@ -86,8 +86,130 @@ private:
real scale_;
template <>
void CosSimBackward<DEVICE_TYPE_CPU>(const CpuMatrix* out_grad,
const CpuMatrix* out_val,
const CpuMatrix* in1_val,
const CpuMatrix* in2_val,
CpuMatrix* in1_grad,
CpuMatrix* in2_grad,
real scale) {
CHECK(out_grad && out_val && in1_val && in2_val && in1_grad && in2_grad);
CHECK_EQ(out_val->useGpu_, false) << "Matrix type are GPU, CPU required";
const real* grad = out_grad->getData();
const real* out = out_val->getData();
const real* prev_out_x = in1_val->getData();
const real* prev_out_y = in2_val->getData();
real* prev_grad_x = in1_grad->getData();
real* prev_grad_y = in2_grad->getData();
size_t num_samples = out_grad->getHeight();
size_t dim = in1_val->getWidth();
CHECK_EQ(in2_val->getHeight(), in2_grad->getHeight());
CHECK(in2_val->getHeight() == 1LU || in2_val->getHeight() == num_samples);
size_t inc = (in2_val->getHeight() == 1LU) ? 0 : dim;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i,
prev_out_x += dim,
prev_out_y += inc,
prev_grad_x += dim,
prev_grad_y += inc) {
real square_sum_x = 0;
real square_sum_y = 0;
real xy = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
square_sum_x += prev_out_x[j] * prev_out_x[j];
square_sum_y += prev_out_y[j] * prev_out_y[j];
xy += prev_out_x[j] * prev_out_y[j];
CHECK(square_sum_x > 0 && square_sum_y > 0);
if (xy == 0) {
real reciprocal =
1.0f / (std::sqrt(square_sum_x) * std::sqrt(square_sum_y));
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
prev_grad_x[j] += scale * grad[i] * prev_out_y[j] * reciprocal;
prev_grad_y[j] += scale * grad[i] * prev_out_x[j] * reciprocal;
} else {
real reciprocal_xy = 1.0f / xy;
real reciprocal_square_sum_x = 1.0f / square_sum_x;
real reciprocal_square_sum_y = 1.0f / square_sum_y;
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
prev_grad_x[j] +=
out[i] * grad[i] * (prev_out_y[j] * reciprocal_xy -
prev_out_x[j] * reciprocal_square_sum_x);
prev_grad_y[j] +=
out[i] * grad[i] * (prev_out_x[j] * reciprocal_xy -
prev_out_y[j] * reciprocal_square_sum_y);
* \param inputs[0] output value 1, size: nSamples * 1.
* \param inputs[1] input value 1, size: nSamples * dim.
* \param inputs[2] input value 2, size: n2 * dim (n2 == 1 or n2 == nSamples).
* \param inputs[3] input grad 1, size: nSamples * dim.
* \param inputs[4] input grad 2, size: n2 * dim (n2 == 1 or n2 == nSamples).
* \param outputs[0] output grad, size : nSamples * 1.
template <DeviceType Device>
class CosSimBackwardFunc : public FunctionBase {
void init(const FuncConfig& config) override {
scale_ = config.get<real>("scale");
void calc(const Arguments& inputs,
const Arguments& outputs,
const Arguments& inouts) override {
CHECK_EQ(inputs.size(), 5);
CHECK_EQ(outputs.size(), 1);
CHECK_EQ(inouts.size(), 0);
/// dim of out_grad and out_val == 1, column vector
CHECK_EQ(outputs[0].dims_[1], 1UL);
CHECK_EQ(inputs[0].dims_[1], 1UL);
/// nSamples of out_grad == out_val == in_val1 == in_grad1
CHECK_EQ(inputs[0].dims_[0], outputs[0].dims_[0]);
CHECK_EQ(inputs[1].dims_[0], outputs[0].dims_[0]);
CHECK_EQ(inputs[3].dims_[0], outputs[0].dims_[0]);
/// dim of in1_val1 == in_val2 == in_grad1 == in_grad2
CHECK_EQ(inputs[2].dims_[1], inputs[1].dims_[1]);
CHECK_EQ(inputs[3].dims_[1], inputs[1].dims_[1]);
CHECK_EQ(inputs[4].dims_[1], inputs[1].dims_[1]);
CHECK(outputs[0].getData() && inputs[0].getData() && inputs[1].getData() &&
inputs[2].getData() && inputs[3].getData() && inputs[4].getData());
const auto out_grad = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
outputs[0].getData(), outputs[0].dims_[0], outputs[0].dims_[1]);
const auto out_val = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
inputs[0].getData(), inputs[0].dims_[0], inputs[0].dims_[1]);
const auto in1_val = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
inputs[1].getData(), inputs[1].dims_[0], inputs[1].dims_[1]);
const auto in2_val = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
inputs[2].getData(), inputs[2].dims_[0], inputs[2].dims_[1]);
auto in1_grad = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
inputs[3].getData(), inputs[3].dims_[0], inputs[3].dims_[1]);
auto in2_grad = std::make_shared<typename MatrixT<Device>::type>(
inputs[4].getData(), inputs[4].dims_[0], inputs[4].dims_[1]);
real scale_;
REGISTER_TYPED_FUNC(CosSimForward, CPU, CosSimForwardFunc);
REGISTER_TYPED_FUNC(CosSimBackward, CPU, CosSimBackwardFunc);
REGISTER_TYPED_FUNC(CosSimForward, GPU, CosSimForwardFunc);
REGISTER_TYPED_FUNC(CosSimBackward, GPU, CosSimBackwardFunc);
} // namespace paddle