@ -13,12 +13,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/operators/math/detail/hl_activation_functions.h"
#include "paddle/platform/hostdevice.h"
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
#define INLINE __device__ inline
#define INLINE inline
#include <type_traits>
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
@ -30,12 +27,12 @@ namespace forward {
template <class T>
class lstm {
INLINE void operator()(T &valueIn, T &valueIg, T &valueFg, T &valueOg,
T &prevState, T &state, T &stateAtv, T &output,
T &checkI, T &checkF, T &checkO,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actInput,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actGate,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actState) {
HOSTDEVICE void operator()(T &valueIn, T &valueIg, T &valueFg, T &valueOg,
T &prevState, T &state, T &stateAtv, T &output,
T &checkI, T &checkF, T &checkO,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actInput,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actGate,
typename hppl::ForwardActType<T>::type actState) {
valueIn = actInput(valueIn);
valueIg = actGate(valueIg + prevState * checkI);
valueFg = actGate(valueFg + prevState * checkF);
@ -45,17 +42,19 @@ class lstm {
output = valueOg * stateAtv;
#ifndef __NVCC__
#ifndef __AVX__
#ifndef __AVX__ // If not compiled with AVX instructs. Disable AVX by default
static const bool avx = false;
static const bool avx = true;
INLINE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn, __m256 &valueIg, __m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg, __m256 &prevState, __m256 &state,
__m256 &stateAtv, __m256 &output, __m256 &checkI,
__m256 &checkF, __m256 &checkO,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actInput,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actGate,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actState) {
// Only float support AVX optimization
static const bool avx = std::is_same<T, float>::value;
HOSTDEVICE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn, __m256 &valueIg, __m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg, __m256 &prevState, __m256 &state,
__m256 &stateAtv, __m256 &output, __m256 &checkI,
__m256 &checkF, __m256 &checkO,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actInput,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actGate,
hppl::Active<__m256>::forward actState) {
valueIn = actInput(valueIn);
valueIg = actGate(_mm256_add_ps(valueIg, _mm256_mul_ps(prevState, checkI)));
valueFg = actGate(_mm256_add_ps(valueFg, _mm256_mul_ps(prevState, checkF)));
@ -76,14 +75,15 @@ namespace backward {
template <class T>
class lstm {
INLINE void operator()(T &valueIn, T &valueIg, T &valueFg, T &valueOg,
T &gradIn, T &gradIg, T &gradFg, T &gradOg,
T &prevState, T &prevStateGrad, T &state, T &stateGrad,
T &stateAtv, T &outputGrad, T &checkI, T &checkF,
T &checkO, T &checkIGrad, T &checkFGrad, T &checkOGrad,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actInput,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actGate,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actState) {
HOSTDEVICE void operator()(T &valueIn, T &valueIg, T &valueFg, T &valueOg,
T &gradIn, T &gradIg, T &gradFg, T &gradOg,
T &prevState, T &prevStateGrad, T &state,
T &stateGrad, T &stateAtv, T &outputGrad,
T &checkI, T &checkF, T &checkO, T &checkIGrad,
T &checkFGrad, T &checkOGrad,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actInput,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actGate,
typename hppl::BackwardActType<T>::type actState) {
gradOg = actGate(outputGrad * stateAtv, valueOg);
stateGrad += actState(outputGrad * valueOg, stateAtv) + gradOg * checkO;
gradIn = actInput(stateGrad * valueIg, valueIn);
@ -95,21 +95,22 @@ class lstm {
checkOGrad = gradOg * state;
#ifndef __NVCC__
#ifndef __AVX__
#ifndef __AVX__ // If not compiled with AVX instructs. Disable AVX by default
static const bool avx = false;
static const bool avx = true;
INLINE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn, __m256 &valueIg, __m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg, __m256 &gradIn, __m256 &gradIg,
__m256 &gradFg, __m256 &gradOg, __m256 &prevState,
__m256 &prevStateGrad, __m256 &state,
__m256 &stateGrad, __m256 &stateAtv,
__m256 &outputGrad, __m256 &checkI, __m256 &checkF,
__m256 &checkO, __m256 &checkIGrad, __m256 &checkFGrad,
__m256 &checkOGrad,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actInput,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actGate,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actState) {
// Only float support AVX optimization
static const bool avx = std::is_same<T, float>::value;
HOSTDEVICE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn, __m256 &valueIg, __m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg, __m256 &gradIn, __m256 &gradIg,
__m256 &gradFg, __m256 &gradOg, __m256 &prevState,
__m256 &prevStateGrad, __m256 &state,
__m256 &stateGrad, __m256 &stateAtv,
__m256 &outputGrad, __m256 &checkI, __m256 &checkF,
__m256 &checkO, __m256 &checkIGrad,
__m256 &checkFGrad, __m256 &checkOGrad,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actInput,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actGate,
hppl::Active<__m256>::backward actState) {
gradOg = actGate(_mm256_mul_ps(outputGrad, stateAtv), valueOg);
stateGrad = _mm256_add_ps(
actState(_mm256_mul_ps(outputGrad, valueOg), stateAtv), stateGrad);