Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
string ( REPLACE ".py" "" TEST_OPS "${TEST_OPS}" )
set ( GC_ENVS FLAGS_eager_delete_tensor_gb=0.0 FLAGS_fast_eager_deletion_mode=1 FLAGS_memory_fraction_of_eager_deletion=1.0 )
set ( dist_ENVS http_proxy= "" https_proxy= "" )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_recv_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_transpiler )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_simple_dist_transpiler )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_listen_and_serv_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_fleetapi )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_dgc_nccl )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_hallreduce )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_multi_comm )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_ring_allreduce )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_backward_deps )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_lars )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_word2vec )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_ctr )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_simnet_bow )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_mnist_batch_merge )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_text_classification )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_nce_remote_table_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_hsigmoid_remote_table_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_fleet_ctr )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_fleet_geo )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_c_comm_init_all_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_allgather )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_allreduce )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_broadcast )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_reducescatter )
endif ( )
if ( WIN32 )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_trainer_desc )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_multiprocess_reader_exception )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_avoid_twice_initialization )
endif ( )
if ( NOT ${ WITH_GPU } )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_conv2d_fusion_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_dygraph_mnist ) # TODO(Yancey1989): parallel dygraph support CPU device in future
elseif ( ${ CUDNN_VERSION } VERSION_LESS 7100 )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_conv2d_fusion_op )
endif ( )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_pipeline )
endif ( )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_seq_concat_op ) # FIXME(helin):
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_lstm_unit_op ) # # FIXME(qijun)
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_cond_op ) # FIXME(qijun):
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS op_test ) # op_test is a helper python file, not a test
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS decorator_helper ) # decorator_helper is a helper python file, not a test
if ( APPLE )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_desc_clone )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_program_code )
message ( WARNING "These tests has been disabled in OSX before being fixed:\n test_fuse_elewise_add_act_pass \n test_detection_map_op \n test_dist_se_resnext_*" )
# this op is not support on mac
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_fusion_seqexpand_concat_fc_op )
# TODO: add the unitest back when it fixed
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_detection_map_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_dgc )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_async )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync_with_memopt )
# TODO(tangwei12): add the unitest back when it fixed
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_word2vec )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_fuse_elewise_add_act_pass )
endif ( )
# this op is not support on openblas
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_fusion_seqexpand_concat_fc_op )
endif ( )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_match_matrix_tensor_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_var_conv_2d )
endif ( NOT WITH_MKL )
Extend Matmul to support matrix multiplication with multiple heads (#18570)
* extend matmul op to support multiple head multiplication
With the support of multiple head, the multiplication of two big matrixes is
split into multiplication of several (head_number) small matrixes. e.g. if
Mat A is [3, 24] and Mat B is [24, 4], when multiple A and B with head_number
as 4, Mat A will be split as 4 matrix of [3, 6] and Mat B will be 4 matrix of
[6, 4]. The result of final matrix will be 4 matrix of [3, 4], i.e. [3, 16].
6 years ago
# matmul with multiple heads need MKL support
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_matmul_op_with_head )
endif ( )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
function ( py_test_modules TARGET_NAME )
set ( options SERIAL )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs MODULES DEPS ENVS )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
cmake_parse_arguments ( py_test_modules "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_test ( NAME ${ TARGET_NAME }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D } - E e n v P Y T H O N P A T H = $ { P A D D L E _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / p y t h o n $ { p y _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ E N V S }
C O V E R A G E _ F I L E = $ { P A D D L E _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / p y t h o n - c o v e r a g e . d a t a
$ { P Y T H O N _ E X E C U T A B L E } - m c o v e r a g e r u n - - b r a n c h - p $ { P A D D L E _ S O U R C E _ D I R } / t o o l s / t e s t _ r u n n e r . p y $ { p y _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ M O D U L E S }
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } )
else ( )
add_test ( NAME ${ TARGET_NAME }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D } - E e n v P Y T H O N P A T H = $ { P A D D L E _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / p y t h o n $ { p y _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ E N V S }
$ { P Y T H O N _ E X E C U T A B L E } $ { P A D D L E _ S O U R C E _ D I R } / t o o l s / t e s t _ r u n n e r . p y $ { p y _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ M O D U L E S }
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } )
endif ( )
if ( py_test_modules_SERIAL )
endif ( )
set_tests_properties ( ${ TARGET_NAME } PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
endif ( )
endfunction ( )
function ( bash_test_modules TARGET_NAME )
return ( )
endif ( )
set ( options SERIAL )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs MODULES DEPS ENVS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( bash_test_modules "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_test ( NAME ${ TARGET_NAME }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D } - E e n v P Y T H O N P A T H = $ { P A D D L E _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / p y t h o n $ { b a s h _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ E N V S }
b a s h $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { b a s h _ t e s t _ m o d u l e s _ M O D U L E S }
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } )
if ( bash_test_modules_SERIAL )
endif ( )
set_tests_properties ( ${ TARGET_NAME } PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 600 )
endfunction ( )
Run Python OP tests in a single Python process to improve test time. (#8362)
Currently, our tests run with 2 GPUs, the init time is absurdly long:
about 4s for each process. Currently, we run each OP test on
different processes. This PR:
1. create cmake function py_test_modules which will generate the
Makefile that runs a list of Python unittest module in a single Python
2. move all "python unittest compatible" (e.g., used the unittest
package, not just a regular python file). from fluid/tests to
3. cmake now will run all OP tests in fluid/tests/unittests in a
single process, except the time-consuming tests, they are separated
into different processes to utilize parallelism. Please make sure to
use the unittest package if you put the python test file in
4. remove all exit(0) from fluid/tests/unittests/*.py, exit(0) is used
to disable unittest, we can not do it when running all tests in a
single process since it will terminate the process without running the
other tests. Instead, the test is disabled in
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt. FIXME is added for each disabled
item. Please disable the unittest from
fluid/tests/unittests/CMakeLists.txt, instead of adding exit(0) to the
Python file, for all Python file in fluid/tests/unittests/.
5. add an option WITH_FAST_BUNDLE_TEST. When OFF, will run the unit
tests in separate process so that they can be tested individually.
7 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_warpctc_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_lookup_remote_table_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_hsigmoid_remote_table_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_nce_remote_table_op )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_train )
LIST ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_listen_and_serv_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_transpiler )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_crf )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_crf_auto_growth )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_fetch_feed )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_dgc )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_async )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync_with_memopt )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dgc_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_nccl )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_transformer )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_transformer )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_transformer_auto_growth )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_bilinear_interp_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_nearest_interp_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_resnet )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_resnet_sorted_gradient )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_mnist_sorted_gradient )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_se_resnext )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_mnist )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_ir_memory_optimize_transformer )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_layers )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_seresnext_base_cpu )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_reduce_cpu )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_fuse_all_reduce_cpu )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_ocr_attention_model )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_async_ssa_graph_executor_mnist )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_install_check )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_basic_gru_api )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_basic_gru_unit_op )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_basic_lstm_api )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_basic_lstm_unit_op )
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_imperative_debug_string )
if ( APPLE OR WIN32 )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dataset )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dataset_dataloader )
endif ( )
# Some ops need to check results when gc is enabled
# Currently, only ops that register NoNeedBufferVarsInference need to do this test
t e s t _ a f f i n e _ c h a n n e l _ o p
t e s t _ c o n c a t _ o p
t e s t _ e l e m e n t w i s e _ a d d _ o p
t e s t _ e l e m e n t w i s e _ s u b _ o p
t e s t _ f i l l _ c o n s t a n t _ b a t c h _ s i z e _ l i k e _ o p
t e s t _ f i l l _ z e r o s _ l i k e 2 _ o p
t e s t _ g a t h e r _ o p
t e s t _ g a t h e r _ n d _ o p
t e s t _ g a u s s i a n _ r a n d o m _ b a t c h _ s i z e _ l i k e _ o p
t e s t _ l i n e a r _ c h a i n _ c r f _ o p
t e s t _ l o d _ r e s e t _ o p
t e s t _ l o o k u p _ t a b l e _ o p
t e s t _ m e a n _ o p
t e s t _ p a d 2 d _ o p
t e s t _ s c a t t e r _ o p
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ c o n c a t
t e s t _ s e q _ c o n v
t e s t _ s e q _ p o o l
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ e x p a n d _ a s
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ e x p a n d
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ p a d _ o p
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ u n p a d _ o p
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ s c a t t e r _ o p
t e s t _ s e q u e n c e _ s l i c e _ o p
t e s t _ s l i c e _ o p
t e s t _ s p a c e _ t o _ d e p t h _ o p
t e s t _ s q u a r e d _ l 2 _ d i s t a n c e _ o p
t e s t _ u n i f o r m _ r a n d o m _ b a t c h _ s i z e _ l i k e _ o p )
foreach ( TEST_OP ${ TEST_OPS_WITH_GC } )
py_test_modules ( ${ TEST_OP } MODULES ${ TEST_OP } ENVS ${ GC_ENVS } )
endforeach ( )
foreach ( TEST_OP ${ TEST_OPS } )
py_test_modules ( ${ TEST_OP } MODULES ${ TEST_OP } )
endforeach ( TEST_OP )
py_test_modules ( test_adam_op_multi_thread MODULES test_adam_op ENVS FLAGS_inner_op_parallelism=4 )
py_test_modules ( test_warpctc_op MODULES test_warpctc_op )
py_test_modules ( test_bilinear_interp_op MODULES test_bilinear_interp_op ENVS ${ GC_ENVS } )
py_test_modules ( test_nearest_interp_op MODULES test_nearest_interp_op ENVS ${ GC_ENVS } )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_resnet MODULES test_imperative_resnet ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 S E R I A L )
set_tests_properties ( test_imperative_resnet PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_resnet_sorted_gradient MODULES test_imperative_resnet_sorted_gradient ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 S E R I A L )
set_tests_properties ( test_imperative_resnet_sorted_gradient PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_mnist MODULES test_imperative_mnist ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_mnist_sorted_gradient MODULES test_imperative_mnist_sorted_gradient ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_se_resnext MODULES test_imperative_se_resnext ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 S E R I A L )
set_tests_properties ( test_imperative_se_resnext PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_ocr_attention_model MODULES test_imperative_ocr_attention_model ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 S E R I A L )
py_test_modules ( test_install_check MODULES test_install_check ENVS
F L A G S _ c u d n n _ d e t e r m i n i s t i c = 1 S E R I A L )
set_tests_properties ( test_install_check PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=DIST" )
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
py_test_modules ( test_imperative_debug_string MODULES test_imperative_debug_string ENVS FLAGS_dygraph_debug=1 )
py_test_modules ( test_dist_train MODULES test_dist_train ENVS ${ dist_ENVS } )
py_test_modules ( test_lookup_remote_table_op MODULES test_lookup_remote_table_op ENVS ${ dist_ENVS } )
py_test_modules ( test_hsigmoid_remote_table_op MODULES test_hsigmoid_remote_table_op ENVS ${ dist_ENVS } )
py_test_modules ( test_nce_remote_table_op MODULES test_nce_remote_table_op ENVS ${ dist_ENVS } )
#py_test_modules(test_listen_and_serv_op MODULES test_listen_and_serv_op ENVS ${dist_ENVS})
if ( WITH_DGC )
py_test_modules ( test_dgc_op MODULES test_dgc_op )
endif ( )
if ( NOT APPLE )
bash_test_modules ( test_listen_and_serv_op MODULES )
set_tests_properties ( test_listen_and_serv_op PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 100 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_nce_remote_table_op test_hsigmoid_remote_table_op test_dist_ctr test_dist_fleet_ctr test_dist_mnist_batch_merge PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_dgc_nccl PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_hallreduce PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_multi_comm PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_ring_allreduce PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_backward_deps PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_fleetapi PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_mnist_lars PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_word2vec PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_simnet_bow PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_text_classification PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 350 LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_dgc )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_async )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM TEST_OPS test_dist_se_resnext_sync_with_memopt )
py_test_modules ( test_dist_se_resnext_dgc MODULES test_dist_se_resnext_dgc )
py_test_modules ( test_dist_se_resnext_sync MODULES test_dist_se_resnext_sync )
py_test_modules ( test_dist_se_resnext_nccl MODULES test_dist_se_resnext_nccl )
bash_test_modules ( test_launch MODULES )
# FIXME(typhoonzero): add these tests back
# py_test_modules(test_dist_transformer MODULES test_dist_transformer)
# set_tests_properties(test_dist_transformer PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 1000)
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_se_resnext_dgc PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_se_resnext_sync PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
set_tests_properties ( test_dist_se_resnext_nccl PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE" RUN_SERIAL TRUE )
endif ( NOT APPLE )
# py_test_modules(test_dist_transpiler MODULES test_dist_transpiler)
endif ( )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_crf MODULES test_parallel_executor_crf )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_crf_auto_growth MODULES test_parallel_executor_crf_auto_growth ENVS FLAGS_allocator_strategy=auto_growth )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_fetch_feed MODULES test_parallel_executor_fetch_feed )
set_tests_properties ( test_parallel_executor_fetch_feed PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 450 )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_transformer MODULES test_parallel_executor_transformer )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_transformer_auto_growth MODULES test_parallel_executor_transformer_auto_growth ENVS FLAGS_allocator_strategy=auto_growth )
py_test_modules ( test_layers MODULES test_layers ENVS FLAGS_cudnn_deterministic=1 )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_base_cpu MODULES test_parallel_executor_seresnext_base_cpu )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_reduce_cpu MODULES test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_reduce_cpu )
py_test_modules ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_fuse_all_reduce_cpu MODULES test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_fuse_all_reduce_cpu )
if ( NOT WIN32 )
py_test_modules ( test_ir_memory_optimize_transformer MODULES test_ir_memory_optimize_transformer )
endif ( )
set_tests_properties ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_base_cpu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 900 )
set_tests_properties ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_reduce_cpu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 750 )
set_tests_properties ( test_parallel_executor_seresnext_with_fuse_all_reduce_cpu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 750 )
add_subdirectory ( ngraph )
endif ( )
add_subdirectory ( mkldnn )
endif ( )
set_property ( TEST test_parallel_executor_mnist PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT GLOG_vmodule=scope_buffered_ssa_graph_executor=5 )
endif ( )
set_tests_properties ( test_parallel_executor_test_while_train test_parallel_executor_mnist
t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ s e r e s n e x t _ b a s e _ g p u t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ s e r e s n e x t _ w i t h _ r e d u c e _ g p u
t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ s e r e s n e x t _ w i t h _ f u s e _ a l l _ r e d u c e _ g p u
t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ c r f t e s t _ s y n c _ b a t c h _ n o r m _ o p
t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ f e e d _ p e r s i s t a b l e _ v a r
t e s t _ p a r a l l e l _ e x e c u t o r _ c r f _ a u t o _ g r o w t h t e s t _ b u f f e r _ s h a r e d _ m e m o r y _ r e u s e _ p a s s _ a n d _ f u s e _ o p t i m i z a t i o n _ o p _ p a s s
Feature/mem opt pass refactor (#18735)
* first version memory optimize pass, test=develop
* remove move_tensor_sharing_pass, test=develop
* refine code comments, add unittests, test=develop
* turn off memory_optimize by default, test=develop
* follow huihuang's comments, test=develop
* follow chengduoZH's comments, test=develop
* fix grammar error, add const qualifier, fix pass_test exception message, test=develop
* follow chengduoZH's comments 2nd, test=develop
6 years ago
t e s t _ b u f f e r _ s h a r e d _ m e m o r y _ r e u s e _ p a s s P R O P E R T I E S L A B E L S " R U N _ T Y P E = D I S T " )