13 KiB
BERT Example
This example implements pre-training, fine-tuning and evaluation of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA.
- Install MindSpore.
- Download the zhwiki dataset for pre-training. Extract and clean text in the dataset with WikiExtractor. Convert the dataset to TFRecord format and move the files to a specified path.
- Download dataset for fine-tuning and evaluation such as CLUENER, TNEWS, SQuAD v1.1, etc.
- Convert dataset files from json format to tfrecord format, please refer to run_classifier.py which in BERT repository.
Notes: If you are running a fine-tuning or evaluation task, prepare a checkpoint from pre-train.
Running the Example
Set options in
, including lossscale, optimizer and network. Click here for more information about dataset and the json schema file. -
for non-distributed pre-training of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA model.sh scripts/run_standalone_pretrain.sh DEVICE_ID EPOCH_SIZE DATA_DIR SCHEMA_DIR
for distributed pre-training of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA model.sh scripts/run_distribute_pretrain.sh DATA_DIR RANK_TABLE_FILE
Fine-Tuning and Evaluation
Including three kinds of task: Classification, NER(Named Entity Recognition) and SQuAD(Stanford Question Answering Dataset)
Set bert network config and optimizer hyperparameters in
. -
Classification task: Set task related hyperparameters in scripts/run_classifier.sh.
bash scripts/run_classifier.py
for fine-tuning of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA model.bash scripts/run_classifier.sh
NER task: Set task related hyperparameters in scripts/run_ner.sh.
bash scripts/run_ner.py
for fine-tuning of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA model.bash scripts/run_ner.sh
SQuAD task: Set task related hyperparameters in scripts/run_squad.sh.
bash scripts/run_squad.py
for fine-tuning of BERT-base and BERT-NEZHA model.bash scripts/run_squad.sh
usage: run_pretrain.py [--distribute DISTRIBUTE] [--epoch_size N] [----device_num N] [--device_id N]
[--enable_save_ckpt ENABLE_SAVE_CKPT]
[--enable_lossscale ENABLE_LOSSSCALE] [--do_shuffle DO_SHUFFLE]
[--enable_data_sink ENABLE_DATA_SINK] [--data_sink_steps N] [--checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--save_checkpoint_steps N] [--save_checkpoint_num N]
[--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--schema_dir SCHEMA_DIR]
--distribute pre_training by serveral devices: "true"(training by more than 1 device) | "false", default is "false"
--epoch_size epoch size: N, default is 1
--device_num number of used devices: N, default is 1
--device_id device id: N, default is 0
--enable_save_ckpt enable save checkpoint: "true" | "false", default is "true"
--enable_lossscale enable lossscale: "true" | "false", default is "true"
--do_shuffle enable shuffle: "true" | "false", default is "true"
--enable_data_sink enable data sink: "true" | "false", default is "true"
--data_sink_steps set data sink steps: N, default is 1
--checkpoint_path path to save checkpoint files: PATH, default is ""
--save_checkpoint_steps steps for saving checkpoint files: N, default is 1000
--save_checkpoint_num number for saving checkpoint files: N, default is 1
--data_dir path to dataset directory: PATH, default is ""
--schema_dir path to schema.json file, PATH, default is ""
Fine-Tuning and Evaluation
usage: run_ner.py [--device_target DEVICE_TARGET] [--do_train DO_TRAIN] [----do_eval DO_EVAL]
[--assessment_method ASSESSMENT_METHOD] [--use_crf USE_CRF]
[--device_id N] [--epoch_num N] [--vocab_file_path VOCAB_FILE_PATH]
[--label2id_file_path LABEL2ID_FILE_PATH]
[--save_finetune_checkpoint_path SAVE_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path LOAD_PRETRAIN_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--train_data_file_path TRAIN_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--eval_data_file_path EVAL_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--schema_file_path SCHEMA_FILE_PATH]
--device_target targeted device to run task: Ascend | GPU
--do_train whether to run training on training set: true | false
--do_eval whether to run eval on dev set: true | false
--assessment_method assessment method to do evaluation: f1 | clue_benchmark
--use_crf whether to use crf to calculate loss: true | false
--device_id device id to run task
--epoch_num total number of training epochs to perform
--num_class number of classes to do labeling
--vocab_file_path the vocabulary file that the BERT model was trained on
--label2id_file_path label to id json file
--save_finetune_checkpoint_path path to save generated finetuning checkpoint
--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
--load_finetune_checkpoint_path give a finetuning checkpoint path if only do eval
--train_data_file_path ner tfrecord for training. E.g., train.tfrecord
--eval_data_file_path ner tfrecord for predictions if f1 is used to evaluate result, ner json for predictions if clue_benchmark is used to evaluate result
--schema_file_path path to datafile schema file
usage: run_squad.py [--device_target DEVICE_TARGET] [--do_train DO_TRAIN] [----do_eval DO_EVAL]
[--device_id N] [--epoch_num N] [--num_class N]
[--vocab_file_path VOCAB_FILE_PATH]
[--eval_json_path EVAL_JSON_PATH]
[--save_finetune_checkpoint_path SAVE_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path LOAD_PRETRAIN_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--load_finetune_checkpoint_path LOAD_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--train_data_file_path TRAIN_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--eval_data_file_path EVAL_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--schema_file_path SCHEMA_FILE_PATH]
--device_target targeted device to run task: Ascend | GPU
--do_train whether to run training on training set: true | false
--do_eval whether to run eval on dev set: true | false
--device_id device id to run task
--epoch_num total number of training epochs to perform
--num_class number of classes to classify, usually 2 for squad task
--vocab_file_path the vocabulary file that the BERT model was trained on
--eval_json_path path to squad dev json file
--save_finetune_checkpoint_path path to save generated finetuning checkpoint
--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
--load_finetune_checkpoint_path give a finetuning checkpoint path if only do eval
--train_data_file_path squad tfrecord for training. E.g., train1.1.tfrecord
--eval_data_file_path squad tfrecord for predictions. E.g., dev1.1.tfrecord
--schema_file_path path to datafile schema file
usage: run_classifier.py [--device_target DEVICE_TARGET] [--do_train DO_TRAIN] [----do_eval DO_EVAL]
[--assessment_method ASSESSMENT_METHOD] [--device_id N] [--epoch_num N] [--num_class N]
[--save_finetune_checkpoint_path SAVE_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path LOAD_PRETRAIN_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--load_finetune_checkpoint_path LOAD_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT_PATH]
[--train_data_file_path TRAIN_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--eval_data_file_path EVAL_DATA_FILE_PATH]
[--schema_file_path SCHEMA_FILE_PATH]
--device_target targeted device to run task: Ascend | GPU
--do_train whether to run training on training set: true | false
--do_eval whether to run eval on dev set: true | false
--assessment_method assessment method to do evaluation: accuracy | f1 | mcc | spearman_correlation
--device_id device id to run task
--epoch_num total number of training epochs to perform
--num_class number of classes to do labeling
--save_finetune_checkpoint_path path to save generated finetuning checkpoint
--load_pretrain_checkpoint_path initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
--load_finetune_checkpoint_path give a finetuning checkpoint path if only do eval
--train_data_file_path tfrecord for training. E.g., train.tfrecord
--eval_data_file_path tfrecord for predictions. E.g., dev.tfrecord
--schema_file_path path to datafile schema file
Options and Parameters
It contains of parameters of BERT model and options for training, which is set in file config.py
and finetune_eval_config.py
bert_network version of BERT model: base | nezha, default is base
loss_scale_value initial value of loss scale: N, default is 2^32
scale_factor factor used to update loss scale: N, default is 2
scale_window steps for once updatation of loss scale: N, default is 1000
optimizer optimizer used in the network: AdamWerigtDecayDynamicLR | Lamb | Momentum, default is "Lamb"
Parameters for dataset and network (Pre-Training/Fine-Tuning/Evaluation):
batch_size batch size of input dataset: N, default is 16
seq_length length of input sequence: N, default is 128
vocab_size size of each embedding vector: N, must be consistant with the dataset you use. Default is 21136
hidden_size size of bert encoder layers: N, default is 768
num_hidden_layers number of hidden layers: N, default is 12
num_attention_heads number of attention heads: N, default is 12
intermediate_size size of intermediate layer: N, default is 3072
hidden_act activation function used: ACTIVATION, default is "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob dropout probability for BertOutput: Q, default is 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob dropout probability for BertAttention: Q, default is 0.1
max_position_embeddings maximum length of sequences: N, default is 512
type_vocab_size size of token type vocab: N, default is 16
initializer_range initialization value of TruncatedNormal: Q, default is 0.02
use_relative_positions use relative positions or not: True | False, default is False
input_mask_from_dataset use the input mask loaded form dataset or not: True | False, default is True
token_type_ids_from_dataset use the token type ids loaded from dataset or not: True | False, default is True
dtype data type of input: mstype.float16 | mstype.float32, default is mstype.float32
compute_type compute type in BertTransformer: mstype.float16 | mstype.float32, default is mstype.float16
Parameters for optimizer:
decay_steps steps of the learning rate decay: N
learning_rate value of learning rate: Q
end_learning_rate value of end learning rate: Q, must be positive
power power: Q
warmup_steps steps of the learning rate warm up: N
weight_decay weight decay: Q
eps term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability: Q
decay_steps steps of the learning rate decay: N
learning_rate value of learning rate: Q
end_learning_rate value of end learning rate: Q
power power: Q
warmup_steps steps of the learning rate warm up: N
weight_decay weight decay: Q
learning_rate value of learning rate: Q
momentum momentum for the moving average: Q