@ -14,40 +14,24 @@
import collections
import re
from paddle.trainer_config_helpers.default_decorators import wrap_name_default
import paddle.trainer_config_helpers as conf_helps
from topology import Topology
class LayerType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
method_name = attrs.get('METHOD_NAME', None)
if method_name is not None:
method = getattr(conf_helps, method_name)
if method.__doc__ is not None:
mapper = attrs.get("__map_docstr__", None)
if mapper is not None:
attrs['__doc__'] = LayerType.__map_docstr__(
attrs['__doc__'] = LayerType.__map_docstr__(
method.__doc__, method_name=method_name, name=name)
return super(LayerType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
def __map_docstr__(doc, name, method_name):
__layer_map__ = {}
def __map_docstr__(doc, name):
if doc is None:
return doc
assert isinstance(doc, basestring)
# replace LayerOutput to paddle.v2.config_base.Layer
doc = doc.replace("LayerOutput", "paddle.v2.config_base.Layer")
doc = doc.replace('ParameterAttribute',
doc = doc.replace('ParameterAttribute', 'paddle.v2.attr.ParameterAttribute')
doc = re.sub(r'ExtraLayerAttribute[^\s]?',
'paddle.v2.attr.ExtraAttribute', doc)
doc = re.sub(r'ExtraLayerAttribute[^\s]?', 'paddle.v2.attr.ExtraAttribute',
# xxx_layer to xxx
doc = re.sub(r"(?P<name>[a-z]+)_layer", r"\g<name>", doc)
@ -56,164 +40,29 @@ class LayerType(type):
doc = re.sub(r"(?P<name>[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)Activation",
r"paddle.v2.Activation.\g<name>", doc)
# xxx_evaluator to paddle.v2.evaluator.xxx
doc = re.sub(r"(?P<name>[a-z]+)_evaluator", r"evaluator.\g<name>", doc)
# TODO(yuyang18): Add more rules if needed.
return doc
class Layer(object):
__metaclass__ = LayerType
def __init__(self, name=None, parent_layers=None):
assert isinstance(parent_layers, dict)
self.name = name
self.__context__ = {}
self.__parent_layers__ = parent_layers
# some layer may have some extra parent layer
self.__extra_parent__ = []
# used for evaluator.
self.__children_layers__ = []
def extra_parent(self):
return self.__extra_parent__
def append_extra_parent(self, parent):
def append_child(self, layer, parent_names):
self.__children_layers__.append((layer, parent_names))
def to_proto(self, context):
function to set proto attribute
self.__context__ = context
# STEP: short cut if this layer is parsed before.
if self.context_name() in context:
if self.use_context_name():
return context[self.context_name()]
return context[self.name]
# STEP: parse extra_parent that is not used by this layer but must
# be parsed before this layer.
for p in self.__extra_parent__:
# STEP: parse parent that is used by this layer, get the result and
# insert into kwargs of the next layer's to_proto_impl method.
kwargs = dict()
for layer_name in self.__parent_layers__:
if not isinstance(self.__parent_layers__[layer_name],
v1_layer = self.__parent_layers__[layer_name].to_proto(
v1_layer = map(lambda x: x.to_proto(context=context),
kwargs[layer_name] = v1_layer
# STEP: parse myself and add myself into context.
ret_val = self.to_proto_impl(**kwargs)
if self.context_name() is not None \
and self.context_name() not in context:
context[self.context_name()] = ret_val
# STEP: parse children that should be pased after this layer.
for layer, pnames in self.__children_layers__:
drop = False
# child will only be parsed if all parents are in context.
for pname in pnames:
if pname not in context:
drop = True
if drop:
# STEP: return v1 layer result
if self.context_name() is None:
return ret_val
elif self.use_context_name():
return context[self.context_name()]
return context[self.name]
def to_proto_impl(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
def context_name(self):
Context name means the context which stores `to_proto_impl` result.
If multiple layer share same context_name, the `to_proto_impl` of them
will be invoked only once.
return self.name
def use_context_name(self):
return False
def calculate_size(self):
lazy calculate size of the layer, should be called when to_proto_impl of
this layer is called.
return self.__context__[self.context_name()].size
def attr(self):
topo = Topology(self)
return topo.get_layer_proto(self.name)
def __convert_to_v2__(method_name,
if is_default_name:
wrapper = wrap_name_default(name_prefix=method_name)
wrapper = None
class V2LayerImpl(Layer):
METHOD_NAME = method_name
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
parent_layers = dict()
other_kwargs = dict()
for pname in parent_names:
if pname in kwargs:
parent_layers[pname] = kwargs[pname]
if attach_parent:
pnames = [x.context_name() for x in parent_layers.values()]
for pname in parent_layers:
layers = kwargs[pname]
if not isinstance(layers, collections.Sequence):
layers = [layers]
for layer in layers:
layer.append_child(self, pnames)
for key in kwargs.keys():
if key not in parent_names:
other_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
name = kwargs.get('name', None)
super(V2LayerImpl, self).__init__(name, parent_layers)
self.__other_kwargs__ = other_kwargs
if wrapper is not None:
__init__ = wrapper(__init__)
def to_proto_impl(self, **kwargs):
args = dict()
for each in kwargs:
args[each] = kwargs[each]
for each in self.__other_kwargs__:
args[each] = self.__other_kwargs__[each]
return getattr(conf_helps, method_name)(**args)
return V2LayerImpl
def __convert_to_v2__(f, name, module):
def wrapped(*args, **xargs):
out = f(*args, **xargs)
outs = out
if not isinstance(out, collections.Sequence):
outs = [out]
for l in outs:
if isinstance(l, conf_helps.LayerOutput):
__layer_map__[l.full_name] = l
return out
wrapped.__doc__ = __map_docstr__(f.__doc__, name)
wrapped.__name__ = name
wrapped.__module__ = module
return wrapped
Layer = conf_helps.LayerOutput