14 KiB
Distributed Training on Kubernetes
We introduced how to create a PaddlePaddle Job with a single node on Kuberentes in the previous document. In this article, we will introduce how to create a PaddlePaddle job with multiple nodes on Kubernetes cluster.
Overall Architecture
Before creating a training job, the users need to slice the training data and deploy the Python scripts along with it into the distributed file system (We can use the different type of Kuberentes Volumes to mount different distributed file systems). Before training starts, The program will copy the training data into the Container and also save the models at the same path during training. The global architecture is as follows:
The above figure describes a distributed training architecture which contains 3 nodes, each Pod mounts a folder of the distributed file system to save training data and models by Kubernetes Volume. Kubernetes created 3 Pods for this training phase and scheduled these on 3 nodes, each Pod has a PaddlePaddle container. After the containers car created, PaddlePaddle starts up the communication between PServer and Trainer and read training data for this training job.
As the description above, we can start up a PaddlePaddle distributed training job on a Kubernetes ready cluster with the following steps:
- [Build PaddlePaddle Docker Image](#Build a Docker Image)
- [Split training data and upload to the distributed file system](#Upload Training Data)
- [Edit a YAML file and create a Kubernetes Job](#Create a Job)
- [Check the output](#Check The Output)
We will introduce these steps as follows:
Build a Docker Image
Training docker image needs to package the paddle pserver and paddle trainer runtimes, as well as two more processes before we can kick off the training:
- Copying the training data into container.
- Generating the initialization arguments for
Paddle PServer
andPaddle Training
Since the paddlepaddle official docker image already has the runtimes we need, we'll take it as the base image and pack some additional scripts for the processes mentioned above to build our training image. for more detail, please find from the following link:
- https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/howto/usage/cluster/src/k8s_train/Dockerfile
$ cd doc/howto/usage/k8s/src/k8s_train
$ docker build -t [YOUR_REPO]/paddle:mypaddle .
And then upload the new Docker Image to a Docker hub:
docker push [YOUR_REPO]/paddle:mypaddle
[NOTE], in the above command arguments, [YOUR_REPO]
represents your Docker repository,
you need to use your repository instead of it. We will replace it with your respository name to
represent the Docker Image which built in this step.
Prepare Training Data
We can download and split the training job by creating a Kubernetes Job, or custom your image by editing k8s_train.
Before creating a Job, we need to bind a persistenVolumeClaim by the different type of the different file system, the generated dataset would be saved on this volume.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: paddle-data
name: pi
hostNetwork: true
- name: paddle-data
image: paddlepaddle/paddle-tutorial:k8s_data
imagePullPolicy: Always
- mountPath: "/mnt"
name: nfs
- name: OUT_DIR
value: /home/work/mfs/paddle-cluster-job
value: "3"
- name: nfs
claimName: mfs
restartPolicy: Never
Create the Job with the following command:
> kubectl create -f xxx.yaml
If created successfully, you can see some information like this:
[root@paddle-kubernetes-node0 nfsdir]$ tree -d
`-- paddle-cluster-job
|-- 0
| `-- data
|-- 1
| `-- data
|-- 2
| `-- data
|-- output
|-- quick_start
The paddle-cluster-job
above is the job name for this training job; we need 3
PaddlePaddle training nodes and save the split training data in paddle-cluster-job
the folder 0
, 1
and 2
represents the training_id
on each node, quick_start
folder is used to store training data, output
folder is used to store the models and logs.
Create a Job
Kubernetes allow users to create objects with YAML files, and we can use a command-line tool to create it.
The Job YAML file describes that which Docker Image would be used in this training job, how much nodes would be created, what's the startup arguments of Paddle PServer/Trainer
process and what's the type of Volumes. You can find the details of the YAML filed in
Kubernetes Job API.
The following is an example for this training job:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: paddle-cluster-job
parallelism: 3
completions: 3
name: paddle-cluster-job
- name: jobpath
path: /home/work/mfs
- name: trainer
image: [YOUR_REPO]/paddle:mypaddle
command: ["bin/bash", "-c", "/root/start.sh"]
- name: JOB_NAME
value: paddle-cluster-job
- name: JOB_PATH
value: /home/jobpath
value: default
value: recommendation
value: eth0
value: "7164"
value: "2"
value: "2"
value: "3"
- name: jobpath
mountPath: /home/jobpath
restartPolicy: Never
In the above YAML file:
, The job name.parallelism
, Whether the Kubernetes Job would createparallelism
Pods at the same time.completions
, The Job would become the success status only when the number of successful Pod(the exit code is 0) is equal tocompletions
, the name fieldjobpath
is a key, themountPath
field represents the path in the container, and we can define thejobpath
filed, usehostPath
to configure the host path we want to mount.env
, the environment variables in the Container, we pass some startup arguments by this approach, some details are as following:- JOB_PATH:the mount path in the container
- JOB_NAME:the job name
- TRAIN_CONFIG_DIR:the job path in the container, we can find the training data path by combine with JOB_NAME.
- CONF_PADDLE_NIC: the argument
ofPaddle PServer
process, the network device name. - CONF_PADDLE_PORT: the argument
ofPaddle PServer
process. - CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM: the argument
ofPaddle PServer
, the port number for dense prameter update. - CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM_SPARSE:the argument
ofPaddle PServer
, the port number for sparse parameter update. - CONF_PADDLE_GRADIENT_NUM:the number of training node, the argument
ofPaddle PServer
andPaddle Trainer
You can find some details information at [here] (http://www.paddlepaddle.org/docs/develop/documentation/zh/howto/usage/cmd_parameter/detail_introduction_cn.html)。
We can use the command-line tool of Kubernetes to create a Job when we finish the YAML file:
kubectl create -f job.yaml
Upon successful creation, Kubernetes would create 3 Pods as PaddlePaddle training node, pull the Docker image and begin to train.
Checkout the Output
At the process of training, we can check the logs and the output models which is stored in
the output
NOTE, node_0
, node_1
and node_2
represent the
of the PaddlePaddle training job rather than the node id of Kubernetes.
[root@paddle-kubernetes-node0 output]# tree -d
├── node_0
│ ├── server.log
│ └── train.log
├── node_1
│ ├── server.log
│ └── train.log
├── node_2
├── pass-00002
│ ├── done
│ ├── ___embedding_0__.w0
│ ├── ___embedding_1__.w0
We can checkout the status of each training Pod by viewing the logs:
[root@paddle-kubernetes-node0 node_0]# cat train.log
I1116 09:10:17.123121 50 Util.cpp:155] commandline:
--nics=eth0 --port=7164
--ports_num=2 --comment=paddle_process_by_paddle
--ports_num_for_sparse=2 --config=./trainer_config.py
--trainer_count=4 --num_passes=10 --use_gpu=0
--log_period=50 --dot_period=10 --saving_period=1
--local=0 --trainer_id=0
I1116 09:10:17.123440 50 Util.cpp:130] Calling runInitFunctions
I1116 09:10:17.123764 50 Util.cpp:143] Call runInitFunctions done.
[WARNING 2016-11-16 09:10:17,227 default_decorators.py:40] please use keyword arguments in paddle config.
[INFO 2016-11-16 09:10:17,239 networks.py:1282] The input order is [movie_id, title, genres, user_id, gender, age, occupation, rating]
[INFO 2016-11-16 09:10:17,239 networks.py:1289] The output order is [__square_error_cost_0__]
I1116 09:10:17.392917 50 Trainer.cpp:170] trainer mode: Normal
I1116 09:10:17.613910 50 PyDataProvider2.cpp:257] loading dataprovider dataprovider::process
I1116 09:10:17.680917 50 PyDataProvider2.cpp:257] loading dataprovider dataprovider::process
I1116 09:10:17.681543 50 GradientMachine.cpp:134] Initing parameters..
I1116 09:10:18.012390 50 GradientMachine.cpp:141] Init parameters done.
I1116 09:10:18.018641 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 0
I1116 09:10:18.018950 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 1
I1116 09:10:18.019069 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 2
I1116 09:10:18.019492 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 3
I1116 09:10:18.019716 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 4
I1116 09:10:18.019836 50 ParameterClient2.cpp:122] pserver 5
Some Additional Details
Using Environment Variables
Usually we use the environment varialbes to configurate the PaddlePaddle Job which runs in
Kubernetes, start_paddle.py
provides a start up script to convert the environment variable
to the start up arguments of PaddlePaddle process:
API = "/api/v1/namespaces/"
JOBSELECTOR = "labelSelector=job-name="
JOB_PATH = os.getenv("JOB_PATH") + "/" + os.getenv("JOB_NAME")
JOBNAME = os.getenv("JOB_NAME")
Communication between Pods
At the begin of start_paddle.py
, it would initializes and parses the arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="start_paddle.py",
description='simple tool for k8s')
args, train_args_list = parser.parse_known_args()
train_args = refine_unknown_args(train_args_list)
train_args_dict = dict(zip(train_args[:-1:2], train_args[1::2]))
podlist = getPodList()
And then query the status of all the other Pods of this Job by the function getPodList()
, and fetch triner_id
by the function getIdMap(podlist)
if all the Pods status is RUNNING
podlist = getPodList()
# need to wait until all pods are running
while not isPodAllRunning(podlist):
podlist = getPodList()
idMap = getIdMap(podlist)
NOTE: getPodList()
would prefetch all the Pods in the current namespace, if some
Pods are alreay running, it may cause some error. We will use statfulesets instead of
Kubernetes Pod or Replicaset in the future.
The function getIdMap(podlist)
fetches IPs addresses of podlist
and then sort them
to generate trainer_id
def getIdMap(podlist):
generate tainer_id by ip
ips = []
for pod in podlist["items"]:
idMap = {}
for i in range(len(ips)):
idMap[ips[i]] = i
return idMap
After getting the idMap
, we can generate the arguments of Paddle PServer
and Paddle Trainer
so that we can start up them by startPaddle(idMap, train_args_dict)
Create Job
The main goal of startPaddle
is generating the arguments of Paddle PServer
Paddle Trainer
processes. Take Paddle Trainer
as an example, we parse the
environment variable and then get PADDLE_NIC
and etc...,
finally find trainerId
from idMap
according to its IP address.
program = 'paddle train'
args = " --nics=" + PADDLE_NIC
args += " --port=" + str(PADDLE_PORT)
args += " --ports_num=" + str(PADDLE_PORTS_NUM)
args += " --comment=" + "paddle_process_by_paddle"
ip_string = ""
for ip in idMap.keys():
ip_string += (ip + ",")
ip_string = ip_string.rstrip(",")
args += " --pservers=" + ip_string
args_ext = ""
for key, value in train_args_dict.items():
args_ext += (' --' + key + '=' + value)
localIP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
trainerId = idMap[localIP]
args += " " + args_ext + " --trainer_id=" + \
str(trainerId) + " --save_dir=" + JOB_PATH_OUTPUT