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PaddlePaddle Releasing Process

PaddlePaddle manages its branches using "git-flow branching model", and Semantic Versioning as it's version number semantics.

Each time we release a new PaddlePaddle version, we should follow the below steps:

  1. Create a new release branch from developnamed release/[version]. E.g.release/0.10.0
  2. Create a new tag for the release branch, tag format: version-rc.Patch. E.g. the first tag is 0.10.0-rc0
  3. New release branch normally doesn't accept new features or optimizations. QA will test on the release branch. Developer should develop based on develop branch.
  4. If QA or Developer find bugs. They should first fix and verify on develop branch. Then cherry-pick the fix to the release branch. Wait until the release branch is stable.
  5. If necessary, create a new tag on the relese branch, e.g. 0.10.0-rc1. Involve more users to try it and repeat step 3-4.
  6. After release branch is stableCreate the official release tagsuch as 0.10.0.
  7. Release the python wheel package to pypi.
  8. Update the docker image (More details below).


  • bug fix should happen on develop branch, then cherry-pick to relese branch. Avoid developing directly on release branch.

  • release normally only accept bug fixes. Don't add new features.

Publish Wheel Packages to pypi

  1. Use our CI tool to build all wheel packages needed to publish. As shown in the following picture, choose a build version, click "..." button on the right side of "Run" button, and switch to the second tab in the pop-up box, choose the current release branch and click "Run Build" button. You may repeat this step to start different versions of builds.
  2. After the build succeeds, download the outputs under "Artifacts" including capi, cp27m and cp27mu.
  3. Since follows PEP 513, before we upload the package using twine, we need to rename the package from linux_x86_64 to manylinux1_x86_64.
  4. Start the upload:
    cd build/python
    pip install twine
    twine upload dist/[package to upload]
  • NOTE: We use a special Docker image to build our releases to support more Linux distributions, you can download it from, or build it using scripts under tools/manylinux1.
  • pypi does not allow overwrite the already uploaded version of wheel package, even if you delete the old version. you must change the version number before upload a new one.

Publish wheel Packages for MacOS

You need to build the binary wheel package for MacOS before publishing, to make sure that the package can be used by many versions of MacOS (10.11, 10.12, 10.13) and different python installs (, homebrew, etc.), you must build the package exactly following below steps:

Build steps:

  1. install python from downloads, and make sure it's currently in use in your system.
  2. export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11, use 10.11 is enough for recent versions.
  3. git clone && cd Paddle && mkdir build && cd build
  4. cmake -DWITH_GPU=OFF -DWITH_MKL=OFF -DWITH_SYSTEM_BLAS=OFF .., make sure the output of cmake command is using the correct python interpreter installed from
  5. make -j
  6. pip install delocate
  7. mkdir fixed_wheel && delocate-wheel -w fixed_wheel python/dist/*.whl

Then the whl under fixed_wheel is ready to upload.

Install steps:

  1. run pip install paddlepaddle...whl
  2. find the libpython.dylib that are currently in use:
    • for package installs, do nothing.
    • for other python installs, find the path of libpython*.dylib and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=you path && DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=your path

Publish Docker Images

Our CI tool will push latest images to DockerHub, so we only need to push a version tag like:

docker pull [image]:latest
docker tag [image]:latest [image]:[version]
docker push [image]:[version]

Tags that need to be updated are:

  • [version]: CPU only version image
  • [version]-openblas: openblas version image
  • [version]-gpu: GPU versionusing CUDA 8.0 cudnn 5
  • [version]-gpu-[cudaver]-[cudnnver]: tag for different cuda, cudnn versions

You can then checkout the latest pushed tags at

Branching Model

PaddlePaddle uses Trunk Based Development as our branching model.

  • develop branch is used for development. Each comment to develop branc goes through unit tests and model regression tests.

  • release/[version] branch is used for each release. Release branch is used for tests, bug fix and evetual release.

  • master branch as been deprecated for historical reasons

  • Developer's feature branch。

    • Developer's feature branch should sync with upstream develop branch.
    • Developer's feature branch should be forked from upstream develop branch.
    • After feature branch is ready, create a Pull Request against the Paddle repo and go through code review.
      • In the review process, develop modify codes and push to their own feature branch.

PaddlePaddle Regression Test List


All Chapters of PaddlePaddle Book

We need to guarantee that all the chapters of PaddlePaddle Book can run correctly. Including V1 (paddle_trainer training) and V2 training and Fluid training.

Linear Regression Recognize Digits Image Classification Word2Vec Personalized Recommendation Sentiment Analysis Semantic Role Labeling Machine Translation
API.V2 + Docker + GPU
API.V2 + Docker + CPU
`paddle_trainer` + Docker + GPU
`paddle_trainer` + Docker + CPU
API.V2 + Ubuntu + GPU
API.V2 + Ubuntu + CPU
`paddle_trainer` + Ubuntu + GPU
`paddle_trainer` + Ubuntu + CPU