add deformable conv v1 op and cpu version of deformable conv v2 (#18500)
* add deformable conv v1 op, test=developexpand_as_op_1
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Part of the following code in this file refs to
// Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft
// Licensed under The Apache-2.0 License [see LICENSE for details]
// \file
// \brief
// \author Yi Li, Guodong Zhang, Jifeng Dai
#pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/blas.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
template <typename T>
__global__ void FilterGradAddupCUDAKernel(const int nthreads, const int n,
const int height, const int width,
const T* dweight_3d, T* filter_grad) {
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int offset = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for (size_t i = index; i < nthreads; i += offset) {
filter_grad[i] = filter_grad[i] + dweight_3d[i];
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Part of the following code in this file refs to
// Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft
// Licensed under The Apache-2.0 License [see LICENSE for details]
// \file
// \brief
// \author Yi Li, Guodong Zhang, Jifeng Dai
#pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/blas.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/hostdevice.h"
template <typename T>
HOSTDEVICE T DmcnGetGradientWeight(T argmax_h, T argmax_w, const int h,
const int w, const int height,
const int width) {
if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 ||
argmax_w >= width) {
return 0;
int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
T weight = 0;
weight = (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_low)
? (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w)
: weight;
weight = (h == argmax_h_low && w == argmax_w_high)
? (h + 1 - argmax_h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w)
: weight;
weight = (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_low)
? (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (w + 1 - argmax_w)
: weight;
weight = (h == argmax_h_high && w == argmax_w_high)
? (argmax_h + 1 - h) * (argmax_w + 1 - w)
: weight;
return weight;
template <typename T>
HOSTDEVICE T DmcnGetCoordinateWeight(T argmax_h, T argmax_w, const int height,
const int width, const T* im_data,
const int data_width, const int bp_dir) {
if (argmax_h <= -1 || argmax_h >= height || argmax_w <= -1 ||
argmax_w >= width) {
return 0;
int argmax_h_low = floor(argmax_h);
int argmax_w_low = floor(argmax_w);
int argmax_h_high = argmax_h_low + 1;
int argmax_w_high = argmax_w_low + 1;
T weight = 0;
if (bp_dir == 0) {
weight += (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
? -1 * (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) *
im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
? -1 * (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) *
im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
? (argmax_w_low + 1 - argmax_w) *
im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
? (argmax_w - argmax_w_low) *
im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high]
: 0;
} else if (bp_dir == 1) {
weight += (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
? -1 * (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) *
im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_low]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_low >= 0 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
? (argmax_h_low + 1 - argmax_h) *
im_data[argmax_h_low * data_width + argmax_w_high]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_low >= 0)
? -1 * (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) *
im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_low]
: 0;
weight += (argmax_h_high <= height - 1 && argmax_w_high <= width - 1)
? (argmax_h - argmax_h_low) *
im_data[argmax_h_high * data_width + argmax_w_high]
: 0;
return weight;
template <typename T>
HOSTDEVICE T DmcnIm2colBilinear(const T* bottom_data, const int data_width,
const int height, const int width, T h, T w) {
int h_low = floor(h);
int w_low = floor(w);
int h_high = h_low + 1;
int w_high = w_low + 1;
T lh = h - h_low;
T lw = w - w_low;
T hh = 1 - lh;
T hw = 1 - lw;
T v1 =
(h_low >= 0 && w_low >= 0) ? bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_low] : 0;
T v2 = (h_low >= 0 && w_high <= width - 1)
? bottom_data[h_low * data_width + w_high]
: 0;
T v3 = (h_high <= height - 1 && w_low >= 0)
? bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_low]
: 0;
T v4 = (h_high <= height - 1 && w_high <= width - 1)
? bottom_data[h_high * data_width + w_high]
: 0;
T w1 = hh * hw;
T w2 = hh * lw;
T w3 = lh * hw;
T w4 = lh * lw;
return w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import unittest
import numpy as np
import paddle.fluid.core as core
from op_test import OpTest
def dmc_bilinear(data_im, height, width, h, w):
h_low = int(np.floor(h))
w_low = int(np.floor(w))
h_high = h_low + 1
w_high = w_low + 1
lh = h - h_low
lw = w - w_low
hh = 1 - lh
hw = 1 - lw
v1 = 0
if h_low >= 0 and w_low >= 0:
v1 = data_im[h_low, w_low]
v2 = 0
if h_low >= 0 and w_high <= width - 1:
v2 = data_im[h_low, w_high]
v3 = 0
if h_high <= height - 1 and w_low >= 0:
v3 = data_im[h_high, w_low]
v4 = 0
if h_high <= height - 1 and w_high <= width - 1:
v4 = data_im[h_high, w_high]
w1, w2, w3, w4 = hh * hw, hh * lw, lh * hw, lh * lw
val = w1 * v1 + w2 * v2 + w3 * v3 + w4 * v4
return val
def dconv_im2col_gemm(input, offset, filter, group, conv_param):
in_n, in_c, in_h, in_w = input.shape
out_c, f_c, f_h, f_w = filter.shape
assert offset.shape == (in_n, 2 * f_h * f_w, in_h, in_w)
assert f_c * group == in_c
assert np.mod(out_c, group) == 0
stride, pad, dilation = conv_param['stride'], conv_param['pad'],\
out_h = 1 + (in_h + 2 * pad[0] - (dilation[0] * (f_h - 1) + 1)) // stride[0]
out_w = 1 + (in_w + 2 * pad[1] - (dilation[1] * (f_w - 1) + 1)) // stride[1]
assert out_h == in_h
assert out_w == in_w
col_buffer = np.zeros((in_n, in_c * f_h * f_w, in_h * in_w))
for n in range(in_n):
for c in range(in_c):
for h in range(out_h):
for w in range(out_w):
for kh in range(f_h):
for kw in range(f_w):
offset_h_table = \
offset[n, ::2, h, w].reshape(f_h, f_w)
offset_w_table = \
offset[n, 1::2, h, w].reshape(f_h, f_w)
offset_h = offset_h_table[kh, kw]
offset_w = offset_w_table[kh, kw]
val = 0
im_h = h * stride[0] + kh * dilation[0] \
+ offset_h - pad[0]
im_w = w * stride[0] + kw * dilation[0] \
+ offset_w - pad[1]
if im_h > -1 and im_w > -1 and \
im_h < in_h and im_w < in_h:
val = dmc_bilinear(input[n, c], in_h, in_w,
im_h, im_w)
val_out = val
col_buffer[n, c * f_h * f_w + kh * f_w + kw, h *
in_w + w] = val_out
out = np.zeros((in_n, group, int(out_c // group), out_h * out_w))
weight = filter.reshape(group, int(out_c // group), f_c * f_h * f_w)
col_buffer = col_buffer.reshape(
(in_n, group, int(in_c // group * f_h * f_w), in_h * in_w))
for n in range(in_n):
for g in range(group):
out[n, g] = np.matmul(weight[g], col_buffer[n, g])
out = out.reshape(in_n, out_c, out_h, out_w)
return out
class TestModulatedDeformableConvOp(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
self.op_type = "deformable_conv_v1"
self.dtype = np.float32
conv_param = {
'stride': self.stride,
'pad': self.pad,
'dilation': self.dilations
input = np.random.random(self.input_size).astype(self.dtype)
offset = 10 * np.random.random(self.offset_size).astype(self.dtype)
filter = np.random.random(self.filter_size).astype(self.dtype)
output = dconv_im2col_gemm(input, offset, filter, self.groups,
output = output.astype(self.dtype)
self.inputs = {
'Input': OpTest.np_dtype_to_fluid_dtype(input),
'Offset': OpTest.np_dtype_to_fluid_dtype(offset),
'Filter': OpTest.np_dtype_to_fluid_dtype(filter)
self.attrs = {
'strides': self.stride,
'paddings': self.pad,
'groups': self.groups,
'deformable_groups': self.deformable_groups,
'im2col_step': self.im2col_step,
'dilations': self.dilations,
self.outputs = {'Output': output}
def test_check_output(self):
def test_check_grad(self):
['Input', 'Offset', 'Filter'], 'Output', max_relative_error=0.05)
def test_check_grad_no_filter(self):
['Input', 'Offset'],
def init_test_case(self):
self.pad = [1, 1]
self.stride = [1, 1]
self.dilations = [1, 1]
self.input_size = [2, 4, 4, 4] # NCHW
assert np.mod(self.input_size[1], self.groups) == 0
f_c = self.input_size[1] // self.groups
self.filter_size = [4, f_c, 3, 3]
self.im2col_step = 1
self.deformable_groups = 1
offset_c = 2 * self.deformable_groups * self.filter_size[
2] * self.filter_size[3]
self.offset_size = [
self.input_size[0], offset_c, self.input_size[2], self.input_size[3]
def init_dilation(self):
self.dilations = [1, 1]
def init_group(self):
self.groups = 1
class TestWithStride(TestModulatedDeformableConvOp):
def init_test_case(self):
self.pad = [3, 3]
self.stride = [2, 2]
self.input_size = [2, 3, 5, 5] # NCHW
assert np.mod(self.input_size[1], self.groups) == 0
f_c = self.input_size[1] // self.groups
self.filter_size = [6, f_c, 3, 3]
self.im2col_step = 1
self.deformable_groups = 1
offset_c = 2 * self.deformable_groups * self.filter_size[
2] * self.filter_size[3]
self.offset_size = [
self.input_size[0], offset_c, self.input_size[2], self.input_size[3]
class TestWithDilation(TestModulatedDeformableConvOp):
def init_test_case(self):
self.pad = [2, 2]
self.stride = [1, 1]
self.input_size = [2, 3, 4, 4] # NCHW
assert np.mod(self.input_size[1], self.groups) == 0
f_c = self.input_size[1] // self.groups
self.filter_size = [6, f_c, 3, 3]
self.im2col_step = 1
self.deformable_groups = 1
offset_c = 2 * self.deformable_groups * self.filter_size[
2] * self.filter_size[3]
self.offset_size = [
self.input_size[0], offset_c, self.input_size[2], self.input_size[3]
def init_dilation(self):
self.dilations = [2, 2]
class TestWith1x1(TestModulatedDeformableConvOp):
def init_test_case(self):
self.pad = [0, 0]
self.stride = [1, 1]
self.input_size = [2, 3, 5, 5] # NCHW
assert np.mod(self.input_size[1], self.groups) == 0
f_c = self.input_size[1] // self.groups
self.filter_size = [6, f_c, 1, 1]
self.im2col_step = 1
self.deformable_groups = 1
offset_c = 2 * self.deformable_groups * self.filter_size[
2] * self.filter_size[3]
self.offset_size = [
self.input_size[0], offset_c, self.input_size[2], self.input_size[3]
class TestWithGroup(TestModulatedDeformableConvOp):
def init_group(self):
self.groups = 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in new issue