* add ci approvals for dygraph optest, test=develop
* Add error message, test=develop, test=document_fix
* Increase the number of approves of CI check for dygraph optest, test=develop, test=document_fix
* add ci approvals for dygraph optest, test=develop
* polish code style, test=develop, test=document_fix
* remove ci-check trigger example, test=develop, test=document_fix
echo_line="Developers are not allowed to set the check_dygraph field directly, which is set to True by default. If you need to change the check_dygraph field, you must have one RD (phlrain (Recommend) or lanxianghit) review and approve. \nThe code that do not meet the specification are as follows:\n${ALL_OPTEST_BAN_DYGRAPH_MESSAGE}\n"