@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ option(REPLACE_ENFORCE_GLOG "Replace PADDLE_ENFORCE with glog/CHECK for better d
option(WITH_ANAKIN "Compile with Anakin library" OFF)
option(WITH_ANAKIN "Compile with Anakin library" OFF)
option(WITH_GRPC "Use grpc as the default rpc framework" ${WITH_DISTRIBUTE})
option(WITH_GRPC "Use grpc as the default rpc framework" ${WITH_DISTRIBUTE})
option(WITH_BRPC_RDMA "Use brpc rdma as the rpc protocal" OFF)
option(WITH_BRPC_RDMA "Use brpc rdma as the rpc protocal" OFF)
option(WITH_INFERENCE "Compile fluid inference library" ON)
option(WITH_SYSTEM_BLAS "Use system blas library" OFF)
option(WITH_SYSTEM_BLAS "Use system blas library" OFF)
option(PY_VERSION "Compile PaddlePaddle with python3 support" ${PY_VERSION})
option(PY_VERSION "Compile PaddlePaddle with python3 support" ${PY_VERSION})