Varible here is actually a Symbol. Every basic Symbol will correspond to one Node, and every Node has its own NodeAttr. There is a op field in NodeAttr class, when a Symbol represents Variable(often input data), the op field is null.
Varible here is actually a Symbol. Every basic Symbol will correspond to one Node, and every Node has its own AnyAttr. There is a op field in AnyAttr class, when a Symbol represents Variable(often input data), the op field is null.
Symbol contains a data member, std::vector<NodeEntry> outputs, and NodeEntry cantains a poniter to Node. We can follow the Node pointer to get all the Graph.
Symbol contains a data member, std::vector<NodeEntry> outputs, and NodeEntry cantains a poniter to Node. We can follow the Node pointer to get all the Graph.
- 例如:`Suggested Fix:If your classifier expects one-hot encoding label,check your n_classes argument to the estimatorand/or the shape of your label.Otherwise, check the shape of your label.`
##### FAQ 典型问题
1. 无报错信息或报错信息过于简单,不能给用户提供有效的提示!
问题示例1 :未写提示信息
PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasInput("X"), "");
问题示例2 :提示信息过于简单
PADDLE_ENFORCE(i != nullptr, "i must be set"); // i是什么?
2. 在报错信息中使用开发人员定义的变量缩写,不易理解!
PADDLE_ENFORCE(forward_pd != nullptr,
"Fail to find eltwise_fwd_pd in device context"); //eltwise_fwd_pd用户可能看不懂
@ -50,6 +50,33 @@ pop-up box, choose the current release branch and click "Run Build" button. You
* pypi does not allow overwrite the already uploaded version of wheel package, even if you delete the
* pypi does not allow overwrite the already uploaded version of wheel package, even if you delete the
old version. you must change the version number before upload a new one.
old version. you must change the version number before upload a new one.
### Publish wheel Packages for MacOS
You need to build the binary wheel package for MacOS before publishing, to
make sure that the package can be used by many versions of MacOS
(10.11, 10.12, 10.13) and different python installs (, homebrew, etc.),
you must build the package ***exactly*** following below steps:
Build steps:
1. install python from downloads, and make sure it's currently in use
in your system.
1. `export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11`, use `10.11` is enough for recent versions.
1. `git clone && cd Paddle && mkdir build && cd build`
1. `cmake -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_MKL=OFF -DWITH_SYSTEM_BLAS=OFF ..`, make sure the output of `cmake` command is using the correct python interpreter installed from