@ -10018,15 +10018,16 @@ def stack(x, axis=0, name=None):
x (Variable|list(Variable)): Input :code:`x` can be a single Tensor, a :code:`list` of Tensors.
If :code:`x` is a :code:`list`, the shapes of all these Tensors
x (list(Variable)|tuple(Variable)): Input :code:`x` can be a :code:`list` or :code:`tuple` of Tensors, the shapes of all these Tensors
must be the same. Supposing input is N dims
Tensors :math:`[d_0, d_1, ..., d_{n-1}]`, the output is N+1 dims
Tensor :math:`[d_0, d_1, d_{axis-1}, len(x), d_{axis}, ..., d_{n-1}]`.
Supported data types: float32, float64, int32, int64.
axis (int, optional): The axis along which all inputs are stacked. ``axis`` range is :math:`[-(R+1), R+1)`.
R is the first tensor of inputs. If ``axis`` < 0, :math:`axis=axis+rank(x[0])+1`.
The default value of axis is 0.
axis (int, optional): The axis along which all inputs are stacked. ``axis`` range is ``[-(R+1), R+1)``,
where ``R`` is the number of dimensions of the first input tensor ``x[0]``.
If ``axis < 0``, ``axis = axis+R+1``. The default value of axis is 0.
name (str, optional): Please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`, Default None.
Variable: The stacked Tensor, has same data type with input Tensors. Output dim is :math:`rank(x[0])+1`.
@ -10044,18 +10045,27 @@ def stack(x, axis=0, name=None):
data = layers.stack([x1,x2], axis=1) # stack according to axis 1, data.shape=[None, 2, 1, 2]
# stack single Tensor
data = layers.stack(x1) # stack according to axis 0, data.shape=[1, None, 1, 2]
axis = 0 if axis is None else axis
if not isinstance(x, list) and not isinstance(x, tuple):
x = [x]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.stack(x, 'axis', axis)
if not isinstance(x, list) and not isinstance(x, tuple):
# NOTE:(zhiqiu) Only support Variable as input if the Variable is a LOD_TENSOR_ARRAY create by create_array, array_write, array_read, etc.
# In that case, Variable is array of tensors indeed.
if isinstance(x, Variable) and x.desc.type(
) == core.VarDesc.VarType.LOD_TENSOR_ARRAY:
x = [x]
raise TypeError("The type of '%s' in %s must be %s, but received %s"
% ('x', 'stack',
'list[Tensor], tuple[Tensor] or TensorArray',
helper = LayerHelper('stack', **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(x[0].dtype)
if x[0].desc.type() == core.VarDesc.VarType.LOD_TENSOR_ARRAY:
assert len(x) == 1, "If the elements of 'x' in stack are Variable(LoDTensorArray), " \