@ -66,36 +66,23 @@ IncludeType IncludeFusedBasicOpForward(const AnfNodePtr &cur_node, const AnfNode
return EXCLUDE;
// The GetItem node should be fused with its real input and users.
// The GetItem node should be fused with its real input.
// If its real input is not in the fuse_list, the GetItem should be excluded.
AnfNodePtrList RemoveWildGetitem(const AnfNodePtrList &fused_op) {
if (fused_op.empty()) return AnfNodePtrList();
std::set<AnfNodePtr> fused_op_set(fused_op.begin(), fused_op.end());
auto check_include = [&fused_op_set](const AnfNodePtr &node) { return fused_op_set.count(node) ? FOLLOW : EXCLUDE; };
auto mng = fused_op[0]->func_graph()->manager();
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
AnfNodePtrList remove_list;
for (auto getitem : fused_op_set) {
if (!AnfAlgo::CheckPrimitiveType(getitem, prim::kPrimTupleGetItem)) continue;
// GetItem should be fused with its real input.
auto prev_node = getitem->cast<CNodePtr>()->input(kRealInputNodeIndexInTupleGetItem);
if (check_include(prev_node) == EXCLUDE) {
// GetItem should be fused with its all users.
const auto &users = mng->node_users()[getitem];
if (std::any_of(users.begin(), users.end(), [check_include](const std::pair<AnfNodePtr, int> &user) {
return check_include(user.first) == EXCLUDE;
})) {
remove_list = DeepLinkedGraphSearch(getitem, check_include);
if (!remove_list.empty()) {