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An multi-thread cpp reader that has the same interface with py_reader. It
uses cpp multi-thread to read file and is much more faster then the Python read
thread in py_reader.
Currently, it support two types of file:
- gzip
- plain text file
and two types of data format:
- cvs data format is :
* label dense_fea,dense_fea sparse_fea,sparse_fea
- the svm data format is :
* label slot1:fea_sign slot2:fea_sign slot1:fea_sign
## Distributed reader
The distributed reader is mainly used by multi-process tasks, it splits the origin batch samples to N sub-batch samples, and the N is equal to the number of processes. The usage is similar to `paddle.batch`.
- It can be operated conveniently so that different processes can read different data.
- Because each process reads the original batch data and then divides the data, the performance may be poor.