- 2020.8.16, Release text detection algorithm [SAST](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05498) and text recognition algorithm [SRN](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.12294)
- 2020.7.23, Release the playback and PPT of live class on BiliBili station, PaddleOCR Introduction, [address](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/course/introduce/1519)
- 2020.7.15, Improve the deployment ability, add the C + + inference , serving deployment. In addtion, the benchmarks of the ultra-lightweight OCR model are provided.
Mobile DEMO experience (based on EasyEdge and Paddle-Lite, supports iOS and Android systems): [Sign in the website to obtain the QR code for installing the App](https://ai.baidu.com/easyedge/app/openSource?from=paddlelite)
Also, you can scan the QR code blow to install the App (**Android support only**)
**Note:** Additional data, like icdar2013, icdar2017, COCO-Text, ArT, was added to the model training of SAST. Download English public dataset in organized format used by PaddleOCR from [Baidu Drive](https://pan.baidu.com/s/12cPnZcVuV1zn5DOd4mqjVw) (download code: 2bpi).
For use of [LSVT](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/doc/doc_en/datasets_en.md#1-icdar2019-lsvt) street view dataset with a total of 3w training data,the related configuration and pre-trained models for text detection task are as follows:
* Note: For the training and evaluation of the above DB model, post-processing parameters box_thresh=0.6 and unclip_ratio=1.5 need to be set. If using different datasets and different models for training, these two parameters can be adjusted for better result.
For the training guide and use of PaddleOCR text detection algorithms, please refer to the document [Text detection model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/detection_en.md)
Refer to [DTRB](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.01906), the training and evaluation result of these above text recognition (using MJSynth and SynthText for training, evaluate on IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE) is as follow:
**Note:** SRN model uses data expansion method to expand the two training sets mentioned above, and the expanded data can be downloaded from [Baidu Drive](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-HSZ-ZVdqBF2HaBZ5pRAKA) (download code: y3ry).
The average accuracy of the two-stage training in the original paper is 89.74%, and that of one stage training in paddleocr is 88.33%. Both pre-trained weights can be downloaded [here](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/SRN/rec_r50fpn_vd_none_srn.tar).
We use [LSVT](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/doc/doc_en/datasets_en.md#1-icdar2019-lsvt) dataset and cropout 30w traning data from original photos by using position groundtruth and make some calibration needed. In addition, based on the LSVT corpus, 500w synthetic data is generated to train the model. The related configuration and pre-trained models are as follows:
Please refer to the document for training guide and use of PaddleOCR text recognition algorithms [Text recognition model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/recognition_en.md)
1. Error when using attention-based recognition model: KeyError: 'predict'
The inference of recognition model based on attention loss is still being debugged. For Chinese text recognition, it is recommended to choose the recognition model based on CTC loss first. In practice, it is also found that the recognition model based on attention loss is not as effective as the one based on CTC loss.
2. About inference speed
When there are a lot of texts in the picture, the prediction time will increase. You can use `--rec_batch_num` to set a smaller prediction batch size. The default value is 30, which can be changed to 10 or other values.
It is expected that the service deployment based on Serving and the mobile deployment based on Paddle Lite will be released successively in mid-to-late June. Stay tuned for more updates.
- Many thanks to [Khanh Tran](https://github.com/xxxpsyduck) for contributing the English documentation.
- Many thanks to [zhangxin](https://github.com/ZhangXinNan) for contributing the new visualize function、add .gitgnore and discard set PYTHONPATH manually.
- Many thanks to [lyl120117](https://github.com/lyl120117) for contributing the code for printing the network structure.
- Thanks [xiangyubo](https://github.com/xiangyubo) for contributing the handwritten Chinese OCR datasets.
- Thanks [authorfu](https://github.com/authorfu) for contributing Android demo and [xiadeye](https://github.com/xiadeye) contributing iOS demo, respectively.
- Thanks [tangmq](https://gitee.com/tangmq) for contributing Dockerized deployment services to PaddleOCR and supporting the rapid release of callable Restful API services.