PaddlePaddle in Docker Containers
Docker container is currently the only officially-supported way to
running PaddlePaddle. This is reasonable as Docker now runs on all
major operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Please be aware that you will need to change `Dockers settings
<> `_ to make full use
of your hardware resource on Mac OS X and Windows.
Working With Docker
Docker is simple as long as we understand a few basic concepts:
- *image* : A Docker image is a pack of software. It could contain one or more programs and all their dependencies. For example, the PaddlePaddle's Docker image includes pre-built PaddlePaddle and Python and many Python packages. We can run a Docker image directly, other than installing all these software. We can type
.. code-block :: bash
docker images
to list all images in the system. We can also run
.. code-block :: bash
docker pull paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2
to download a Docker image, paddlepaddle/paddle in this example,
- *container* : considering a Docker image a program, a container is a
"process" that runs the image. Indeed, a container is exactly an
operating system process, but with a virtualized filesystem, network
port space, and other virtualized environment. We can type
.. code-block :: bash
docker run paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2
to start a container to run a Docker image, paddlepaddle/paddle in this example.
- By default docker container have an isolated file system namespace,
we can not see the files in the host file system. By using *volume* ,
mounted files in host will be visible inside docker container.
Following command will mount current dirctory into /data inside
docker container, run docker container from debian image with
command :code: `ls /data` .
.. code-block :: bash
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data debian ls /data
Usage of CPU-only and GPU Images
We package PaddlePaddle's compile environment into a Docker image,
called the develop image, it contains all compiling tools that
PaddlePaddle needs. We package compiled PaddlePaddle program into a
Docker image as well, called the production image, it contains all
runtime environment that running PaddlePaddle needs. For each version
of PaddlePaddle, we release both of them. Production image includes
CPU-only version and a CUDA GPU version and their no-AVX versions.
We put the docker images on `
<> `_. You can find the
latest versions under "tags" tab at If you are in
China, you can use our Docker image registry mirror to speed up the
download process. To use it, please replace all paddlepaddle/paddle in
the commands to
1. Production images, this image might have multiple variants:
- GPU/AVX: :code: `paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-gpu`
- GPU/no-AVX: :code: `paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-gpu-noavx`
- CPU/AVX: :code: `paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>`
- CPU/no-AVX: :code: `paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-noavx`
Please be aware that the CPU-only and the GPU images both use the
AVX instruction set, but old computers produced before 2008 do not
support AVX. The following command checks if your Linux computer
supports AVX:
.. code-block :: bash
if cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i avx; then echo Yes; else echo No; fi
To run the CPU-only image as an interactive container:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -it --rm paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2 /bin/bash
Above method work with the GPU image too -- the recommended way is
using `nvidia-docker <> `_ .
Please install nvidia-docker first following this `tutorial
Now you can run a GPU image:
.. code-block :: bash
nvidia-docker run -it --rm paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2-gpu /bin/bash
2. development image :code: `paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-dev`
This image has packed related develop tools and runtime
environment. Users and developers can use this image instead of
their own local computer to accomplish development, build,
releasing, document writing etc. While different version of paddle
may depends on different version of libraries and tools, if you
want to setup a local environment, you must pay attention to the
versions. The development image contains:
- gcc/clang
- nvcc
- Python
- sphinx
- woboq
- sshd
Many developers use servers with GPUs, they can use ssh to login to
the server and run :code: `docker exec` to enter the docker
container and start their work. Also they can start a development
docker image with SSHD service, so they can login to the container
and start work.
Train Model Using Python API
Our official docker image provides a runtime for PaddlePaddle
programs. The typical workflow will be as follows:
Create a directory as workspace:
.. code-block :: bash
mkdir ~/workspace
Edit a PaddlePaddle python program using your favourite editor
.. code-block :: bash
emacs ~/workspace/
Run the program using docker:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run --rm -v ~/workspace:/workspace paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2 python /workspace/
Or if you are using GPU for training:
.. code-block :: bash
nvidia-docker run --rm -v ~/workspace:/workspace paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2-gpu python /workspace/
Above commands will start a docker container by running :code:`python
/workspace/`. It will stop once :code:` python
/workspace/` finishes.
Another way is to tell docker to start a :code: `/bin/bash` session and
run PaddlePaddle program interactively:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -it -v ~/workspace:/workspace paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2 /bin/bash
# now we are inside docker container
cd /workspace
Running with GPU is identical:
.. code-block :: bash
nvidia-docker run -it -v ~/workspace:/workspace paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2-gpu /bin/bash
# now we are inside docker container
cd /workspace
Develop PaddlePaddle or Train Model Using C++ API
We will be using PaddlePaddle development image since it contains all
compiling tools and dependencies.
1. Build PaddlePaddle develop image
Use following command to build PaddlePaddle develop image:
.. code-block :: bash
git clone && cd Paddle
docker build -t paddle:dev .
2. Build PaddlePaddle production image
There are two steps for building production image, the first step is to run:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=OFF" -e "WITH_TEST=ON" paddle:dev
The above command will compile PaddlePaddle and create a Dockerfile for building production image. All the generated files are in the build directory. "WITH_GPU" controls if the generated production image supports GPU. "WITH_AVX" controls if the generated production image supports AVX. "WITH_TEST" controls if the unit test will be generated.
The second step is to run:
.. code-block :: bash
docker build -t paddle:prod -f build/Dockerfile ./build
The above command will generate the production image by copying the compiled PaddlePaddle program into the image.
3. Run unit test
Following command will run unit test:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/paddle paddle:dev bash -c "cd /paddle/build && ctest"
PaddlePaddle Book
The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows
you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations,
visualizations and explanatory text in a single browser.
PaddlePaddle Book is an interactive Jupyter Notebook for users and developers.
We already exposed port 8888 for this book. If you want to
dig deeper into deep learning, PaddlePaddle Book definitely is your best choice.
We provide a packaged book image, simply issue the command:
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -p 8888:8888 paddlepaddle/book
Then, you would back and paste the address into the local browser:
.. code-block :: text
That's all. Enjoy your journey!
Paddle Docker images include an HTML version of C++ source code
generated using `woboq code browser
<> `_. This makes it easy
for users to browse and understand the C++ source code.
As long as we give the Paddle Docker container a name, we can run an
additional Nginx Docker container to serve the volume from the Paddle
.. code-block :: bash
docker run -d --name paddle-cpu-doc paddle:<version>
docker run -d --volumes-from paddle-cpu-doc -p 8088:80 nginx
Then we can direct our Web browser to the HTML version of source code
at http://localhost:8088/paddle/