path[path_index]:
true_count += 1
for path_index in index_list[-8:][::-1]:
for path_index in index_list[-8:]:
if gold_path[0] in path[path_index] and gold_path[1] in path[path_index]:
val += 1
return val, true_count, topk_titles
def evaluation():
print('********************** loading corpus ********************** ')
s_lc = time.time()
data_generator = DataGen(config)
queries = read_query(config)
print("loading corpus time (h):", (time.time() - s_lc) / 3600)
print('********************** loading model ********************** ')
s_lm = time.time()
model_onehop_bert = ModelOneHop()
param_dict = load_checkpoint(config.onehop_bert_path)
load_param_into_net(model_onehop_bert, param_dict)
model_twohop_bert = ModelTwoHop()
param_dict2 = load_checkpoint(config.twohop_bert_path)
load_param_into_net(model_twohop_bert, param_dict2)
onehop = OneHopBert(config, model_onehop_bert)
twohop = TwoHopBert(config, model_twohop_bert)
print("loading model time (h):", (time.time() - s_lm) / 3600)
print('********************** evaluation ********************** ')
s_tr = time.time()
f_dev = open(config.dev_path, 'rb')
dev_data = json.load(f_dev)
q_gold = {}
q_2id = {}
for onedata in dev_data:
if onedata["question"] not in q_gold:
q_gold[onedata["question"]] = [get_new_title(get_raw_title(item)) for item in onedata['path']]
q_2id[onedata["question"]] = onedata['_id']
val, true_count, count, step = 0, 0, 0, 0
batch_queries = split_queries(config, queries)[:-1]
output_path = []
for _, batch in enumerate(batch_queries):
print("###step###: ", step)
query = batch[0]
temp_dict = {}
temp_dict['q_id'] = q_2id[query]
temp_dict['question'] = query
gold_path = q_gold[query]
input_ids_1, token_type_ids_1, input_mask_1 = data_generator.convert_onehop_to_features(batch)
start = 0
TOTAL = len(input_ids_1)
split_chunk = 8
while start < TOTAL:
end = min(start + split_chunk - 1, TOTAL - 1)
chunk_len = end - start + 1
input_ids_1_ = input_ids_1[start:start + chunk_len]
input_ids_1_ = Tensor(input_ids_1_, mstype.int32)
token_type_ids_1_ = token_type_ids_1[start:start + chunk_len]
token_type_ids_1_ = Tensor(token_type_ids_1_, mstype.int32)
input_mask_1_ = input_mask_1[start:start + chunk_len]
input_mask_1_ = Tensor(input_mask_1_, mstype.int32)
cls_out = onehop(input_ids_1_, token_type_ids_1_, input_mask_1_)
if start == 0:
out = cls_out
out = P.Concat(0)((out, cls_out))
start = end + 1
out = P.Squeeze(1)(out)
onehop_prob, onehop_index = P.TopK(sorted=True)(out, config.topk)
onehop_prob = P.Softmax()(onehop_prob)
sample, path_raw, last_out = data_generator.get_samples(query, onehop_index, onehop_prob)
input_ids_2, token_type_ids_2, input_mask_2 = data_generator.convert_twohop_to_features(sample)
start_2 = 0
TOTAL_2 = len(input_ids_2)
split_chunk = 8
while start_2 < TOTAL_2:
end_2 = min(start_2 + split_chunk - 1, TOTAL_2 - 1)
chunk_len = end_2 - start_2 + 1
input_ids_2_ = input_ids_2[start_2:start_2 + chunk_len]
input_ids_2_ = Tensor(input_ids_2_, mstype.int32)
token_type_ids_2_ = token_type_ids_2[start_2:start_2 + chunk_len]
token_type_ids_2_ = Tensor(token_type_ids_2_, mstype.int32)
input_mask_2_ = input_mask_2[start_2:start_2 + chunk_len]
input_mask_2_ = Tensor(input_mask_2_, mstype.int32)
cls_out = twohop(input_ids_2_, token_type_ids_2_, input_mask_2_)
if start_2 == 0:
out_2 = cls_out
out_2 = P.Concat(0)((out_2, cls_out))
start_2 = end_2 + 1
out_2 = P.Softmax()(out_2)
last_out = Tensor(last_out, mstype.float32)
out_2 = P.Mul()(out_2, last_out)
val, true_count, topk_titles = eval_output(out_2, last_out, path_raw, gold_path, val, true_count)
temp_dict['topk_titles'] = topk_titles
count += 1
print("val:", val)
print("count:", count)
print("true count:", true_count)
if count:
print("PEM:", val / count)
if true_count:
print("true top8 PEM:", val / true_count)
step += 1
save_json(output_path, config.save_path, config.save_name)
print("evaluation time (h):", (time.time() - s_tr) / 3600)
if __name__ == "__main__":
config = ThinkRetrieverConfig()