You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

663 lines
16 KiB

package backend
import (
const (
LABEL_IDENT = "ident"
LABEL_NAME = "__name__"
DEFAULT_QL = `{__name__=~".*a.*|.*e.*"}`
type commonQueryObj struct {
Idents []string
TagPairs []*vos.TagPair
Metric string
Start int64
End int64
MetricNameExact bool // metric_name精确匹配在查询看图的时候为true
From string // 调用的来源
// 为查询索引或标签相关的转换,大部分都是正则匹配
func convertToPromql(recv *commonQueryObj) string {
qlStr := ""
qlStrFinal := ""
metricName := ""
labelIdent := ""
labelStrSlice := make([]string, 0)
// 匹配metric_name __name__=~"xx.*"
if recv.Metric != "" {
if recv.MetricNameExact {
metricName = fmt.Sprintf(`__name__="%s"`, recv.Metric)
} else {
metricName = fmt.Sprintf(`__name__=~".*%s.*"`, recv.Metric)
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, metricName)
// 匹配ident=~"k1.*|k2.*"
for _, i := range recv.Idents {
if i != "" {
labelIdent += fmt.Sprintf(`.*%s.*|`, i)
labelIdent = strings.TrimRight(labelIdent, "|")
if labelIdent != "" {
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, fmt.Sprintf(`ident=~"%s"`, labelIdent))
// 匹配标签
labelM := make(map[string]string)
for _, i := range recv.TagPairs {
if i.Key == "" {
lastStr, _ := labelM[i.Key]
lastStr += fmt.Sprintf(`.*%s.*|`, i.Value)
labelM[i.Key] = lastStr
for k, v := range labelM {
thisLabel := strings.TrimRight(v, "|")
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, fmt.Sprintf(`%s=~"%s"`, k, thisLabel))
for _, s := range labelStrSlice {
qlStr += fmt.Sprintf(`%s,`, s)
qlStr = strings.TrimRight(qlStr, ",")
qlStrFinal = fmt.Sprintf(`{%s}`, qlStr)
logger.Debugf("[convertToPromql][type=queryLabel][recv:%+v][qlStrFinal:%s]", recv, qlStrFinal)
return qlStrFinal
// 查询数据的转换metrics_name和标签都是精确匹配
func convertToPromqlForQueryData(recv *commonQueryObj) string {
qlStr := ""
qlStrFinal := ""
metricName := ""
labelIdent := ""
labelStrSlice := make([]string, 0)
// 匹配metric_name __name__=~"xx.*"
if recv.Metric != "" {
metricName = fmt.Sprintf(`__name__="%s"`, recv.Metric)
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, metricName)
// 匹配ident=~"k1.*|k2.*"
for _, i := range recv.Idents {
if i != "" {
labelIdent += fmt.Sprintf(`%s|`, i)
labelIdent = strings.TrimRight(labelIdent, "|")
if labelIdent != "" {
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, fmt.Sprintf(`ident=~"%s"`, labelIdent))
// 匹配标签
labelM := make(map[string]string)
for _, i := range recv.TagPairs {
if i.Key == "" {
lastStr, _ := labelM[i.Key]
lastStr += fmt.Sprintf(`%s|`, i.Value)
labelM[i.Key] = lastStr
for k, v := range labelM {
thisLabel := strings.TrimRight(v, "|")
labelStrSlice = append(labelStrSlice, fmt.Sprintf(`%s=~"%s"`, k, thisLabel))
for _, s := range labelStrSlice {
qlStr += fmt.Sprintf(`%s,`, s)
qlStr = strings.TrimRight(qlStr, ",")
qlStrFinal = fmt.Sprintf(`{%s}`, qlStr)
logger.Debugf("[convertToPromql][type=queryData][recv:%+v][qlStrFinal:%s]", recv, qlStrFinal)
return qlStrFinal
func parseMatchersParam(matchers []string) ([][]*labels.Matcher, error) {
var matcherSets [][]*labels.Matcher
for _, s := range matchers {
matchers, err := parser.ParseMetricSelector(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
matcherSets = append(matcherSets, matchers)
for _, ms := range matcherSets {
for _, lm := range ms {
if lm != nil && !lm.Matches("") {
continue OUTER
return nil, errors.New("match[] must contain at least one non-empty matcher")
return matcherSets, nil
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryData(inputs vos.DataQueryParam) []*vos.DataQueryResp {
respD := make([]*vos.DataQueryResp, 0)
for _, input := range inputs.Params {
var qlStrFinal string
if input.PromeQl != "" {
qlStrFinal = input.PromeQl
} else {
if len(input.Idents) == 0 {
for i := range input.TagPairs {
if input.TagPairs[i].Key == "ident" {
input.Idents = append(input.Idents, input.TagPairs[i].Value)
if len(input.Idents) == 0 && input.ClasspathId != 0 {
if input.ClasspathPrefix == 0 {
classpathAndRes, exists := cache.ClasspathRes.Get(input.ClasspathId)
if exists {
input.Idents = classpathAndRes.Res
} else {
classpath, err := models.ClasspathGet("id=?", input.ClasspathId)
if err != nil {
cps, _ := models.ClasspathGetsByPrefix(classpath.Path)
for _, classpath := range cps {
classpathAndRes, exists := cache.ClasspathRes.Get(classpath.Id)
if exists {
idents := classpathAndRes.Res
input.Idents = append(input.Idents, idents...)
cj := &commonQueryObj{
Idents: input.Idents,
TagPairs: input.TagPairs,
Metric: input.Metric,
Start: inputs.Start,
End: inputs.End,
MetricNameExact: true,
qlStrFinal = convertToPromqlForQueryData(cj)
logger.Debugf("[input:%+v][qlStrFinal:%s]\n", input, qlStrFinal)
// 转化为utc时间
startT := tsToUtcTs(inputs.Start)
endT := tsToUtcTs(inputs.End)
// TODO 前端传入分辨率还是后端计算grafana和prometheus ui都是前端传入
delta := (inputs.End - inputs.Start) / 3600
if delta <= 0 {
delta = 1
resolution := time.Second * time.Duration(delta*DEFAULT_STEP)
q, err := pd.QueryEngine.NewRangeQuery(pd.Queryable, qlStrFinal, startT, endT, resolution)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][QueryData_error_may_be_parse_ql_error][args:%+v][err:%+v]", input, err)
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*30)
res := q.Exec(ctx)
// TODO 将err返回给前端
if res.Err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][rangeQuery_exec_error][args:%+v][err:%+v]", input, res.Err)
mat, ok := res.Value.(promql.Matrix)
if !ok {
logger.Errorf("[promql.Engine.exec: invalid expression type %q]", res.Value.Type())
if res.Err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][res.Matrix_error][args:%+v][err:%+v]", input, res.Err)
for index, m := range mat {
if inputs.Limit > 0 && index+1 > inputs.Limit {
tagStr := ""
oneResp := &vos.DataQueryResp{}
ident := m.Metric.Get(LABEL_IDENT)
name := m.Metric.Get(LABEL_NAME)
oneResp.Metric = name
oneResp.Ident = ident
// TODO 去掉point num
pNum := len(m.Points)
for _, p := range m.Points {
tmpP := &vos.Point{
Timestamp: p.T,
Value: vos.JsonFloat(p.V),
oneResp.Values = append(oneResp.Values, tmpP)
for _, x := range m.Metric {
if x.Name == LABEL_NAME {
tagStr += fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s,", x.Name, x.Value)
tagStr = strings.TrimRight(tagStr, ",")
oneResp.Tags = tagStr
oneResp.Resolution = delta * DEFAULT_STEP
oneResp.PNum = pNum
respD = append(respD, oneResp)
return respD
func tsToUtcTs(s int64) time.Time {
return time.Unix(s, 0).UTC()
func timeParse(ts int64) time.Time {
t := float64(ts)
s, ns := math.Modf(t)
ns = math.Round(ns*1000) / 1000
return time.Unix(int64(s), int64(ns*float64(time.Second))).UTC()
func millisecondTs(t time.Time) int64 {
return t.Unix()*1000 + int64(t.Nanosecond())/int64(time.Millisecond)
func tsToStr(timestamp int64) string {
timeNow := time.Unix(timestamp, 0)
return timeNow.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
func (pd *PromeDataSource) CommonQuerySeries(cj *commonQueryObj) storage.SeriesSet {
qlStrFinal := convertToPromql(cj)
if qlStrFinal == "{}" {
qlStrFinal = DEFAULT_QL
reqMinute := (cj.End - cj.Start) / 60
// 如果前端啥都没传要限制下查询series的时间范围防止高基础查询
if reqMinute > pd.Section.MaxFetchAllSeriesLimitMinute {
// 时间超长,用配置文件中的限制一下
now := time.Now().Unix()
cj.End = now
cj.Start = now - pd.Section.MaxFetchAllSeriesLimitMinute*60
logger.Debugf("[CommonQuerySeries.FetchAllSeries.LimitQueryTimeRange][start:%v][end:%v]", cj.Start, cj.End)
matcherSets, err := parseMatchersParam([]string{qlStrFinal})
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][parse_label_match_error][err:%+v]", err)
return nil
now := time.Now().Unix()
if cj.Start == 0 {
cj.Start = now - 60*pd.Section.MaxFetchAllSeriesLimitMinute
if cj.End == 0 {
cj.End = now
startT := millisecondTs(timeParse(cj.Start))
endT := millisecondTs(timeParse(cj.End))
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*30)
q, err := pd.Queryable.Querier(ctx, startT, endT)
if err != nil {
return nil
logger.Debugf("[CommonQuerySeries.Result][from:%s][cj.start_ts:%+v cj.start_str:%+v SelectHints.startT:%+v][cj.end_ts:%+v cj.end_str:%+v SelectHints.endT:%+v][qlStrFinal:%s][cj:%+v]",
defer q.Close()
hints := &storage.SelectHints{
Start: startT,
End: endT,
Func: "series", // There is no series function, this token is used for lookups that don't need samples.
// Get all series which match matchers.
s := q.Select(true, hints, matcherSets[0]...)
return s
// 全部转化为 {__name__="a",label_a!="b",label_b=~"d|c",label_c!~"d"}
// 对应prometheus 中的 /api/v1/labels
// TODO 等待prometheus官方对 remote_read label_values 的支持
// Implement:
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryTagKeys(recv vos.CommonTagQueryParam) *vos.TagKeyQueryResp {
// TODO 完成标签匹配模式
respD := &vos.TagKeyQueryResp{
Keys: make([]string, 0),
labelNamesSet := make(map[string]struct{})
if len(recv.Params) == 0 {
recv.Params = append(recv.Params, vos.TagPairQueryParamOne{
Idents: []string{},
Metric: "",
for _, x := range recv.Params {
cj := &commonQueryObj{
Idents: x.Idents,
TagPairs: recv.TagPairs,
Metric: x.Metric,
Start: recv.Start,
End: recv.End,
From: "QueryTagKeys",
s := pd.CommonQuerySeries(cj)
if s.Warnings() != nil {
logger.Warningf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][warning:%+v]", s.Warnings())
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][err:%+v]", err)
for s.Next() {
series := s.At()
for _, lb := range series.Labels() {
if lb.Name == LABEL_NAME {
if recv.TagKey != "" {
if !strings.Contains(lb.Name, recv.TagKey) {
labelNamesSet[lb.Name] = struct{}{}
names := make([]string, 0)
for key := range labelNamesSet {
names = append(names, key)
// 因为map中的key是无序的必须这样才能稳定输出
if recv.Limit > 0 && len(names) > recv.Limit {
names = names[:recv.Limit]
respD.Keys = names
return respD
// 对应prometheus 中的 /api/v1/label/<label_name>/values
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryTagValues(recv vos.CommonTagQueryParam) *vos.TagValueQueryResp {
labelValuesSet := make(map[string]struct{})
if len(recv.Params) == 0 {
recv.Params = append(recv.Params, vos.TagPairQueryParamOne{
Idents: []string{},
Metric: "",
for _, x := range recv.Params {
cj := &commonQueryObj{
Idents: x.Idents,
Metric: x.Metric,
TagPairs: recv.TagPairs,
Start: recv.Start,
End: recv.End,
From: "QueryTagValues",
s := pd.CommonQuerySeries(cj)
if s.Warnings() != nil {
logger.Warningf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][warning:%+v]", s.Warnings())
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][err:%+v]", err)
for s.Next() {
series := s.At()
for _, lb := range series.Labels() {
if lb.Name == recv.TagKey {
if recv.TagValue != "" {
if !strings.Contains(lb.Value, recv.TagValue) {
labelValuesSet[lb.Value] = struct{}{}
vals := make([]string, 0)
for val := range labelValuesSet {
vals = append(vals, val)
if recv.Limit > 0 && len(vals) > recv.Limit {
vals = vals[:recv.Limit]
respD := &vos.TagValueQueryResp{}
respD.Values = vals
return respD
// 对应prometheus 中的 /api/v1/label/<label_name>/values label_name == __name__
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryMetrics(recv vos.MetricQueryParam) *vos.MetricQueryResp {
cj := &commonQueryObj{
Idents: recv.Idents,
Metric: recv.Metric,
TagPairs: recv.TagPairs,
Start: recv.Start,
End: recv.End,
From: "QueryMetrics",
respD := &vos.MetricQueryResp{}
respD.Metrics = make([]string, 0)
s := pd.CommonQuerySeries(cj)
for _, x := range s.Warnings() {
logger.Warningf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][warning:%+v]\n", x.Error())
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][err:%+v]", err)
return respD
var sets []storage.SeriesSet
sets = append(sets, s)
set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, storage.ChainedSeriesMerge)
labelValuesSet := make(map[string]struct{})
//for s.Next() {
for set.Next() {
series := set.At()
for _, lb := range series.Labels() {
if lb.Name == LABEL_NAME {
labelValuesSet[lb.Value] = struct{}{}
vals := make([]string, 0)
for val := range labelValuesSet {
vals = append(vals, val)
if recv.Limit > 0 && len(vals) > recv.Limit {
vals = vals[:recv.Limit]
respD.Metrics = vals
return respD
// 对应prometheus 中的 /api/v1/series
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryTagPairs(recv vos.CommonTagQueryParam) *vos.TagPairQueryResp {
respD := &vos.TagPairQueryResp{
TagPairs: make([]string, 0),
Idents: make([]string, 0),
tps := make(map[string]struct{})
if len(recv.Params) == 0 {
recv.Params = append(recv.Params, vos.TagPairQueryParamOne{
Idents: []string{},
Metric: "",
for _, x := range recv.Params {
cj := &commonQueryObj{
Idents: x.Idents,
TagPairs: recv.TagPairs,
Metric: x.Metric,
Start: recv.Start,
End: recv.End,
From: "QueryTagPairs",
s := pd.CommonQuerySeries(cj)
if s.Warnings() != nil {
logger.Warningf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][warning:%+v]", s.Warnings())
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][series_set_iter_error][err:%+v]", err)
var sets []storage.SeriesSet
sets = append(sets, s)
set := storage.NewMergeSeriesSet(sets, storage.ChainedSeriesMerge)
labelIdents := make([]string, 0)
for set.Next() {
series := s.At()
labelsS := series.Labels()
for _, i := range labelsS {
if i.Name == LABEL_NAME {
if i.Name == LABEL_IDENT {
labelIdents = append(labelIdents, i.Value)
tps[fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", i.Name, i.Value)] = struct{}{}
newTags := make([]string, 0)
for k := range tps {
newTags = append(newTags, k)
if recv.Limit > 0 && len(newTags) > recv.Limit {
newTags = newTags[:recv.Limit]
respD.TagPairs = newTags
return respD
func (pd *PromeDataSource) QueryVector(ql string) promql.Vector {
t := time.Now()
q, err := pd.QueryEngine.NewInstantQuery(pd.Queryable, ql, t)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][new_insQuery_error][err:%+v][ql:%+v]", err, ql)
return nil
ctx := context.Background()
res := q.Exec(ctx)
if res.Err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][insQuery_exec_error][err:%+v][ql:%+v]", err, ql)
return nil
defer q.Close()
switch v := res.Value.(type) {
case promql.Vector:
return v
case promql.Scalar:
return promql.Vector{promql.Sample{
Point: promql.Point(v),
Metric: labels.Labels{},
logger.Errorf("[prome_query_error][insQuery_res_error rule result is not a vector or scalar][err:%+v][ql:%+v]", err, ql)
return nil