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  • CPU: 12-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @2.10GHz
  • GPU: Tesla K40m
  • cuDNN: v5.1
  • system: Docker 1.12.1, all platform are tested in docker environment.


  • PaddlePaddle:
  • Tensorflow:
  • Caffe:

Several convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural network are used to test.


Benchmark Model

AlexNet, GooleNet and a small network which refer the config of cifar10 in Caffe are used.


  • AlexNet: input - 3 * 227 * 227, Time: ms/batch
BatchSize 64 128 256 512
PaddlePaddle 195 334 602 1629
TensorFlow 223 364 645 1235
Caffe 324 627 1232 2513

All platforms use cuDnn-v5.1. You might see that caffe is slower, because the workspace limit size is 8 * 1024 * 1024 in Caffe's cuDnn-conv interface. This size is larger in PaddlePaddle and TensorFlow. Caffe will be faster if increasing the workspace limit size.

  • GoogletNet: input - 3 * 224 * 224, Time: ms/batch
BatchSize 64 128 256
PaddlePaddle 613 1149 2348
TensorFlow 644 1176 2219
Caffe 694 1364 out of memory
  • SmallNet: input - 3 * 32 * 32, Time ms/batch
BatchSize 64 128 256 512
PaddlePaddle 10.463 18.184 33.113 63.039
TensorFlow 9 15 28 59
Caffe 9.373 16.6606 31.4797 59.719

All the tests in caffe use caffe time to execute, which is not including the parameter updating process. But the time in PaddlePaddle and TensorFlow contains it.

In Tensorflow, they implement algorithm searching method instead of using the algorithm searching interface in cuDNN.

Multi-GPU: 4 GPUs

  • AlexNet, ms / batch
totoal-BatchSize 128 * 4 256 * 4
PaddlePaddle 347 622
TensorFlow 377 675
Caffe 1229 2435

For example, if totoal-BatchSize = 128 * 4, the speed is calculated by

  time_at_1gpu_batch_128 * 4 / time_at_4gpu_total_batch_512 
= (334 * 4)/347 
= 3.85
  • GooleNet, ms / batch
totoal-BatchSize 128 * 4 256 * 4
PaddlePaddle 1178 2367
TensorFlow 1210 2292
Caffe 2007 out of memory


We use lstm network for text classfication to test benchmark.


  • IMDB
  • Sequence legth=100, in fact, PaddlePaddle support training with variable-length sequence. But TensorFlow need to pad, in order to compare, we also pad sequence length to 100 in PaddlePaddle.
  • Dictionary size=30000
  • Peephole connection is used in lstmemory by default in PaddlePaddle. It is also configured in TensorFlow.

Single GPU

LSTM in Text Classification

Testing network for different hidden size, batch size with 2 lstm layer + fc network.

  • Batch size = 64, ms / batch
hidden_size 256 512 1280
PaddlePaddle 83 184 641
TensorFlow 175 280 818
  • Batch size = 128, ms / batch
hidden_size 256 512 1280
PaddlePaddle 110 261 1007
TensorFlow 181 361 1237
  • Batch size = 256, ms / batch
hidden_size 256 512 1280
PaddlePaddle 170 414 1655
TensorFlow 238 536 1905


The benchmark of sequence-to-sequence network will be add later.

Multi GPU: 4 GPUs

LSTM in Text Classification

  • hidden_size = 256, ms / batch
batch_size 256 512
PaddlePaddle 90 118
TensorFlow 226 118
  • hidden_size = 512, ms / batch
batch_size 256 512
PaddlePaddle 189 268
TensorFlow 297 383


The benchmark of sequence-to-sequence network will be add later.