@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.multiprocess_utils import CleanupFuncRegistrar
from . tracer import Tracer
import logging
import objgraph
from . . data_feeder import convert_dtype
__all__ = [
' no_grad ' ,
@ -539,28 +540,34 @@ def grad(outputs,
def to_variable ( value , name = None , zero_copy = None ):
def to_variable ( value , name = None , zero_copy = None , dtype = None ):
: api_attr : imperative
The API will create a ` ` Variable ` ` or ` ` ComplexVariable ` ` object from
numpy \. ndarray , Variable or ComplexVariable object .
tuple , list , numpy \. ndarray , Variable or ComplexVariable object .
Parameters :
value ( ndarray | Variable | Tensor | ComplexVariable ) : The numpy \. ndarray , Variable
Tensor or ComplexVariable object that needs to be converted , it can be
multi- dimension , and t he data type is one of numpy \. { float16 ,
float32, float64 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , complex64 ,
complex128} .
value ( tuple | list | ndarray | Variable | Tensor | ComplexVariable ) : Initial data .
Can be a list , tuple , NumPy ndarray , Variable , Tensor , ComplexVariable .
The shape can be multi - dimensional . T he data type is one of
numpy\. { float16 , float32, float64 , int16 , int32 , int64 ,
uint8, uint16 , complex64 , complex128} .
name ( str , optional ) : The default value is None . Normally there is no
need for user to set this property . For more information , please
refer to : ref : ` api_guide_Name ` .
zero_copy ( bool , optional ) : Whether to share memory with the input numpy
array . This parameter only works with CPUPlace and will be set to
True when it is None . Default : None .
dtype ( str , optional ) : The desired data type of returned ` ` Variable ` ` .
Can be ' bool ' , ' float16 ' , ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' , ' int8 ' , ' int16 ' ,
' int32 ' , ' int64 ' , ' uint8 ' . Default : None .
Returns :
Variable or ComplexVariable : If ` ` value ` ` is a numpy \. ndarray object , return ` ` Tensor ` ` created from the specified numpy \. ndarray object , which has same data type and shape with ` ` value ` ` . If ` ` value ` ` is a Variable or ComplexVariable object , just return ` ` value ` ` .
Variable or ComplexVariable : If ` ` value ` ` is a tuple / list / numpy \. ndarray object ,
return ` ` Tensor ` ` created from the corresponding numpy \. ndarray object , which has
same data type and shape with ` ` value ` ` . If ` ` value ` ` is a Variable or ComplexVariable
object , just return ` ` value ` ` .
Examples :
@ -582,17 +589,41 @@ def to_variable(value, name=None, zero_copy=None):
z = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( c )
z . numpy ( ) # array([2.+1.j, 2.+0.j])
z . dtype # 'complex128'
y = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( [ [ 0.1 , 1.2 ] , [ 2.2 , 3.1 ] , [ 4.9 , 5.2 ] ] )
y . shape # [3L, 2L]
y = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( ( ( 0.1 , 1.2 ) , ( 2.2 , 3.1 ) , ( 4.9 , 5.2 ) ) , dtype = ' int32 ' )
y . shape # [3L, 2L]
if isinstance ( value , np . ndarray ) :
assert framework . in_dygraph_mode (
) , " to_variable could only be called in dygraph mode "
support_type = ( list , tuple , np . ndarray , core . VarBase , framework . Variable ,
framework . ComplexVariable , core . Tensor , core . LoDTensor )
if not isinstance ( value , support_type ) :
raise TypeError (
" The type of ' value ' in fluid.dygraph.to_variable must be %s , but received %s . "
% ( support_type , type ( value ) ) )
if isinstance ( value , ( core . VarBase , framework . Variable ,
framework . ComplexVariable ) ) :
return value
elif isinstance ( value , ( core . Tensor , core . LoDTensor ) ) :
return core . VarBase ( value )
else :
if isinstance ( framework . _current_expected_place ( ) ,
framework . core . CPUPlace ) :
if zero_copy is None :
zero_copy = True
else :
assert not zero_copy , " zero_copy mode can only be used with CPUPlace "
zero_copy = False
if not isinstance ( value , np . ndarray ) :
value = np . array ( value )
if dtype is not None :
dtype = convert_dtype ( dtype )
if value . dtype != dtype :
value = value . astype ( dtype )
if np . iscomplexobj ( value ) :
if not name :
name = framework . unique_name . generate ( ' _generated_var ' )
@ -617,12 +648,3 @@ def to_variable(value, name=None, zero_copy=None):
zero_copy = zero_copy ,
name = name if name else ' ' )
return py_var
elif isinstance ( value , ( core . VarBase , framework . Variable ,
framework . ComplexVariable ) ) :
return value
elif isinstance ( value , ( core . Tensor , core . LoDTensor ) ) :
return core . VarBase ( value )
else :
raise TypeError (
" The type of input value is invalid, expected type is ' ndarray ' , "
" ' Variable ' or ' ComplexVariable ' , but received %s . " % type ( value ) )