@ -3,85 +3,59 @@ import numpy as np
from op_test import OpTest
from op_test import OpTest
def conv3d_forward_naive(input, filter, group, conv_param):
in_n, in_c, in_d, in_h, in_w = input.shape
out_c, f_c, f_d, f_h, f_w = filter.shape
assert f_c * group == in_c
assert np.mod(out_c, group) == 0
sub_out_c = out_c / group
stride, pad = conv_param['stride'], conv_param['pad']
out_d = 1 + (in_d + 2 * pad[0] - f_h) / stride[0]
out_h = 1 + (in_h + 2 * pad[1] - f_h) / stride[1]
out_w = 1 + (in_w + 2 * pad[2] - f_w) / stride[2]
out = np.zeros((in_n, out_c, out_d, out_h, out_w))
input_pad = np.pad(input, ((0, ), (0, ), (pad[0], ), (pad[1], ),
(pad[2], )),
for d in range(out_d):
for i in range(out_h):
for j in range(out_w):
for g in range(group):
input_pad_masked = \
input_pad[:, g * f_c:(g + 1) * f_c,
d * stride[0]:d * stride[0] + f_d,
i * stride[1]:i * stride[1] + f_h,
j * stride[2]:j * stride[2] + f_w]
f_sub = filter[g * sub_out_c:(g + 1) *
sub_out_c, :, :, :, :]
for k in range(sub_out_c):
out[:, g * sub_out_c + k, d, i, j] = \
np.sum(input_pad_masked * f_sub[k, :, :, :, :],
axis=(1, 2, 3,4))
return out
class TestConv3dOp(OpTest):
class TestConv3dOp(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
def setUp(self):
self.op_type = "conv3d"
batch_size = 2
input_channels = 3
input_depth = 5
conv3d_param = {'stride': self.stride, 'pad': self.pad}
input_height = 5
input = np.random.random(self.input_size).astype("float32")
input_width = 5
filter = np.random.random(self.filter_size).astype("float32")
output_channels = 6
output = conv3d_forward_naive(input, filter, self.groups, conv3d_param)
filter_depth = 3
filter_height = 3
filter_width = 3
stride = 1
padding = 0
output_depth = (input_depth - filter_depth + 2 * padding) / stride + 1
output_height = (input_height - filter_height + 2 * padding
) / stride + 1
output_width = (input_width - filter_width + 2 * padding) / stride + 1
input = np.random.random((batch_size, input_channels, input_depth,
input_height, input_width)).astype("float32")
filter = np.random.random(
(output_channels, input_channels / self.groups, filter_depth,
filter_height, filter_width)).astype("float32")
output = np.ndarray((batch_size, output_channels, output_depth,
output_height, output_width))
self.inputs = {'Input': input, 'Filter': filter}
self.inputs = {'Input': input, 'Filter': filter}
self.attrs = {
self.attrs = {
'strides': [1, 1, 1],
'strides': self.stride,
'paddings': [0, 0, 0],
'paddings': self.pad,
'groups': self.groups
'groups': self.groups
output_group_channels = output_channels / self.groups
input_group_channels = input_channels / self.groups
for batchid in xrange(batch_size):
for group in xrange(self.groups):
for outchannelid in range(group * output_group_channels,
(group + 1) * output_group_channels):
for deepid in xrange(output_depth):
for rowid in xrange(output_height):
for colid in xrange(output_width):
start_d = (deepid * stride) - padding
start_h = (rowid * stride) - padding
start_w = (colid * stride) - padding
output_value = 0.0
for inchannelid in range(
group * input_group_channels,
(group + 1) * input_group_channels):
for fdeepid in xrange(filter_depth):
for frowid in xrange(filter_height):
for fcolid in xrange(filter_width):
input_value = 0.0
indeepid = start_d + fdeepid
inrowid = start_h + frowid
incolid = start_w + fcolid
if ((indeepid >= 0 and
indeepid < input_depth) and
(inrowid >= 0 and
inrowid < input_height) and
(incolid >= 0 and
incolid < input_width)):
input_value = input[
filter_value = filter[
inchannelid %
output_value += input_value * filter_value
colid] = output_value
self.outputs = {'Output': output}
self.outputs = {'Output': output}
def test_check_output(self):
def test_check_output(self):
@ -105,14 +79,30 @@ class TestConv3dOp(OpTest):
def init_groups(self):
def init_test_case(self):
# self.groups = 1
# self.op_type = "conv3d"
self.pad = [0, 0, 0]
self.stride = [1, 1, 1]
self.input_size = [2, 3, 5, 5, 5] # NCDHW
assert np.mod(self.input_size[1], self.groups) == 0
f_c = self.input_size[1] / self.groups
self.filter_size = [6, f_c, 3, 3, 3]
def init_group(self):
self.groups = 1
self.groups = 1
def init_op_type(self):
self.op_type = "conv3d"
class TestWithGroup(TestConv3dOp):
class TestWithGroup(TestConv3dOp):
def init_groups(self):
def init_group(self):
self.groups = 3
self.groups = 3
def init_op_type(self):
self.op_type = "conv3d"
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':