@ -180,10 +180,22 @@ def save_inference_model(dirname,
:return: None
if isinstance(feeded_var_names, basestring):
feeded_var_names = [feeded_var_names]
if not (bool(feeded_var_names) and all(
isinstance(name, basestring) for name in feeded_var_names)):
raise ValueError("'feed_var_names' should be a list of str.")
if isinstance(target_vars, Variable):
feeded_var_names = [feeded_var_names]
if not (bool(target_vars) and all(
isinstance(var, Variable) for var in target_vars)):
raise ValueError("'target_vars' should be a list of Variable.")
if main_program is None:
main_program = default_main_program()
if not isinstance(target_vars, list):
target_vars = [target_vars]
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):