@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Then at the :code:`process` function, each :code:`yield` function will return th
yield src_ids, trg_ids, trg_ids_next
For more details description of how to write a data provider, please refer to :doc:`Python Data Provider <../py_data_provider_wrapper>`. The full data provider file is located at :code:`demo/seqToseq/dataprovider.py`.
For more details description of how to write a data provider, please refer to `PyDataProvider2 <../../ui/data_provider/index.html>`_. The full data provider file is located at :code:`demo/seqToseq/dataprovider.py`.
Configure Recurrent Neural Network Architecture
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ We will use the sequence to sequence model with attention as an example to demon
In this model, the source sequence :math:`S = \{s_1, \dots, s_T\}` is encoded with a bidirectional gated recurrent neural networks. The hidden states of the bidirectional gated recurrent neural network :math:`H_S = \{H_1, \dots, H_T\}` is called *encoder vector* The decoder is a gated recurrent neural network. When decoding each token :math:`y_t`, the gated recurrent neural network generates a set of weights :math:`W_S^t = \{W_1^t, \dots, W_T^t\}`, which are used to compute a weighted sum of the encoder vector. The weighted sum of the encoder vector is utilized to condition the generation of the token :math:`y_t`.
The encoder part of the model is listed below. It calls :code:`grumemory` to represent gated recurrent neural network. It is the recommended way of using recurrent neural network if the network architecture is simple, because it is faster than :code:`recurrent_group`. We have implemented most of the commonly used recurrent neural network architectures, you can refer to :doc:`Layers <../trainer_config_helpers/layers>` for more details.
The encoder part of the model is listed below. It calls :code:`grumemory` to represent gated recurrent neural network. It is the recommended way of using recurrent neural network if the network architecture is simple, because it is faster than :code:`recurrent_group`. We have implemented most of the commonly used recurrent neural network architectures, you can refer to `Layers <../../ui/api/trainer_config_helpers/layers_index.html>`_ for more details.
We also project the encoder vector to :code:`decoder_size` dimensional space, get the first instance of the backward recurrent network, and project it to :code:`decoder_size` dimensional space:
@ -143,11 +143,15 @@ The decoder uses :code:`recurrent_group` to define the recurrent neural network.
The implementation of the step function is listed as below. First, it defines the **memory** of the decoder network. Then it defines attention, gated recurrent unit step function, and the output function:
@ -205,22 +203,23 @@ After training the model, we can use it to generate sequences. A common practice
* use :code:`GeneratedInput` for trg_embedding. :code:`GeneratedInput` computes the embedding of the generated token at the last time step for the input at the current time step.
* use :code:`beam_search` function. This function needs to set:
- :code:`id_input`: the integer ID of the data, used to identify the corresponding output in the generated files.
- :code:`dict_file`: the dictionary file for converting word id to word.
- :code:`bos_id`: the start token. Every sentence starts with the start token.
- :code:`eos_id`: the end token. Every sentence ends with the end token.
- :code:`beam_size`: the beam size used in beam search.
- :code:`max_length`: the maximum length of the generated sentences.
* use :code:`seqtext_printer_evaluator` to print text according to index matrix and dictionary. This function needs to set:
- :code:`id_input`: the integer ID of the data, used to identify the corresponding output in the generated files.
- :code:`dict_file`: the dictionary file for converting word id to word.
- :code:`result_file`: the path of the generation result file.
# In generation, decoder predicts a next target word based on
# the encoded source sequence and the last generated target word.
# The encoded source sequence (encoder's output) must be specified by
@ -231,21 +230,22 @@ The code is listed below:
beam_gen = beam_search(name=decoder_group_name,
bos_id=0, # Beginnning token.
eos_id=1, # End of sentence token.
id_input=data_layer(name="sent_id", size=1),
Notice that this generation technique is only useful for decoder like generation process. If you are working on sequence tagging tasks, please refer to :doc:`Semantic Role Labeling Demo <../../../demo/semantic_role_labeling>` for more details.
Notice that this generation technique is only useful for decoder like generation process. If you are working on sequence tagging tasks, please refer to `Semantic Role Labeling Demo <../../demo/semantic_role_labeling/index.html>`_ for more details.
The full configuration file is located at :code:`demo/seqToseq/seqToseq_net.py`.
PaddlePaddle provides some pre-compiled binary, including Docker images, ubuntu deb packages. It is welcomed to contributed more installation package of different linux distribution (such as ubuntu, centos, debian, gentoo and so on). We recommend to use Docker images to deploy PaddlePaddle.
## Docker installation
Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
### PaddlePaddle Docker images
There are six Docker images:
- paddledev/paddle:cpu-latest: PaddlePaddle CPU binary image.
- paddledev/paddle:cpu-devel-latest: PaddlePaddle CPU binary image plus source code.
- paddledev/paddle:gpu-devel-latest: PaddlePaddle GPU binary image plus source code.
- paddledev/paddle:cpu-demo-latest: PaddlePaddle CPU binary image plus source code and demo
- paddledev/paddle:gpu-demo-latest: PaddlePaddle GPU binary image plus source code and demo
Tags with latest will be replaced by a released version.
### Download and Run Docker images
You have to install Docker in your machine which has linux kernel version 3.10+ first. You can refer to the official guide https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ for further information.
You can use ```docker pull ```to download images first, or just launch a container with ```docker run```:
docker run -it paddledev/paddle:cpu-latest
If you want to launch container with GPU support, you need to set some environment variables at the same time:
Since Docker is based on the lightweight virtual containers, the CPU computing performance maintains well. And GPU driver and equipments are all mapped to the container, so the GPU computing performance would not be seriously affected.
If you use high performance nic, such as RDMA(RoCE 40GbE or IB 56GbE), Ethernet(10GbE), it is recommended to use config "-net = host".
#### Remote access
If you want to enable ssh access background, you need to build an image by yourself. Please refer to official guide https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/ for further information.
Following is a simple Dockerfile with ssh:
FROM paddledev/paddle
MAINTAINER PaddlePaddle dev team <paddle-dev@baidu.com>
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN echo 'root:root' | chpasswd
RUN sed -ri 's/^PermitRootLogin\s+.*/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RUN sed -ri 's/UsePAM yes/#UsePAM yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
Then you can build an image with Dockerfile and launch a container:
# cd into Dockerfile directory
docker build . -t paddle_ssh
# run container, and map host machine port 8022 to container port 22
docker run -d -p 8022:22 --name paddle_ssh_machine paddle_ssh
Now, you can ssh on port 8022 to access the container, username is root, password is also root:
ssh -p 8022 root@YOUR_HOST_MACHINE
You can stop and delete the container as following:
After downloading PaddlePaddle deb packages, you can run:
dpkg -i paddle-0.8.0b-cpu.deb
apt-get install -f
And if you use GPU version deb package, you need to install CUDA toolkit and cuDNN, and set related environment variables(such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH) first. It is normal when `dpkg -i` get errors. `apt-get install -f` will continue install paddle, and install dependences.
PaddlePaddle package only supports x86 CPU with AVX instructions. If not, you have to download and build from source code.
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