@ -718,6 +718,54 @@ void BindImperative(py::module *m_ptr) {
print("After clear_gradient {}".format(loss.grad))
[](std::shared_ptr<imperative::VarBase> &self) {
const auto &tensor = self->Var().Get<framework::LoDTensor>();
tensor.IsInitialized(), true,
"%s has not been initialized", self->Name()));
auto tracer = imperative::GetCurrentTracer();
auto new_var = std::make_shared<imperative::VarBase>(
true, tracer->GenerateUniqueName(self->Name() + "_clone"));
framework::AttributeMap attrs;
imperative::NameVarBaseMap ins = {{"X", {self}}};
imperative::NameVarBaseMap outs = {{"Out", {new_var}}};
tracer->TraceOp("assign", ins, outs, attrs);
return new_var;
py::return_value_policy::copy, R"DOC(
Returns a new Tensor, which is clone of origin Tensor, and it remains in the current graph.
It will always have a Tensor copy.
Tn addition, the cloned Tensor provides gradient propagation.
Returns: The cloned Tensor.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
x = paddle.to_tensor(1.0, stop_gradient=False)
clone_x = x.clone()
y = clone_x**2
print(clone_x.stop_gradient) # False
print(clone_x.grad) # [2.0], support gradient propagation
print(x.stop_gradient) # False
print(x.grad) # [2.0], clone_x support gradient propagation for x
x = paddle.to_tensor(1.0)
clone_x = x.clone()
clone_x.stop_gradient = False
z = clone_x**3
print(clone_x.stop_gradient) # False
print(clone_x.grad) # [3.0], support gradient propagation
print(x.stop_gradient) # True
print(x.grad) # None
[](imperative::VarBase &self, const imperative::Tracer &tracer,
bool retain_graph) {