The following describes how to use the MindSpore Lite C++ APIs (Android JNIs) and MindSpore Lite image segmentation models to perform on-device inference, classify the content captured by a device camera, and display the most possible segmentation result on the application's image preview screen.
The following describes how to use the MindSpore Lite JAVA APIs and MindSpore Lite image segmentation models to perform on-device inference, classify the content captured by a device camera, and display the most possible segmentation result on the application's image preview screen.
### Running Dependencies
@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ The following describes how to use the MindSpore Lite C++ APIs (Android JNIs) an
3. Continue the installation on the Android device. After the installation is complete, you can view the content captured by a camera and the inference result.

4. The solutions of Android Studio configuration problems:
| | Warning | Solution |
@ -49,28 +47,26 @@ The following describes how to use the MindSpore Lite C++ APIs (Android JNIs) an
## Detailed Description of the Sample Program
This image segmentation sample program on the Android device includes a Java layer and a JNI layer. At the Java layer, the Android Camera 2 API is used to enable a camera to obtain image frames and process images. At the JNI layer, the model inference process is completed in [Runtime](
This image segmentation sample program on the Android device is implemented through Java. At the Java layer, the Android Camera 2 API is used to enable a camera to obtain image frames and process images. Then Java API is called to infer.[Runtime](
### Sample Program Structure
├── src/main
│ ├── assets # resource files
| | └── # model file
│ |
│ ├── cpp # main logic encapsulation classes for model loading and prediction
| | |
| | ├── MindSporeNetnative.cpp # JNI methods related to MindSpore calling
│ | └── MindSporeNetnative.h # header file
│ |
│ ├── java # application code at the Java layer
│ │ └── com.mindspore.himindsporedemo
│ │ ├── gallery.classify # implementation related to image processing and MindSpore JNI calling
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── widget # implementation related to camera enabling and drawing
│ │ └── ...
│ │ └── com.mindspore.imagesegmentation
│ │ ├── help # pre-process of image and inference of model
│ │ │ └── ImageUtils # image pre-process
│ │ │ └── ModelTrackingResult # post-process of result of inference
When MindSpore C++ APIs are called at the Android JNI layer, related library files are required. You can use MindSpore Lite [source code compilation]( to generate the MindSpore Lite version. In this case, you need to use the compile command of generate with image preprocessing module.
When MindSpore Java APIs are called, related library files are required. You can use MindSpore Lite [source code compilation]( to generate the MindSpore Lite version. In this case, you need to use the compile command of generate with image preprocessing module.
In this example, the build process automatically downloads the `mindspore-lite-1.0.1-runtime-arm64-cpu` by the `app/download.gradle` file and saves in the `app/src/main/cpp` directory.
Android JNI层调用MindSpore C++ API时,需要相关库文件支持。可通过MindSpore Lite[源码编译](生成`mindspore-lite-{version}-minddata-{os}-{device}.tar.gz`库文件包并解压缩(包含``库文件和相关头文件),在本例中需使用生成带图像预处理模块的编译命令。