The basic idea is: exploits data dependency to control the execution order
of side-effect operations, and keep the semantics of ANF unchanged.
The ControlDepend primitive is removed and there are two primitives added:
1. UpdateState:
a = Assign(para, value)
a = Assign(para, value, u)
u = UpdateState(u, a)
2. Load:
x = Add(para, value)
p = Load(para, u)
x = Add(p, value)
u = UpdateState(u, p)
1. Update akg submodule
2. Refactor akg_kernel_build, akg_ascend_kernel_build, akg_gpu_kernel_build
3. Add akg_kernel_json_decoder to support converting kernel_json to AnfNode.
4. Add GraphKernel Cost Model. (mindspore/_extends/graph_kernel)
5. Add some GraphKernel passes to GpuSession, move these passes to backend/optimizer/graph_kernel.
6. Add global id for ir files.
7. Fix bug in ConstInputToAttr.