@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from .tracer import Tracer
import logging
import objgraph
from ..data_feeder import convert_dtype
import warnings
__all__ = [
'no_grad', 'no_grad_', 'grad', 'guard', 'enable_dygraph', 'disable_dygraph',
@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ def to_variable(value, name=None, zero_copy=None, dtype=None):
refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name` .
zero_copy(bool, optional): Whether to share memory with the input numpy
array. This parameter only works with CPUPlace and will be set to
True when it is None. Default: None.
True when it is None. Default: None. (Note: zero_copy is discarded temporally for some reason.)
dtype(str, optional): The desired data type of returned ``Variable`` .
Can be 'bool' , 'float16' , 'float32' , 'float64' , 'int8' , 'int16' ,
'int32' , 'int64' , 'uint8' . Default: None.
@ -665,8 +666,17 @@ def to_variable(value, name=None, zero_copy=None, dtype=None):
if isinstance(framework._current_expected_place(),
if zero_copy is None:
zero_copy = True
#TODO(zhiqiu): we found two problems when enable zero_copy on CPUPlace.
# (1): eigen requires 16-bytes alignments, but the data of numpy array may not statisfy.
# Details: https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__TopicUnalignedArrayAssert.html
# (2): when used in flask framework, it may result in hang.
# Details: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/26635
# So, we temporally diable the zero_copy strategy.
if zero_copy == True:
"Currently, zero_copy is not supported, and it will be discarded."
zero_copy = False
assert not zero_copy, "zero_copy mode can only be used with CPUPlace"