@ -12,22 +12,161 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#pragma once
#include "paddle/memory/detail/buddy_allocator.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace memory {
namespace detail {
BuddyAllocator::BuddyAllocator(size_t pool_size, size_t max_pools,
SystemAllocator* system_allocator)
: pool_size_(pool_size),
system_allocator_(system_allocator) {
PADDLE_ASSERT(pool_size > 0);
PADDLE_ASSERT(max_pools > 0);
BuddyAllocator::BuddyAllocator(SystemAllocator* system_allocator,
size_t min_chunk_size, size_t max_chunk_size) {
PADDLE_ASSERT(min_chunk_size > 0);
PADDLE_ASSERT(max_chunk_size > 0);
PADDLE_ASSERT(system_allocator != nullptr);
system_allocator_ = std::move(system_allocator);
min_chunk_size_ = min_chunk_size;
max_chunk_size_ = max_chunk_size;
inline size_t align(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
size_t remaining = size % alignment;
return remaining == 0 ? size : size + (alignment - remaining);
void* BuddyAllocator::Alloc(size_t unaligned_size) {
// adjust allocation alignment
size_t size = align(unaligned_size + sizeof(Metadata), min_chunk_size_);
// acquire the allocator lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
DLOG(INFO) << "Allocate " << unaligned_size << " bytes from chunk size "
<< size;
// if the allocation is huge, send directly to the system allocator
if (size > max_chunk_size_) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Allocate from system allocator.";
return SystemAlloc(size);
// query and allocate from the existing chunk
auto it = FindExistChunk(size);
// refill the pool if failure
if (it == pool_.end()) {
it = RefillPool();
} else {
DLOG(INFO) << " Allocation from existing memory block " << std::get<2>(*it)
<< " at address "
<< reinterpret_cast<MemoryBlock*>(std::get<2>(*it))->data();
// if still failure, fail fatally
if (it == pool_.end()) {
return nullptr;
total_used_ += size;
total_free_ -= size;
// split the allocation and return data for use
return reinterpret_cast<MemoryBlock*>(SplitToAlloc(it, size))->data();
void* BuddyAllocator::SystemAlloc(size_t size) {
size_t index = 0;
void* p = system_allocator_->Alloc(index, size);
DLOG(INFO) << "Allocated " << p << " from system allocator.";
if (p == nullptr) return nullptr;
static_cast<MemoryBlock*>(p)->init(cache_, MemoryBlock::HUGE_CHUNK, index,
size, nullptr, nullptr);
return static_cast<MemoryBlock*>(p)->data();
BuddyAllocator::PoolSet::iterator BuddyAllocator::RefillPool() {
if (system_allocator_->UseGpu()) {
if ((total_used_ + total_free_) == 0) {
// Compute the maximum allocation size for the first allocation.
max_chunk_size_ = platform::GpuMaxChunkSize();
// Allocate a new maximum sized block
size_t index = 0;
void* p = system_allocator_->Alloc(index, max_chunk_size_);
if (p == nullptr) return pool_.end();
DLOG(INFO) << " Creating and inserting new block " << p
<< " from system allocator";
static_cast<MemoryBlock*>(p)->init(cache_, MemoryBlock::FREE_CHUNK, index,
max_chunk_size_, nullptr, nullptr);
total_free_ += max_chunk_size_;
// dump the block into pool
return pool_.insert({index, max_chunk_size_, p}).first;
BuddyAllocator::PoolSet::iterator BuddyAllocator::FindExistChunk(size_t size) {
size_t index = 0;
while (1) {
auto it = pool_.lower_bound({index, size, nullptr});
if (it == pool_.end()) return it;
if (std::get<0>(*it) > index) {
if (std::get<1>(*it) >= size) {
return it;
index = std::get<0>(*it);
return it;
void* BuddyAllocator::SplitToAlloc(BuddyAllocator::PoolSet::iterator it,
size_t size) {
auto block = static_cast<MemoryBlock*>(std::get<2>(*it));
DLOG(INFO) << " Split block (" << block << ", " << block->total_size(cache_)
<< ") into";
block->split(cache_, size);
DLOG(INFO) << " Left block (" << block << ", " << block->total_size(cache_)
<< ")";
block->set_type(cache_, MemoryBlock::ARENA_CHUNK);
// the rest of memory if exist
if (block->has_right_buddy(cache_)) {
if (block->right_buddy(cache_)->type(cache_) == MemoryBlock::FREE_CHUNK) {
DLOG(INFO) << " Insert right block (" << block->right_buddy(cache_)
<< ", " << block->right_buddy(cache_)->total_size(cache_)
<< ")";
return block;
} // namespace detail