design doc for go package management

wuyi05 8 years ago
parent 1a0fdb9e20
commit 60a65b5d90

@ -105,3 +105,37 @@ shared_library(api
### Implementation ### Implementation
As above example CMakeLists.txt executes, each function invocation adds "nodes" to a dependency graph. It also use this graph to generate CMake commands including `add_executable`, `add_dependencies`, `target_link_libraries`, and `add_test`. As above example CMakeLists.txt executes, each function invocation adds "nodes" to a dependency graph. It also use this graph to generate CMake commands including `add_executable`, `add_dependencies`, `target_link_libraries`, and `add_test`.
### Using Package Manager For Go
Building go binaries and libraries need to satisfy their dependencies, generally
we can do `go get ./...` to download and compile all external dependencies. The
problems are:
1. `go get` will always get the latest code from master branch, so when an external
project updated and deprecates something or made changes to their APIs, builds
may not pass. This is very different with what we already have in `cmake/external`
which download a specific version or commit id of the dependency.
1. Some locations can not access external dependencies through the internet, as mentioned
in Using package management
tools can package the dependencies as a "vendor" package, which can be mirrored
at many cloud file hosting, so users what to compile paddle by themselves can
download this "vendor" package from a mirror site.
#### Godep vs. Glide
Here's a brief comparison for current Go ecosystem: There are
also many complaints about `Godep`. A new "official" pakcage management tool has been
started: to resolve such problems, but it's currently
at Alpha stage. So the best choice now is glide obviously.
#### Manage Go Packages
- Dependencies: `go/glide.yaml` will store the dependencies and their versions which
is directly imported by paddle. `go/glide.lock` will store all dependencies recursively
with their commit id. Builds will "lock" to these packages if we don't `glide up`
- Vendor package: `go/vendor` directory will generated when running `cmake` command. `cmake`
will download the code corresponding to `go/glide.lock`. If we put a vendor folder
under `go/`, cmake will just check the commit id to the packages under the folder,
if commit id matches, there will be no download at all.
