* HIP cmake.
Enable whole archieve build for pybind library.
Disable two warning.
Rollback to C++11.
Link RCCL to WA gpu kernel loading issue.
Update eigen to fix build failure.
Add more include directories.
Fix O3 build failure.
Update eigen.
fix tensor_util_test segment fault issue
add more macro check in hip.cmake.
we may consider refine hip.cmake to inherit all add_definitions() in parrent scope, in the future.
Fix rocRAND load.
Update eigen to fix gru_unit_op and reduce_op.
Add HIP support to testing.
Update eigen to support int16 and int8 in arg min and arg max.
* add rocprim as cub library used by nv implementation
* Reduce build time in rocprim.
* Add rocprim introduction, remove useless cmake code.
* Remove useless flags and format cmake file.
* add recordio support
* disable the openblas multi-thread on windows since no support
adjust the python script
* code style
* code style
* add create_recordio_file_reader back
* fix code style
* fix the gtest.cmake on windows
* fix cc_test on windows
* fix the win build
* remove fused compile support on windows
* add the jit support
* add the jit support, test=develop
* add the jit support, test=develop
* add the jit back
fix compile error on windows
* rollback test=develop
* test case fix
* disable DSO by default on windows
* exclude warpctc_op on windows
* exclude the dynload_warpctc out on windows
* fix the scripts error
* disable avx on windows by default
* re-organize the cmake file
* disable mkl on windows by default
* add warp_ctc back
* fix the dependency
* fix the dependency
* fix the build issue on windows
* remove unsupported flag on windows
* code style
* code style
* fix issue
* add profiler, parallel_executor back
* clean up the pre-definitions on windows
* fix build issue
* test=develop
* memory init
* add env
* refine anounce
* Add check for Nan
* Debug
* Add env for cc_test
* Add env for py_test and nv_test
* Remove py_test env
* Add env for py_test
* serial test_recognize_digits
* Test FLAGS_init_allocated_mem function for unit test
* Init allocated mem for op unit test
* Add env for all unit test
* Add USE_OP of all operators and kernels and remove ARCHIVE_START/END in CMakeLists.txt of inference unittests.
* Remove ARCHIVE_START/END when linking inference shared library.
* Disable some fluid related cmake operations for cross-compiling.
1. Add option WITH_AMD_GPU.
2. Add cmake/hip.cmake for HIP toolchain.
3. Some external module such as eigen may need HIP port.
4. Add macro hip_library/hip_binary/hip_test to cmake/generic.cmake.
5. Add one HIP source concat.hip.cu as an example. Each .cu may have its corresponding .hip.cu.