@ -399,6 +399,9 @@ epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.002, step: 200, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1
> **Attention** This will bind the processor cores according to the `device_num` and total processor numbers. If you don't expect to run pretraining with binding processor cores, remove the operations about `taskset` in `scripts/ascend_distributed_launcher/get_distribute_pretrain_cmd.py`
## [Evaluation Process](#contents)
### Evaluation
#### evaluation on cola dataset when running on Ascend
> **Attention** This will bind the processor cores according to the `device_num` and total processor numbers. If you don't expect to run pretraining with binding processor cores, remove the operations about `taskset` in `scripts/run_distributed_gd_ascend.sh`
#### running on GPU
Before running the command below, please check `load_teacher_ckpt_path`, `data_dir``schma_dir` and `device_target=GPU` has been set. Please set the path to be the absolute full path, e.g:"/username/checkpoint_100_300.ckpt".