@ -248,93 +248,49 @@ bool AtomicAddrCleanPass::IsAtomicOp(const NodePtr &node) {
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
return false;
if (CheckAtomicFromOpsKernel(node)) {
return true;
// 2.Check atomic attr in node
std::map<string, std::map<int, int>> node_workspace_offset;
bool has_atomic_input = op_desc->HasAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_INPUT_INDEX);
bool has_atomic_output = op_desc->HasAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_OUTPUT_INDEX);
node_workspace_offset = op_desc->TryGetExtAttr(EXT_ATTR_ATOMIC_WORKSPACE_OFFSET, node_workspace_offset);
if (!has_atomic_input && !has_atomic_output && node_workspace_offset.empty()) {
return false;
if (!has_atomic_input && has_atomic_output && node_workspace_offset.empty()) {
std::vector<int64_t> atomic_output_index;
(void) ge::AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATOMIC_ATTR_OUTPUT_INDEX, atomic_output_index);
bool is_all_output_peer_also_atomic = true;
for (const auto &output_index : atomic_output_index) {
if (!IsOutputIndexPeerInputAtomic(node, output_index)) {
is_all_output_peer_also_atomic = false;
if (is_all_output_peer_also_atomic) {
GELOGI("all out peer node input atomic, skip this out atomic process, node name: %s", node->GetName().c_str());
return false;
graphStatus ret = op_desc->SetAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_IS_ATOMIC_NODE, GeAttrValue::CreateFrom<GeAttrValue::BOOL>(true));
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGD("Recognized atomic op %s from attr.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
return true;
// just hccl may mark atomic from ops kernel now, and hccl's atomic if for all input
bool AtomicAddrCleanPass::CheckAtomicFromOpsKernel(const NodePtr &node) {
// 1.Check if isAtomic attrs exist for HCOM
std::shared_ptr<GELib> instance_ptr = GELib::GetInstance();
if ((instance_ptr == nullptr) || (!instance_ptr->InitFlag())) {
GELOGW("GELib not initialized, atomic from ops kernel judge false, node_name: %s", node->GetName().c_str());
GELOGW("GELib not initialized");
return false;
OpsKernelManager &ops_kernel_manager = instance_ptr->OpsKernelManagerObj();
vector<OpInfo> op_info_vec = ops_kernel_manager.GetOpsKernelInfo(node->GetType());
vector<OpInfo> op_info_vec = ops_kernel_manager.GetOpsKernelInfo(op_desc->GetType());
for (const auto &op_info : op_info_vec) {
if (op_info.isAtomic) {
GELOGI("Recognized atomic op %s from DNN_HCCL engine.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
// check peer input is DATA
for (auto &in_data_anchor : node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) {
if (in_data_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor() != nullptr &&
in_data_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetOwnerNode() != nullptr) {
auto peer_in_node = in_data_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetOwnerNode();
if (peer_in_node->GetType() == DATA) {
GELOGI("Recognized atomic op %s from %s engine and input is DATA.", node->GetName().c_str(), op_info.engine.c_str());
GELOGI("Recognized atomic op %s from DNN_HCCL engine and input is DATA.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
return false;
GELOGI("Recognized atomic op %s from %s engine.", node->GetName().c_str(), op_info.engine.c_str());
return true;
return false;
bool AtomicAddrCleanPass::IsOutputIndexPeerInputAtomic(const NodePtr &node, int64_t output_index) {
auto out_data_anchor = node->GetAllOutDataAnchors().at(output_index);
if (out_data_anchor == nullptr) {
// 2.Check atomic attr in node
std::map<string, std::map<int, int>> node_workspace_offset;
bool has_atomic_input = op_desc->HasAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_INPUT_INDEX);
bool has_atomic_output = op_desc->HasAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_OUTPUT_INDEX);
node_workspace_offset = op_desc->TryGetExtAttr(EXT_ATTR_ATOMIC_WORKSPACE_OFFSET, node_workspace_offset);
if (!has_atomic_input && !has_atomic_output && node_workspace_offset.empty()) {
return false;
for (const auto input_anchor : out_data_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) {
auto output_node = input_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
// just hccl may mark atomic from ops kernel now, and hccl's atomic if for all input
// hccl's attr ATOMIC_ATTR_INPUT_INDEX mark on CalcOpRunningParam, can't be get here
if (CheckAtomicFromOpsKernel(output_node)) {
return true;
graphStatus ret = op_desc->SetAttr(ATOMIC_ATTR_IS_ATOMIC_NODE, GeAttrValue::CreateFrom<GeAttrValue::BOOL>(true));
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
return false;
GELOGD("Recognized atomic op %s from FE engine.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
return true;
/// @brief Clear Status, used for subgraph pass
/// @return SUCCESS