@ -29,10 +29,9 @@ import numbers
import logging
import logging
__all__ = [
__all__ = [
' Conv2D ' , ' Conv3D ' , ' Pool2D ' , ' FC ' , ' Linear ' , ' BatchNorm ' , ' Embedding ' ,
' Conv2D ' , ' Conv3D ' , ' Pool2D ' , ' Linear ' , ' BatchNorm ' , ' Embedding ' , ' GRUUnit ' ,
' GRUUnit ' , ' LayerNorm ' , ' NCE ' , ' PRelu ' , ' BilinearTensorProduct ' ,
' LayerNorm ' , ' NCE ' , ' PRelu ' , ' BilinearTensorProduct ' , ' Conv2DTranspose ' ,
' Conv2DTranspose ' , ' Conv3DTranspose ' , ' GroupNorm ' , ' SpectralNorm ' ,
' Conv3DTranspose ' , ' GroupNorm ' , ' SpectralNorm ' , ' TreeConv '
' TreeConv '
@ -865,7 +864,7 @@ class Linear(layers.Layer):
where : math : ` X ` is the input Tensor , : math : ` W ` and : math : ` b ` are weight and bias respectively .
where : math : ` X ` is the input Tensor , : math : ` W ` and : math : ` b ` are weight and bias respectively .
Different from FC layer , Linear layer takes only one ` ` Tensor ` ` input .
Linear layer takes only one ` ` Tensor ` ` input .
The Linear layer multiplies input tensor with weight matrix and
The Linear layer multiplies input tensor with weight matrix and
produces an output Tensor of shape [ N , * , ` output_dim ` ] ,
produces an output Tensor of shape [ N , * , ` output_dim ` ] ,
where N is batch size and ` * ` means any number of additional dimensions .
where N is batch size and ` * ` means any number of additional dimensions .
@ -959,221 +958,6 @@ class Linear(layers.Layer):
return self . _helper . append_activation ( pre_activation , act = self . _act )
return self . _helper . append_activation ( pre_activation , act = self . _act )
class FC ( layers . Layer ) :
This interface is used to construct a callable object of the ` ` FC ` ` class .
For more details , refer to code examples .
It creates a fully connected layer in the network . It can take
one or multiple ` ` Tensor ` ` as its inputs . It creates a Variable called weights for each input tensor ,
which represents a fully connected weight matrix from each input unit to
each output unit . The fully connected layer multiplies each input tensor
with its corresponding weight to produce an output Tensor with shape [ N , ` size ` ] ,
where N is batch size . If multiple input tensors are given , the results of
multiple output tensors with shape [ N , ` size ` ] will be summed up . If ` ` bias_attr ` `
is not None , a bias variable will be created and added to the output .
Finally , if ` ` act ` ` is not None , it will be applied to the output as well .
When the input is single ` ` Tensor ` ` :
. . math : :
Out = Act ( { XW + b } )
When the input are multiple ` ` Tensor ` ` :
. . math : :
Out = Act ( { \sum_ { i = 0 } ^ { N - 1 } X_iW_i + b } )
In the above equation :
* : math : ` N ` : Number of the input . N equals to len ( input ) if input is list of ` ` Tensor ` ` .
* : math : ` X_i ` : The i - th input ` ` Tensor ` ` .
* : math : ` W_i ` : The i - th weights matrix corresponding i - th input tensor .
* : math : ` b ` : The bias parameter created by this layer ( if needed ) .
* : math : ` Act ` : The activation function .
* : math : ` Out ` : The output ` ` Tensor ` ` .
See below for an example .
. . code - block : : text
Given :
data_1 . data = [ [ [ 0.1 , 0.2 ] ] ]
data_1 . shape = ( 1 , 1 , 2 ) # 1 is batch_size
data_2 . data = [ [ [ 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 ] ] ]
data_2 . shape = ( 1 , 1 , 3 ) # 1 is batch_size
fc = FC ( " fc " , 2 , num_flatten_dims = 2 )
out = fc ( input = [ data_1 , data_2 ] )
Then :
out . data = [ [ [ 0.182996 - 0.474117 ] ] ]
out . shape = ( 1 , 1 , 2 )
Parameters :
name_scope ( str ) : The name of this class .
size ( int ) : The number of output units in this layer .
num_flatten_dims ( int , optional ) : The fc layer can accept an input tensor with more than
two dimensions . If this happens , the multi - dimension tensor will first be flattened
into a 2 - dimensional matrix . The parameter ` num_flatten_dims ` determines how the input
tensor is flattened : the first ` num_flatten_dims ` ( inclusive , index starts from 1 )
dimensions will be flatten to form the first dimension of the final matrix ( height of
the matrix ) , and the rest ` rank ( X ) - num_flatten_dims ` dimensions are flattened to
form the second dimension of the final matrix ( width of the matrix ) . For example , suppose
` X ` is a 5 - dimensional tensor with a shape [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] , and ` num_flatten_dims ` = 3.
Then , the flattened matrix will have a shape [ 2 x 3 x 4 , 5 x 6 ] = [ 24 , 30 ] . Default : 1
param_attr ( ParamAttr or list of ParamAttr , optional ) : The parameter attribute for learnable
weights ( Parameter ) of this layer . Default : None .
bias_attr ( ParamAttr or list of ParamAttr , optional ) : The attribute for the bias
of this layer . If it is set to False , no bias will be added to the output units .
If it is set to None , the bias is initialized zero . Default : None .
act ( str , optional ) : Activation to be applied to the output of this layer . Default : None .
is_test ( bool , optional ) : A flag indicating whether execution is in test phase . Default : False .
dtype ( str , optional ) : Dtype used for weight , it can be " float32 " or " float64 " . Default : " float32 " .
Attribute :
* * weight * * ( list of Parameter ) : the learnable weights of this layer .
* * bias * * ( Parameter or None ) : the learnable bias of this layer .
Returns :
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . base import to_variable
import paddle . fluid as fluid
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import FC
import numpy as np
data = np . random . uniform ( - 1 , 1 , [ 30 , 10 , 32 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
fc = FC ( " fc " , 64 , num_flatten_dims = 2 )
data = to_variable ( data )
conv = fc ( data )
def __init__ ( self ,
name_scope ,
size ,
num_flatten_dims = 1 ,
param_attr = None ,
bias_attr = None ,
act = None ,
is_test = False ,
dtype = " float32 " ) :
super ( FC , self ) . __init__ ( name_scope , dtype )
self . _size = size
self . _num_flatten_dims = num_flatten_dims
self . _dtype = dtype
self . _param_attr = param_attr
self . _bias_attr = bias_attr
self . _act = act
self . __w = list ( )
def _build_once ( self , input ) :
i = 0
for inp , param in self . _helper . iter_inputs_and_params ( input ,
self . _param_attr ) :
input_shape = inp . shape
param_shape = [
reduce ( lambda a , b : a * b , input_shape [ self . _num_flatten_dims : ] ,
1 )
] + [ self . _size ]
self . __w . append (
self . add_parameter (
' _w %d ' % i ,
self . create_parameter (
attr = param ,
shape = param_shape ,
dtype = self . _dtype ,
is_bias = False ) ) )
i + = 1
size = list ( [ self . _size ] )
self . _b = self . create_parameter (
attr = self . _bias_attr , shape = size , dtype = self . _dtype , is_bias = True )
# TODO(songyouwei): We should remove _w property
def _w ( self , i = 0 ) :
return self . __w [ i ]
def _w ( self , value , i = 0 ) :
assert isinstance ( self . __w [ i ] , Variable )
self . __w [ i ] . set_value ( value )
def weight ( self ) :
if len ( self . __w ) > 1 :
return self . __w
else :
return self . __w [ 0 ]
def weight ( self , value ) :
if len ( self . __w ) == 1 :
self . __w [ 0 ] = value
def bias ( self ) :
return self . _b
def bias ( self , value ) :
self . _b = value
def forward ( self , input ) :
mul_results = list ( )
i = 0
for inp , param in self . _helper . iter_inputs_and_params ( input ,
self . _param_attr ) :
tmp = self . _helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( self . _dtype )
self . _helper . append_op (
type = " mul " ,
inputs = { " X " : inp ,
" Y " : self . __w [ i ] } ,
outputs = { " Out " : tmp } ,
attrs = {
" x_num_col_dims " : self . _num_flatten_dims ,
" y_num_col_dims " : 1
} )
i + = 1
mul_results . append ( tmp )
if len ( mul_results ) == 1 :
pre_bias = mul_results [ 0 ]
else :
pre_bias = self . _helper . create_variable_for_type_inference (
self . _dtype )
self . _helper . append_op (
type = " sum " ,
inputs = { " X " : mul_results } ,
outputs = { " Out " : pre_bias } ,
attrs = { " use_mkldnn " : False } )
if self . _b :
pre_activation = self . _helper . create_variable_for_type_inference (
dtype = self . _dtype )
self . _helper . append_op (
type = ' elementwise_add ' ,
inputs = { ' X ' : [ pre_bias ] ,
' Y ' : [ self . _b ] } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ pre_activation ] } ,
attrs = { ' axis ' : self . _num_flatten_dims } )
else :
pre_activation = pre_bias
# Currently, we don't support inplace in dygraph mode
return self . _helper . append_activation ( pre_activation , act = self . _act )
class BatchNorm ( layers . Layer ) :
class BatchNorm ( layers . Layer ) :
This interface is used to construct a callable object of the ` ` BatchNorm ` ` class .
This interface is used to construct a callable object of the ` ` BatchNorm ` ` class .