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PaddlePaddle Design Doc


As the first step of our design, we list important concepts in deep learning and try to figure their relationship, as shown below:

Model = {topology, parameters}

Evaluator = {Model*, activations}
- forward
- test(cost, ...)

GradientMachine = {Evaluator*, gradients}
- backward

Optimizer = {GradientMachine*}
- train(cost, ...)
- update
- checkpoint

where the pair of curly braces { and } indicate composition, * indicates a reference, and - marks a "class method".


We used to think that parameters are part of the topology (or layers). But that is not true because multiple layers could share the same parameter matrix. An example is a network that compares two text segments in a semantic space:

text A -> projection ---\
          layer A        \
                          similarity -> output
          semantic       /
text B -> projection ---/
          layer B

In this network, the two semantic projection layers (A and B) share the same parameter matrix.

For more information about our API that specifies topology and parameter sharing, please refer to [TODO: API].


Supposed that we have a trained ranking model, we should be able to use it in our search engine. The search engine's Web server is a concurrent program so to serve many HTTP requests simultaneously. It doesn't make sense for each of these threads to have its own copy of the model because that would duplicate topologies and parameters. However, each thread should be able to record layer outputs, i.e., activations, computed from an input, derived from the request. With Evaluator that saves activations, we can write the over-simplified server program as:

m = paddle.model.load("trained.model")

            lambda req:
                e = paddle.evaluator.create(m)
                e.activation(layer="output")) # returns activations of layer "output"


Similar to the evaluation, the training needs to compute gradients so to update model parameters. Because an optimizer might run multiple simultaneous threads to update the same model, gradients should be separated from the model. Because gradients are only used in training, but not serving, they should be separate from Evaluator. Hence the GradientMachine.


None of Model, Evaluator, nor GradientMachine implements the training loop, hence Optimizer. We can define a concurrent optimizer that runs multiple simultaneous threads to train a model -- just let each thread has its own GradientMachine object.

Most models should be able to be trained using the paddle.optimizer.SGD by calling its train method. Many customizations to the SGD algorithm happens with the update equation, e.g., momentum and the Adam SGD algorithm. We make train calls update to do an update, so that we can derive a paddle.optimizer.Adam from paddle.optimizer.SGD by overrides only the update method.

Programming Interface

A fictive example of PaddlePaddle program looks like the following:

import paddle

def read(args):
    f = open_file(args["filename"])
    mb = read_a_minibatch(f)
    end_pass = eof(f)
    if end_pass:
       f = open_file(args["filename"]) # rewind for reading again
    yield mb, end_pass

input =
intermediate = paddle.layers.fc(input)
output = paddle.layer.softmax(intermediate)

model = paddle.model.create(output)

paddle.train(model, data_provider=read)

This shows some important part of a program:

  1. Define how to read (and augment) data by defining a function, in this example, read, that yields a minibatch and a boolean flag eof_of_pass.

  2. Define the topology, input, intermediate, and output in this example.

  3. Create parameters from the topology thus forms the model by calling paddel.model.create.

  4. Train the model by calling paddle.train.


Not all programming frameworks allow users to define I/O functions. An example is Google MapReduce, which can only read from text, SSTable, and RecordIO files. Hadoop MapReduce allows users to define readers and writers by deriving from base classes Reader and Writer. The former is less flexible but also less error-prone. We decide to provide the flexibility to users to define their readers.

A Synthetic Data Reader

Sometimes we want to test a topology and/or a training algorithm using synthetic data. We can do this by defining the reader a synthesizer:

def read(args):
    x = sample_from_uniform(0.0, 1.0)
    y = sample_from_gauss(2 * x, sigma)
    yield {x, y}, False # no end-of-file so no end-of-pass

A Reader for Online Learning

Readers can also read an infinite data stream, e.g., a log stream from a search engine and collected by Kafka:

def read(args):
    log_stream = kafka.open_channel(args["kafka channel name"])
    yeild, False # no end-of-pass in online learning


By default, layers don't have names. But if we want to refer to a layer later some time, for example, when we do serving using the model and wants activations/outputs of a layer, we should give it a name.

input =
intermediate = paddle.layer.fc(input, name="inter", ...)
output = paddle.layer.softmax(intermediate, name="output", ...)

m = paddle.model.create(output)
e = paddle.evaluator.create(model)
e.forward(read_an_input()) # compute activations of all layers.
print e.activations(layer="inter")  # retrieve the activations of layer "inter"
print e.activations(layer="output") # retrieve the activations of layer "output"

Sharing Parameters

In above section we shows a network whose two layers share the same parameter matrix. To specify such cases, we give "parameter names" to layers. If some layers have the same paraemter names, paddle.model.create creates a single parameter matrix for these layers:

text1 =
sematic1 = paddle.layer.fc(text1, ..., parameter_name="sematic_projection")
text2 =
sematic2 = paddle.layer.fc(text2, ..., parameter_name="sematic_projection")
out = paddle.layer.cosine(semantic1, semantic2)

We can also share parameter matrices between layers in different models. To do this, we need an additional parameter that refers to a model:

model1_input =
model1_output = paddle.layer.softmax(model1_input, ...,
model1 = paddle.model.create(model1_output)

# Another model
model2_semantic = paddle.layer.fc(text2, ...,


The recommended way to training a model is to call paddle.train, which simply calls paddle.optimizer.Default, a global variable of type paddle.optimizer.SGD. Equivalently, we can do

opt = paddle.optimizer.SGD(...)
opt.train(model, reader=read, ...)

Distributed Training

If users want to do distributed training on a cluster, s/he should call paddle.dist_train and provides access tokens to the cluster as a parameter.

For example, if the user has a TLS certificate that allows him to access a Kubernetes cluster, s/he should be able to call


The pseudo code if paddle.dist_train is as follows:

def dist_train():
    if os.getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") == None:
        image_name = k8s_user + '/' + k8s_job
        kube_ctrl_start_job(image_name, k8s_user, k8s_token)
        rank = kube_list_containers_in_job_and_return_current_containers_rank()
        if rank == 0:
        elif rank < 15:
            optimizer.train(model, reader=read)

Please be aware that if a process is running on the Kubernetes cluster, it will have some environment variables pre-defined.

If dist_train doesn't see these environment variables, it knowns that it's running on users' personal computer, and it should work as a launcher. Otherwise, it knows that it's running on the cluster and need to figure out its role as either the master, or a trainer, or a parameter server.