Fix the bug of broadcasting the parameters in IGamma and LBeta

peixu_ren 4 years ago
parent f6450a614b
commit 1fd05aeb18

@ -669,9 +669,11 @@ class IGamma(Cell):
domain_error = self.logicalor(self.less(x, 0), self.less(a, 0))
use_igammac = self.logicaland(self.greater(x, 1), self.greater(x, a))
ax = a * self.log(x) - x - self.lgamma(a)
boradcastto = P.BroadcastTo(self.shape(ax))
a = boradcastto(a)
para_shape = self.shape(ax)
boradcastto = P.BroadcastTo(para_shape)
if para_shape != ():
x = boradcastto(x)
y = boradcastto(y)
x_is_zero = self.equal(x, 0)
if a_dtype == mstype.float16:
log_maxfloat = self.log_maxfloat16
@ -744,7 +746,9 @@ class LBeta(Cell):
_check_input_dtype("input_x", x_dtype, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32], self.cls_name)
_check_input_dtype("input_y", y_dtype, x_dtype, self.cls_name)
x_plus_y = x + y
boradcastto = P.BroadcastTo(self.shape(x_plus_y))
para_shape = self.shape(x_plus_y)
boradcastto = P.BroadcastTo(para_shape)
if para_shape != ():
x = boradcastto(x)
y = boradcastto(y)
comp_less = self.less(x, y)
