@ -737,14 +737,51 @@ where ho/wo is do = (output_d + 2*padding_d - dilation_d*(kernel_d - 1) - 1)//st
* Compatible with Pytorch col2im/im2col_backward operator.
.INPUT(x, TensorType({DT_FLOAT}))
.INPUT(output_size, TensorType({DT_INT32}))
.OUTPUT(y, TensorType({DT_FLOAT}))
.INPUT(x, TensorType({DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT16}))
.INPUT(output_size, TensorType({DT_INT32, DT_INT32}))
.OUTPUT(y, TensorType({DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT16}))
.REQUIRED_ATTR(kernel_size, ListInt)
.REQUIRED_ATTR(dilation, ListInt)
.REQUIRED_ATTR(padding, ListInt)
.REQUIRED_ATTR(stride, ListInt)
*@brief Generates a 2D or 3D flow field (sampling grid), given a batch of affine
matrices theta. \n
*@par Inputs:
*Input theta must be float16 or float, output_size must be int32 type.Inputs
*@li theta: input batch of affine matrices with shape (N,2,3) for 2D or (N,3,4)
for 3D
*@li output_size: the target output image size. (N×C×H×W for 2D or N×C×D×H×W for
3D) Example: torch.Size((32, 3, 24, 24)) . \n
*@par Attributes:
*align_corners: if True, consider -1 and 1 to refer to the centers of the corner
pixels rather than the image corners.Refer to grid_sample() for a more complete
description. A grid generated by affine_grid() should be passed to grid_sample()
with the same setting for this option. Default: False \n
*@par Outputs:
*@li y: A 2-D integer tensor of shape [M] representing the
selected indices from the boxes tensor, where M <= max_output_size. \n
*@attention Constraints:
*Input theta must be float16 or float, output_size must be int32 type . \n
*@par Third-party framework compatibility
*Compatible with Pytorch affine_grid operator.
.INPUT(theta, TensorType({DT_FLOAT16, DT_FLOAT}))
.INPUT(output_size, TensorType({DT_INT32}))
.OUTPUT(y, TensorType({DT_FLOAT16, DT_FLOAT}))
.ATTR(align_corners, Bool, false)
} // namespace ge