@ -181,4 +181,103 @@ mysql_global_variables_query_cache_size: The amount of memory allocated for cach
mysql_global_variables_table_open_cache:The number of open tables for all threads.(Gauge)
mysql_global_variables_open_files_limit:The number of file descriptors available to mysqld from the operating system.(Gauge)
# [redis_exporter]
redis_active_defrag_running:When activedefrag is enabled, this indicates whether defragmentation is currently active, and the CPU percentage it intends to utilize.
redis_allocator_active_bytes:Total bytes in the allocator active pages, this includes external-fragmentation.
redis_allocator_allocated_bytes:Total bytes allocated form the allocator, including internal-fragmentation. Normally the same as used_memory.
redis_allocator_frag_bytes:Delta between allocator_active and allocator_allocated. See note about mem_fragmentation_bytes.
redis_allocator_frag_ratio:Ratio between allocator_active and allocator_allocated. This is the true (external) fragmentation metric (not mem_fragmentation_ratio).
redis_allocator_resident_bytes:Total bytes resident (RSS) in the allocator, this includes pages that can be released to the OS (by MEMORY PURGE, or just waiting).
redis_allocator_rss_bytes:Delta between allocator_resident and allocator_active.
redis_allocator_rss_ratio:Ratio between allocator_resident and allocator_active. This usually indicates pages that the allocator can and probably will soon release back to the OS.
redis_aof_current_rewrite_duration_sec:Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any.
redis_aof_enabled:Flag indicating AOF logging is activated.
redis_aof_last_bgrewrite_status:Status of the last AOF rewrite operation.
redis_aof_last_cow_size_bytes:The size in bytes of copy-on-write memory during the last AOF rewrite operation.
redis_aof_last_rewrite_duration_sec:Duration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds.
redis_aof_last_write_status:Status of the last write operation to the AOF.
redis_aof_rewrite_in_progress:Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going.
redis_aof_rewrite_scheduled:Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
redis_blocked_clients:Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH, BLMOVE, BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX).
redis_client_recent_max_input_buffer_bytes:Biggest input buffer among current client connections.
redis_client_recent_max_output_buffer_bytes:Biggest output buffer among current client connections.
redis_cluster_enabled:Indicate Redis cluster is enabled.
redis_commands_duration_seconds_total:The total CPU time consumed by these commands.(Counter)
redis_commands_processed_total:Total number of commands processed by the server.(Counter)
redis_commands_total:The number of calls that reached command execution (not rejected).(Counter)
redis_config_maxclients:The value of the maxclients configuration directive. This is the upper limit for the sum of connected_clients, connected_slaves and cluster_connections.
redis_config_maxmemory:The value of the maxmemory configuration directive.
redis_connected_clients:Number of client connections (excluding connections from replicas).
redis_connected_slaves:Number of connected replicas.
redis_connections_received_total:Total number of connections accepted by the server.(Counter)
redis_cpu_sys_children_seconds_total:System CPU consumed by the background processes.(Counter)
redis_cpu_sys_seconds_total:System CPU consumed by the Redis server, which is the sum of system CPU consumed by all threads of the server process (main thread and background threads).(Counter)
redis_cpu_user_children_seconds_total:User CPU consumed by the background processes.(Counter)
redis_cpu_user_seconds_total:User CPU consumed by the Redis server, which is the sum of user CPU consumed by all threads of the server process (main thread and background threads).(Counter)
redis_db_keys:Total number of keys by DB.
redis_db_keys_expiring:Total number of expiring keys by DB
redis_defrag_hits:Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process.
redis_defrag_misses:Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process.
redis_defrag_key_hits:Number of keys that were actively defragmented.
redis_defrag_key_misses:Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process.
redis_evicted_keys_total:Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit.(Counter)
redis_expired_keys_total:Total number of key expiration events.(Counter)
redis_expired_stale_percentage:The percentage of keys probably expired.
redis_expired_time_cap_reached_total:The count of times that active expiry cycles have stopped early.
redis_exporter_last_scrape_connect_time_seconds:The duration(in seconds) to connect when scrape.
redis_exporter_last_scrape_duration_seconds:The last scrape duration.
redis_exporter_last_scrape_error:The last scrape error status.
redis_exporter_scrape_duration_seconds_count:Durations of scrapes by the exporter
redis_exporter_scrape_duration_seconds_sum:Durations of scrapes by the exporter
redis_exporter_scrapes_total:Current total redis scrapes.(Counter)
redis_instance_info:Information about the Redis instance.
redis_last_key_groups_scrape_duration_milliseconds:Duration of the last key group metrics scrape in milliseconds.
redis_last_slow_execution_duration_seconds:The amount of time needed for last slow execution, in seconds.
redis_latest_fork_seconds:The amount of time needed for last fork, in seconds.
redis_lazyfree_pending_objects:The number of objects waiting to be freed (as a result of calling UNLINK, or FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL with the ASYNC option).
redis_master_repl_offset:The server's current replication offset.
redis_mem_clients_normal:Memory used by normal clients.(Gauge)
redis_mem_clients_slaves:Memory used by replica clients - Starting Redis 7.0, replica buffers share memory with the replication backlog, so this field can show 0 when replicas don't trigger an increase of memory usage.
redis_mem_fragmentation_bytes:Delta between used_memory_rss and used_memory. Note that when the total fragmentation bytes is low (few megabytes), a high ratio (e.g. 1.5 and above) is not an indication of an issue.
redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio:Ratio between used_memory_rss and used_memory. Note that this doesn't only includes fragmentation, but also other process overheads (see the allocator_* metrics), and also overheads like code, shared libraries, stack, etc.
redis_memory_max_bytes:Max memory limit in bytes.
redis_memory_used_bytes:Total number of bytes allocated by Redis using its allocator (either standard libc, jemalloc, or an alternative allocator such as tcmalloc)
redis_memory_used_dataset_bytes:The size in bytes of the dataset (used_memory_overhead subtracted from used_memory)
redis_memory_used_lua_bytes:Number of bytes used by the Lua engine.
redis_memory_used_overhead_bytes:The sum in bytes of all overheads that the server allocated for managing its internal data structures.
redis_memory_used_peak_bytes:Peak memory consumed by Redis (in bytes)
redis_memory_used_rss_bytes:Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). This is the number reported by tools such as top(1) and ps(1)
redis_memory_used_scripts_bytes:Number of bytes used by cached Lua scripts
redis_memory_used_startup_bytes:Initial amount of memory consumed by Redis at startup in bytes
redis_migrate_cached_sockets_total:The number of sockets open for MIGRATE purposes