@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ setitem = base.MultitypeFuncGraph('setitem')
@setitem.register("List", "Number", "String")
def _list_setitem_with_string(data, number_index, value):
Assign value to list.
Assigns value to list.
data (list): Data of type lis.
number_index (Number): Index of data.
value (String): Value given.
List, type is same as the element type of data.
list, type is same as the element type of data.
return F.list_setitem(data, number_index, value)
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ def _list_setitem_with_string(data, number_index, value):
@setitem.register("List", "Number", "Number")
def _list_setitem_with_number(data, number_index, value):
Assign value to list.
Assigns value to list.
data (list): Data of type lis.
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ def _list_setitem_with_number(data, number_index, value):
value (Number): Value given.
List, type is same as the element type of data.
list, type is same as the element type of data.
return F.list_setitem(data, number_index, value)
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ def _list_setitem_with_number(data, number_index, value):
@setitem.register("List", "Number", "Tensor")
def _list_setitem_with_Tensor(data, number_index, value):
Assign value to list.
Assigns value to list.
data (list): Data of type lis.
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ def _list_setitem_with_Tensor(data, number_index, value):
value (Tensor): Value given.
List, type is same as the element type of data.
list, type is same as the element type of data.
return F.list_setitem(data, number_index, value)
@ -73,15 +72,15 @@ def _list_setitem_with_Tensor(data, number_index, value):
@setitem.register("List", "Number", "List")
def _list_setitem_with_List(data, number_index, value):
Assign value to list.
Assigns value to list.
data (list): Data of type lis.
number_index (Number): Index of data.
value (List): Value given.
value (list): Value given.
List, type is same as the element type of data.
list, type is same as the element type of data.
return F.list_setitem(data, number_index, value)
@ -89,15 +88,15 @@ def _list_setitem_with_List(data, number_index, value):
@setitem.register("Dictionary", "String", "Tensor")
def _dict_setitem_with_tensor(data, key, value):
Assign value to dictionary.
Assigns value to dictionary.
data (Dictionary): Data of type dict.
data (dict): Data of type dict.
key (str): Key of the data.
value (Tensor): Value given.
Dict, type is as same as the element type of data.
dict, type is as same as the element type of data.
return F.dict_setitem(data, key, value)
@ -105,15 +104,15 @@ def _dict_setitem_with_tensor(data, key, value):
@setitem.register("Dictionary", "String", "Number")
def _dict_setitem_with_number(data, key, value):
Assign value to dictionary.
Assigns value to dictionary.
data (Dictionary): Data of type dict.
data (dict): Data of type dict.
key (str): Key of the data.
value (Number): Value given.
Dict, type is as same as the element type of data.
dict, type is as same as the element type of data.
return F.dict_setitem(data, key, value)
@ -219,14 +218,14 @@ def _tensor_setitem_with_slice_v4(data, input_slice, value):
Tensor assignment.
Syntax support: A[Slice] = U
Syntax support: A[tuple(Slice)] = U, and A[tuple(Number)] = U
Restraint condition: A is a Tensor
Slice like "1:3, ::, :4:-1"
U is a Tensor(size=1) or Tensor(size>1)
data (Tensor): Assigned tensor.
input_slice (Tuple(Slice)): Slice expression.
input_slice (Union[tuple[Slice], tuple[Number]]): Slice expression.
value (Number): Assignment value.
@ -236,22 +235,29 @@ def _tensor_setitem_with_slice_v4(data, input_slice, value):
def _tensor_assgin_tensor(data, input_slice, value):
"""Given a tensor value assign to tensor by slice"""
# 1. condition
"""Assigns a tensor value to the tensor by slice."""
result = None
check_result = mult_util.check_tensor_setitem_index(input_slice)
if check_result:
data_shape = F.shape(data)
indices = mult_util.slice2indices(input_slice, data_shape)
is_tuple_int = mult_util.tuple_element_is_int(input_slice)
if is_tuple_int:
indices = mult_util.integer_to_indices(input_slice, data_shape)
result = _tensor_indices_tensor(data, data_shape, input_slice, indices, value)
return result
def _tensor_indices_tensor(data, data_shape, index, indices, value):
"""Assigns a tensor value to the tensor."""
data_size = F.size(data)
data_dtype = F.dtype(data)
indices = mult_util.slice2indices(input_slice, data_shape)
indices_size = F.size(indices)
indices_size = mult_util.check_indices(indices_size, input_slice)
indices_size = mult_util.check_indices(indices_size, index)
update = F.fill(data_dtype, (indices_size,), 1)
condition_1d = F.scatter_nd(indices, update, (data_size,))
condition_1d = F.cast(condition_1d, mstype.bool_)
condition = F.reshape(condition_1d, data_shape)
# 2. u
value_fill = None
value_size = F.size(value)
@ -264,10 +270,7 @@ def _tensor_assgin_tensor(data, input_slice, value):
value_fill = F.reshape(value, (indices_size,))
value_1d = F.scatter_nd(indices, value_fill, (data_size,))
u = F.reshape(value_1d, data_shape)
# A[slice]= u -> A[B]=U -> select(B, U, A)
result = F.select(condition, u, data)
return result
return F.select(condition, u, data)
@setitem.register("Tensor", "Slice", "Number")
def _tensor_setitem_with_slice_v1(data, input_slice, value):
@ -297,14 +300,14 @@ def _tensor_setitem_with_slice_v2(data, input_slice, value):
Tensor assignment.
Syntax support: A[Slice] = u
Syntax support: A[tuple(Slice)] = u, and A[tuple(Number)] = u
Restraint condition: A is a Tensor.
Slice like "1:3, ::, :4:-1"
u is a scalar
data (Tensor): Assigned tensor.
input_slice (Tuple(Slice)): slice expression.
input_slice (Union[tuple[Slice], tuple[Number]]): slice expression.
value (Number): Assignment value.
@ -314,25 +317,46 @@ def _tensor_setitem_with_slice_v2(data, input_slice, value):
def _tensor_assgin_number(data, input_slice, value):
"""Given a scalar assign to tensor by slice"""
# 1. condition
"""Givens a scalar assign to tensor by slice"""
check_result = mult_util.check_tensor_setitem_index(input_slice)
result = None
if check_result:
data_shape = F.shape(data)
indices = mult_util.slice2indices(input_slice, data_shape)
is_tuple_int = mult_util.tuple_element_is_int(input_slice)
if is_tuple_int:
indices = mult_util.integer_to_indices(input_slice, data_shape)
result = _tensor_indices_number(data, data_shape, input_slice, indices, value)
return result
def _tensor_indices_number(data, data_shape, index, indices, value):
"""Assigns a scalar value to the tensor."""
data_size = F.size(data)
data_dtype = F.dtype(data)
indices = mult_util.slice2indices(input_slice, data_shape)
indices_size = F.size(indices)
indices_size = mult_util.check_indices(indices_size, input_slice)
indices_size = mult_util.check_indices(indices_size, index)
update = F.fill(data_dtype, (indices_size,), 1)
condition_1d = F.scatter_nd(indices, update, (data_size,))
condition_1d = F.cast(condition_1d, mstype.bool_)
condition = F.reshape(condition_1d, data_shape)
# 2. u
value_fill = F.fill(data_dtype, (indices_size,), value)
value_1d = F.scatter_nd(indices, value_fill, (data_size,))
u = F.reshape(value_1d, data_shape)
# A[slice]= u -> A[B]=U -> select(B, U, A)
result = F.select(condition, u, data)
return result
return F.select(condition, u, data)
@setitem.register("Tensor", "Number", "Number")
def _tensor_setitem_with_int_v1(data, index, value):
"""Syntax: A[1] = 3"""
data_shape = F.shape(data)
indices = mult_util.integer_to_indices(index, data_shape)
return _tensor_indices_number(data, data_shape, index, indices, value)
@setitem.register("Tensor", "Number", "Tensor")
def _tensor_setitem_with_int_v2(data, index, value):
"""Syntax: A[1] = Tensor"""
data_shape = F.shape(data)
indices = mult_util.integer_to_indices(index, data_shape)
return _tensor_indices_tensor(data, data_shape, index, indices, value)