Merge branch 'develop' of into add-NormOp

guosheng 8 years ago
commit b12988f008

@ -31,6 +31,3 @@
- id: go-fmt
- go
- id: gometalinter
- go

@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ if (WITH_C_API AND WITH_PYTHON)
"different Python interpreter from compiling.")
include(external/mklml) # download mklml package

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
GIT_TAG "master"
GIT_TAG 4e79cb69b9425f5f8c3a84be4350d4ab75b5fd9d

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
# change this back to the official Github repo once my PR is
# merged.
GIT_TAG 986964c07427ecb9cdb5bd73f73ebbd40e54dadb
@ -45,11 +46,11 @@ ExternalProject_Add(

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
DEPENDS gflags
GIT_TAG v0.3.5
@ -43,12 +44,12 @@ ExternalProject_Add(

@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ IF(WITH_TESTING)

@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ FUNCTION(build_protobuf TARGET_NAME BUILD_FOR_HOST)

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
GIT_TAG b63a0644654a3e0ed624c85a1767bc8193aead09
@ -48,9 +49,9 @@ ExternalProject_Add(

@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
LIST(APPEND external_project_dependencies zlib)

@ -125,3 +125,8 @@ simple_attention
:members: simple_attention
.. automodule:: paddle.v2.networks
:members: dot_product_attention

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class SymbolTable {
// TODO determine whether name is generated by python or C++.
// Currently assume that a unique name will be generated by C++ if the
// argument name is left default.
VarDesc* NewVar(const string& name="");
VarDesc* Var(const string& name="");
// find a VarDesc by name, if recursive is true, find parent's SymbolTable
// recursively.

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Executor Design Doc
## Motivation
We use executor to do the runtime evaluation of a `ProgramDesc`.
## Overview
An executor takes a `ProgramDesc`, a `block_id` and a `Scope`. The `ProgramDesc` is a list of blocks and each block contains the protobuf definition of all the parameters and operators. The `block_id` specifies the entrance block. And the `Scope` is the container of all the variable instance, which is persistent throughout different runs.
### What does executor do?
It evaluates all the operators in the `block_id`th block of a `ProgramDesc`.
### What does executor NOT do?
It does not do runtime optimization, meaning intelligently parse the dependency of each op a choose which one to be run and in which order they should be run.
It does not do graph partitioning, meaning dividing the `ProgramDesc` into several small pieces and executing them on different devices.
## Implementation
`Executor` evaluates a `ProgramDesc`. Essentially, it instantiates Variables and Operators, then run all the operators in sequence. [[code]](

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Design Doc: InferVarType
## The Problem Posed
The variable in our design can hold variant types. Such as `LoDTensor` and `SelectedRows`. An operator should be able to inference the variable types of its output.
For example, a `lookup table` operator takes two `LoDTensor`; one is a float tensor as the embedding table, the other is an int tensor as word ID. The gradient operator of `lookup table` will generate a `SelectedRows` as its output. A `sum` operator can take both `LoDTensor` and `SelectedRows` as its inputs and will generate a `LoDTensor` if any of its inputs is `LoDTensor`, otherwise, the `sum` operator will generate `SelectedRows` as its output.
The variable type will be constant at runtime. Every variable's type can either be set by the user (input data and parameter) or be inferred by the operator in compile time.
## Proposed Solution
The `InferVarType` is a compile-time function which is registered to each operator. The inferface of that function is:
using InferVarTypeFN = std::function<
void (const OpDescBind& /*op_desc*/, BlockDescBind* /*block*/)>;
It takes an operator description as its input and will write the output variable type and store them in block description.
The `InferVarTypeFN` will be registered in `OpInfo`, to replace `infer_var_type_` field. The `OpInfo` should be
struct OpInfo {
InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_;
The default `InferVarType` will set output type as `LoDTensor`. It can be done by `GetInferVarType()`.
void DefaultInferVarType(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) {
// set the output type of variable as `LoDTensor`.
// ...
struct OpInfo {
InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_;
InferVarTypeFN GetInferVarType() const {
if (infer_var_type_) {
return infer_var_type_;
} else {
return DefaultInferVarType;
## Register InferVarType
We provide a thin base class for registering an `InferVarTypeFN`. To use a base class will ease the implementation of registry since we can detect the registry entry is an `InferVarTypeFN` or not.
class VarTypeInferer {
virtual void operator()(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) const = 0;
Operator developers can write the specialize `VarTypeInferer` as follow.
class SpecialVarTypeInferer : public VarTypeInferer {
virtual void operator()(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) const {
// .. own logic
Then user can register the `InferVarType` just like `GradOpDescMaker` and `OpInfoMaker`.
REGISTER_OPERATOR(some_op, OpType, SpecialVarTypeInferer, ...);

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Prune
## Motivation
We want to support running inference, training and checkpointing in one `ProgramDesc`. We implement
`void Prune(const ProgramDesc* input, ProgramDesc* output)` function, which takes a `ProgramDesc`
and generate a pruned `ProgramDesc`.
## Challenge
Pruning need to support both variables and operators being evaluation targets. Consider the following
different situations.
# Case 1: run foward pass.
cost_np =
# Case 2: run backward passing.
opts_np, _ =[cost, opt])
# Case 3: run checkpointing
_ =
## Solution
To support evaluation of operators, we add `is_target` field in the `OpDesc`.
message OpDesc {
required string type = 3;
repeated Var inputs = 1;
repeated Var outputs = 2;
repeated Attr attrs = 4;
optional bool is_target = 5 [ default = false ];
To support evaluation of variables, we add [fetch_op](
For each variable in the `target`, we insert a `fetch_op` into the `ProgramDesc` with `variable` being
`fetch_op`'s input. Then we also set `fetch_op` is a target.
### Algorithm
If an operator needs to be run, it must fall into one of the following cases:
1. It is the target.
2. It is depended by some other ops, meaning its output is some other op's input.
The first case can be checked by `op_desc.is_traget()` . The second case can be implement as
bool HasDependentVar(const OpDesc& op_desc, const std::set<string>& dependent_vars) {
for (auto& var : op_desc.outputs()) {
for (auto& argu : var.arguments()) {
if (dependent_vars.count(argu) != 0) {
return true;
return false;
Then the whole algorithm can be implemented as the following [code](

@ -179,40 +179,104 @@ init_attr={
`optimize_op_attrs` is not in the `VarDesc` message, but kept in the Python instance, as it will be used in the Python space when creating the optimize operator's `OpDesc`, and will be in the `OpDesc` message.
## Layer Functions
## Layer Function
A layer is a Python function that creates some operators and variables. Layers simplify the work of application programmers.
A layer is a Python function that creates some operators and variables. Layers simplify the work of application programmers.
### Data Layer
Layer functions take `Variable` and configuration parameters as its input and return the output variable(s).
For example, `FullyConnected` take one or more variable as its input. The input could be input data or another layer's output. There are many configuration options for a `FullyConnected` layer, such as layer size, activation, parameter names, initialization strategies of parameters, and so on. The `FullyConnected` layer will return an output variable.
### Necessity for reusing code between layer functions
There are a lot of code that can be reused. Such as
* Give the default value of configuration. e.g., default initialize strategy for parameters is uniform random with `min = -1.0`, `max = 1.0`. and default initialize strategy for bias is to fill zero.
* Append the activation operator.
* Create a temporary variable.
* Create parameter.
* Generate a unique name.
* Add a bias.
* ...
A mechanism to reuse code between layer functions is necessary. It will be around [150 lines of code]( if we write a `FullyConnected` layer without any helper functions.
### Comparision between global functions and helper class
The `FullyConnected` layer will be as follow when we provide global functions:
def data_layer(name, type, column_name):
block = the_current_program.glolal_block()
var = block.create_global_var(
shape=[None] + type.dims(),
inputs = None,
outputs = [var],
{column_name: column_name})
return var
def fc_layer(input, size, param_attr=None, bias_attr=None, act=None, name=None):
if name is None:
name = unique_name("fc")
input = multiple_input(input)
param_attr = default_param_attr(param_attr)
param_attr = multiple_param_attr(param_attr, len(input))
# mul
mul_results = []
for ipt, attr in zip(input, param_attr):
shape = ipt.shape[1:] + [size]
w = g_program.global_block().create_parameter(shape, ipt.dtype, name, attr)
tmp = create_tmp_var(name)
g_program.current_block().append_op("mul", {ipt, w}, {tmp})
# add sum
# add bias
# add activation
return out
The input to the feed operator is a special variable in the global scope, which is the output of [Python readers](
We can provide many helpers functions for layer developers. However, there are several disadvantages for global helper functions:
1. We need a namespace for these methods, then layer developers can quickly figure out what method they can use.
2. Global functions will force layer developers to pass its parameter time by time.
So we provide a helper class, `LayerHelper`, to share code between layer functions. The `FullyConnected` Layer will be as follow.
def fc_layer(input, size, param_attr=None, bias_attr=None, act=None, name=None):
helper = LayerHelper(locals()) # pass all parameter to LayerHelper
mul_results = []
for ipt, param in helper.iter_multiple_input_and_param():
w = helper.create_parameter(shape=ipt.shape[1:] + [size], dtype = ipt.dtype)
tmp = helper.create_tmp_variable()
helper.append_op('mul', {ipt, w}, {tmp})
pre_bias = helper.add_sum(mul_results)
pre_activation = helper.add_bias(pre_bias)
return helper.add_activation(pre_activation)
We not only use the fewer lines of code to write `fc_layer` but also make the code clearer to understand. At the same time, layer developers can figure out what function they can invoke by typing `helper.` in a python editor.
### Implementation of layer helper
### FC Layer
We just keep all parameters of a layer function as a dictionary in layer helper as a private data member. Every method of layer helper will look up the dictionary after it is invoked. In that way, we can implement a layer helper for all layer functions even some layer does not contain some operator. For example, The `activation` is used by the FullyConnected layer or convolution layers, but a cross-entropy layer does not use it. The example code of `add_activation` are:
def fc_layer(input, size, ...):
block = program.current_block()
w = block.create_parameter(...)
b = block.create_parameter(...)
out = block.create_var()
op = block.append_operator("FC", X=input, W=w, b=b, out=out)
out.writer = op
return out
class LayerHelper(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # kwargs is short for `keyword arguments`
self.kwargs = kwargs
def add_activation(self, input_var):
act = self.kwargs.get("act", None) # default value is None
if act is None: # do nothing if no act
return input_var
tmp = self.create_tmp_var(self)
self.append_op(type=act, input=input_var, output=tmp)
return tmp
## Optimizer

@ -177,9 +177,6 @@ REGISTER_OP(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class, grad_op_type, grad_op_class)
REGISTER_OP_WITHOUT_GRADIENT(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class)
### USE Macros
Make sure the registration process is executed and linked.
# Registration Process
1. Write an Op class and its gradient Op class, if required.
@ -188,8 +185,6 @@ Make sure the registration process is executed and linked.
1. Call maker class to complete `proto` and `checker`
2. Using the completed `proto` and `checker`, it will add a new key-value pair to the `OpInfoMap`
4. Invoke the `USE` macro in which the Op is used to make sure that it is linked.
# Backward Module (1/2)
### Create Backward Operator

@ -3,15 +3,17 @@
## The Problem Posed
In our current operator registration mechanism, for each operator, the programmer should register a *gradient operator creator* function, which takes a C++ operator instance, and returns the corresponding gradient instance.
Currently, for each C++ operator class definition, a *gradient operator creator* function is registered, which takes as input a C++ operator instance and returns the corresponding gradient operator instance.
However, as we decided to separate the *compilation* and *execution* of DL models, we need to reshape the creator to take a protobuf `OpDesc` message, and returns a corresponding message.
However, we noticed two problems with the current design:
More than that, the new registration mechanism need to support the fact that an operators' gradient computation might be a composition of operators.
1. As we decided to separate the *compilation* and the *execution* phases, we need to change the creator to take an `OpDesc` protobuf message in a `ProgramDesc` and inserts corresponding `OpDesc` messages into the `ProgramDesc` message.
## Current Implementation
1. For some operators, the gradient computation can be written in terms of existing operators. For example, the gradient of *minus* operator consists of two operators -- an *identity* operator followed by a *scale* operator. Hence the registration mechanism needs to support mapping from an operator to a set of operators for the gradient computation.
OpInfos store in a association map which key is the operator type. The `grad_op_type` indicate associated gradient operator type. Operator can create gradient operator by `OpInfo::creator_` of gradient. The pseudo code is
## The Current Implementation
Instances of the C++ class `OpInfo` are stored an associative map whose key is the operator type. The `grad_op_type` indicates the associated gradient operator type. An operator can create the gradient operator by invoking `OpInfo::creator_` of the gradient operator. The pseudo code is as follows
struct OpInfo {
@ -29,16 +31,16 @@ OperatorBase* CreateGradientOperator(const OperatorBase& op) {
## Proposed Solution
The mapping relationship between an operator and its gradient operators is a function. The interface of that function is:
The mapping relationship between an operator and its gradient operators is a function. The interface of this function is:
// (OpDesc) --> vector<OpDesc>
std::function<std::vector<OpDescBind>(const OpDescBind&)>;
The function takes an `OpDescBind` of the forward operator and returns one or many gradient operator descriptions. `OpDescBind` is a C++ wrapper for protobuf message `OpDesc` to manipulate `OpDesc` fast.
The function takes an `OpDescBind` of the forward operator and returns one or many gradient operator descriptions. `OpDescBind` is a C++ wrapper for the protobuf message `OpDesc` for rapid manipulation of `OpDesc`.
The `GradOpDescMaker` will be registered in `OpInfo`, to replace `grad_op_type_` field. The `OpInfo` should be
The `GradOpDescMaker` will be registered in `OpInfo` and will replace the `grad_op_type_` field. The `OpInfo` should look like
struct OpInfo {
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ struct OpInfo {
The `grad_op_maker_ ` is `nullptr` if the operator does not have associated gradient operators.
The `grad_op_maker_ ` is a `nullptr` if the operator does not have any associated gradient operators.
We propose a base class called `GradOpDescMakerBase` to let operator developers generate `Gradient Operators` easily. The public interface of that class is
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ func = [] (const OpDescBind& fwd_op) {
We can write many helper functions since the `GradOpDescMakerBase` is a class now. The basic helper functions get the variables of `Input`, `Output`, `InputGradient` and `OutputGradient` in the forwarding operator.
We should chagne register macros at the same time. In the current solution, there is no difference between forwarding operators and backward operators. So `REGISTER_OP` just register one operator. If the `REGISTER_OPERATOR ` contains `OpProtoAndCheckerMaker` and `GradOpDescMaker`, we just list them in the same macro. It can be done by a macro contains `__VA_ARGS__`.
We should change register macros at the same time. In the current solution, there is no difference between forwarding operators and backward operators. So `REGISTER_OP` just register one operator. If the `REGISTER_OPERATOR ` contains `OpProtoAndCheckerMaker` and `GradOpDescMaker`, we just list them in the same macro. It can be done by a macro contains `__VA_ARGS__`.
The user interface should be

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Regularization in PaddlePaddle
## Introduction to Regularization
A central problem in machine learning is how to design an algorithm that will perform well not just on the training data, but also on new data. Many strategies are used by machine learning practitioners to reduce the test error, possibly at the expense of increased training error. These strategies are collectively known as **regularization**.
### Parameter Norm Penalties
Most common regularization approaches in deep learning are based on limiting the capacity of the models by adding a parameter norm penalty to the objective function `J`. This is given as follows:
<img src="./images/loss_equation.png" align="center"/><br/>
The parameter `alpha` is a hyperparameter that weights the relative contribution of the norm penalty term, `omega`, relative to the standard objective function `J`.
The most commonly used norm penalties are the L2 norm penalty and the L1 norm penalty. These are given as follows:
##### L2 Regularization:
<img src="./images/l2_regularization.png" align="center"/><br/>
##### L1 Regularization
<img src="./images/l1_regularization.png" align="center"/><br/>
A much more detailed mathematical background of reguilarization can be found [here](
## How to do Regularization in PaddlePaddle
On surveying existing frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch, Caffe, etc, it can be seen that there are 2 common approaches of doing regularization:
1. Making regularization a part of the optimizer using an attribute like `weight_decay` that is used to control the scale of the L2 Penalty. This approach is used in PyTorch as follows:
opt = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=0.2, weight_decay=0.2)
At every optimization step, this code will add the gradient of the L2 Norm of the params to the gradient of the params with respect to the loss function. This can seen in the following code snippet:
if weight_decay != 0:
This is a very restyrictive way of doing regularization and does not give the users enough flexibility.
- It is easy to implement for us.
- Faster execution of backward. However, it can be done manually by advanced users too.
- Not flexible for other regularizations such as L1/L0 regularization.
- Does not allow for different regularization coefficient for different parameters. For example, in most models, ony the weight matrices are regularized and the bias vectors are unregularized.
- Tightly coupled optimizer and regularization implementation.
2. Adding regularization ops to the graph through Python API. This approach is used by Tensorflow and Caffe. Using this approach, we manually add regularization ops to the graph and then add the regularization loss to the final loss function before sending them to the optimizer.
- Allows for greater flexibility to the users of Paddle. Using this approach, the users can put different regularization to different parameters and also choose parameters that are not a part of regularization.
- Makes it easy for the users to customize and extend the framework.
- Implementation requires comprehensive design and time.
## Proposal for Regularization in PaddlePaddle
### Low-Level implementation
In the new design, we propose to create new operations for regularization. For now, we can add 2 ops thgat correspond to the most frequently used regularizations:
- L2_regularization_op
- L1_regularization_op
These ops can be like any other ops with their own CPU/GPU implementations either using Eigen or separate Cpu and GPU kernels. As the initial implementation, we can implement their kernels using Eigen following the abstraction pattern implemented for [Activation Ops]( This abstraction pattern can make it very easy to implement new regularization schemes. other than L1 and L2 norm penalties.
The idea of building ops for regularization is in sync with the refactored Paddle philosophy of using operators to represent any computation unit. The way these ops will be added to the computation graph, will be decided by the [layer functions]( in Python API.
### Computation Graph
Below is an example of a really simple feed forward neural network.
<img src="./images/feed_forward.png" align="center"/><br/>
The Python API will modify this computation graph to add regularization operators. The modified computation graph will look as follows:
<img src="./images/feed_forward_regularized.png" align="center"/><br/>
### Python API implementation for Regularization
Using the low level ops, `L2_regularization_op` and `L1_regularization_op`, any user can add regularization to their computation graphs. However, this will require a lot of lines of code and we should design Python APIs that support regularization. An example of such an API can be seen in [Keras]( As per the PaddlePaddle [Python API design](, the layer functions are responsible for creating operators, operator parameters and variables. Since regularization is a property of parameters, it makes sense to create these in the layer functions.
#### Creation of Regularization ops
There are two possibilities for creating the regularization ops:
1. We create these ops immediately while building the computation graph.
2. We add these ops in a lazy manner, just before the backward, similar to the way the optimization ops are added.
The proposal is to add these ops in a lazy manner just before the backward pass.
#### Storage of Regularization attributes
Since we want to create the regularization ops in a lazy manner, the regularization attributes (type of regularization and weight of regularization penalty) can be stored as attributes of the [`Parameter`]( class. This is because regularization is a property of the parameters and storing regularization properties with Parameters also allows for shared parameters.
#### High-level API
In PaddlePaddle Python API, users will primarily rely on [layer functions]( to create neural network layers. Hence, we lso need to provide regularization functionality in layer functions. The design of these APIs can be postponed for later right now. A good reference for these APIs can be found in [Keras]( and also by looking at Tensorflow in [`tf.contrib.layers`](

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Scope is an association of a name to variable. All variables belong to `Scope`.
class Scope {
Variable* NewVar(const std::string& name);
Variable* Var(const std::string& name);
const Variable* FindVar(const std::string& name) const;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Scope {
Variable* FindVar(const std::string& name) const;
// return if already contains same name variable.
Variable* NewVar(const std::string& name);
Variable* Var(const std::string& name);
std::shared_ptr<Scope> parent_;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Scope {
## Only scope can create a variable
To ensure `only scope can create a variable`, we should mark `Variable`'s constructor as a private member function, and Scope is a friend class of Variable. And then only `NewVar` can construct `Variable`.
To ensure `only scope can create a variable`, we should mark `Variable`'s constructor as a private member function, and Scope is a friend class of Variable. And then only `Var` can construct `Variable`.
## When scope destroyed, all variables inside this scope should be destroyed together
@ -121,4 +121,4 @@ Also, as the parent scope is a `shared_ptr`, we can only `Create()` a scope shar
## Orthogonal interface
`FindVar` will return `nullptr` when `name` is not found. It can be used as `Contains` method. `NewVar` will return an `Error` when there is a name conflict locally. Combine `FindVar` and `NewVar`, we can implement `NewVar` easily.
`FindVar` will return `nullptr` when `name` is not found. It can be used as `Contains` method. `Var` will return an `Error` when there is a name conflict locally. Combine `FindVar` and `Var`, we can implement `Var` easily.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
