@ -108,7 +108,17 @@ class Node {
Name().find(ir::Node::kControlDepVarName) != std::string::npos;
Name().find(ir::Node::kControlDepVarName) != std::string::npos;
bool OpHasAttr(const std::string& name) const;
// RuntimeHasAttr is different with HasAttr now.
// 1. For Op()->HasAttr(), it judges whether a stored program_desc_ has attr,
// thus, if stored program_desc_ are old which don't have an attr, a new
// library which adds the attr already will fail on this function.
// Details:
// https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/14608#issuecomment-442309087
// 2. For Op()->RuntimeHasAttr, it judges the attr in runtime to avoid above
// problem.
// TODO(luotao): Maybe we should enhance HasAttr later, instead of adding
// RuntimeHasAttr.
bool RuntimeHasAttr(const std::string& name) const;
std::vector<Node*> inputs;
std::vector<Node*> inputs;
std::vector<Node*> outputs;
std::vector<Node*> outputs;