!9693 add multi machine instruction for bert

From: @yoonlee666
mindspore-ci-bot 4 years ago committed by Gitee
commit 59ca2ac708

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Contents
- [Contents](#contents)
- [BERT Description](#bert-description)
- [Model Architecture](#model-architecture)
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
- [ModelZoo Homepage](#modelzoo-homepage)
# [BERT Description](#contents)
The BERT network was proposed by Google in 2018. The network has made a breakthrough in the field of NLP. The network uses pre-training to achieve a large network structure without modifying, and only by adding an output layer to achieve multiple text-based tasks in fine-tuning. The backbone code of BERT adopts the Encoder structure of Transformer. The attention mechanism is introduced to enable the output layer to capture high-latitude global semantic information. The pre-training uses denoising and self-encoding tasks, namely MLM(Masked Language Model) and NSP(Next Sentence Prediction). No need to label data, pre-training can be performed on massive text data, and only a small amount of data to fine-tuning downstream tasks to obtain good results. The pre-training plus fune-tuning mode created by BERT is widely adopted by subsequent NLP networks.
[Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.04805): Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova. [BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding]((https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.04805)). arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04805.
@ -38,13 +40,16 @@ The BERT network was proposed by Google in 2018. The network has made a breakthr
[Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.00204): Junqiu Wei, Xiaozhe Ren, Xiaoguang Li, Wenyong Huang, Yi Liao, Yasheng Wang, Jiashu Lin, Xin Jiang, Xiao Chen, Qun Liu. [NEZHA: Neural Contextualized Representation for Chinese Language Understanding](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.00204). arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.00204.
# [Model Architecture](#contents)
The backbone structure of BERT is transformer. For BERT_base, the transformer contains 12 encoder modules, each module contains one self-attention module and each self-attention module contains one attention module. For BERT_NEZHA, the transformer contains 24 encoder modules, each module contains one self-attention module and each self-attention module contains one attention module. The difference between BERT_base and BERT_NEZHA is that BERT_base uses absolute position encoding to produce position embedding vector and BERT_NEZHA uses relative position encoding.
# [Dataset](#contents)
- Download the zhwiki or enwiki dataset for pre-training. Extract and refine texts in the dataset with [WikiExtractor](https://github.com/attardi/wikiextractor). Convert the dataset to TFRecord format. Please refer to create_pretraining_data.py file in [BERT](https://github.com/google-research/bert) repository.
- Download dataset for fine-tuning and evaluation such as CLUENER, TNEWS, SQuAD v1.1, etc. Convert dataset files from JSON format to TFRECORD format, please refer to run_classifier.py file in [BERT](https://github.com/google-research/bert) repository.
# [Environment Requirements](#contents)
- HardwareAscend
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend processor. If you want to try Ascend, please send the [application form](https://obs-9be7.obs.cn-east-2.myhuaweicloud.com/file/other/Ascend%20Model%20Zoo%E4%BD%93%E9%AA%8C%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7%E8%A1%A8.docx) to ascend@huawei.com. Once approved, you can get access to the resources.
- Framework
@ -54,7 +59,9 @@ The backbone structure of BERT is transformer. For BERT_base, the transformer co
- [MindSpore Python API](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/en/master/index.html)
# [Quick Start](#contents)
After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start pre-training, fine-tuning and evaluation as follows:
# run standalone pre-training example
bash scripts/run_standalone_pretrain_ascend.sh 0 1 /path/cn-wiki-128
@ -83,11 +90,17 @@ bash scripts/run_distributed_pretrain_ascend.sh /path/cn-wiki-128 /path/hccl.jso
For distributed training, an hccl configuration file with JSON format needs to be created in advance.
Please follow the instructions in the link below:
For distributed training on single machine, [here](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/config/hccl_single_machine_multi_rank.json) is an example hccl.json.
For distributed training among multiple machines, training command should be executed on each machine in a small time interval. Thus, an hccl.json is needed on each machine. [here](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/config/hccl_multi_machine_multi_rank.json) is an example of hccl.json for multi-machine case.
Please follow the instructions in the link below to create an hccl.json file in need:
For dataset, if you want to set the format and parameters, a schema configuration file with JSON format needs to be created, please refer to [tfrecord](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/programming_guide/zh-CN/master/dataset_loading.html#tfrecord) format.
For pretraining, schema file contains ["input_ids", "input_mask", "segment_ids", "next_sentence_labels", "masked_lm_positions", "masked_lm_ids", "masked_lm_weights"].
For ner or classification task, schema file contains ["input_ids", "input_mask", "segment_ids", "label_ids"].
@ -184,8 +197,10 @@ For example, the schema file of cn-wiki-128 dataset for pretraining shows as fol
## [Script Parameters](#contents)
### Pre-Training
usage: run_pretrain.py [--distribute DISTRIBUTE] [--epoch_size N] [----device_num N] [--device_id N]
[--enable_save_ckpt ENABLE_SAVE_CKPT] [--device_target DEVICE_TARGET]
[--enable_lossscale ENABLE_LOSSSCALE] [--do_shuffle DO_SHUFFLE]
@ -216,8 +231,10 @@ options:
--data_dir path to dataset directory: PATH, default is ""
--schema_dir path to schema.json file, PATH, default is ""
### Fine-Tuning and Evaluation
usage: run_ner.py [--device_target DEVICE_TARGET] [--do_train DO_TRAIN] [----do_eval DO_EVAL]
[--assessment_method ASSESSMENT_METHOD] [--use_crf USE_CRF]
[--device_id N] [--epoch_num N] [--vocab_file_path VOCAB_FILE_PATH]
@ -306,10 +323,14 @@ options:
--eval_data_file_path tfrecord for predictions. E.g., dev.tfrecord
--schema_file_path path to datafile schema file
## Options and Parameters
Parameters for training and evaluation can be set in file `config.py` and `finetune_eval_config.py` respectively.
### Options:
### Options
config for lossscale and etc.
bert_network version of BERT model: base | nezha, default is base
batch_size batch size of input dataset: N, default is 16
@ -319,8 +340,9 @@ config for lossscale and etc.
optimizer optimizer used in the network: AdamWerigtDecayDynamicLR | Lamb | Momentum, default is "Lamb"
### Parameters:
### Parameters
Parameters for dataset and network (Pre-Training/Fine-Tuning/Evaluation):
seq_length length of input sequence: N, default is 128
vocab_size size of each embedding vector: N, must be consistant with the dataset you use. Default is 21136
@ -362,13 +384,18 @@ Parameters for optimizer:
## [Training Process](#contents)
### Training
#### Running on Ascend
bash scripts/run_standalone_pretrain_ascend.sh 0 1 /path/cn-wiki-128
The command above will run in the background, you can view training logs in pretraining_log.txt. After training finished, you will get some checkpoint files under the script folder by default. The loss values will be displayed as follows:
# grep "epoch" pretraining_log.txt
epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.000, step: 1, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float32, [ 1.0856101e+01]), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, False), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Float32, 65536))
epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.000, step: 2, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float32, [ 1.0821701e+01]), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, False), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Float32, 65536))
@ -376,23 +403,29 @@ epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.000, step: 2, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1],
> **Attention** If you are running with a huge dataset, it's better to add an external environ variable to make sure the hccl won't timeout.
> ```
> ```bash
> ```
> This will extend the timeout limits of hccl from the default 120 seconds to 600 seconds.
> **Attention** If you are running with a big bert model, some error of protobuf may occurs while saving checkpoints, try with the following environ set.
> ```
> ```bash
> ```
### Distributed Training
#### Running on Ascend
bash scripts/run_distributed_pretrain_ascend.sh /path/cn-wiki-128 /path/hccl.json
The command above will run in the background, you can view training logs in pretraining_log.txt. After training finished, you will get some checkpoint files under the LOG* folder by default. The loss value will be displayed as follows:
# grep "epoch" LOG*/pretraining_log.txt
epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.001, step: 100, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float32, [ 1.08209e+01]), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, False), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Float32, 65536))
epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.002, step: 200, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float32, [ 1.07566e+01]), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, False), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Float32, 65536))
@ -404,47 +437,61 @@ epoch: 0.0, current epoch percent: 0.002, step: 200, outpus are (Tensor(shape=[1
> **Attention** This will bind the processor cores according to the `device_num` and total processor numbers. If you don't expect to run pretraining with binding processor cores, remove the operations about `taskset` in `scripts/ascend_distributed_launcher/get_distribute_pretrain_cmd.py`
## [Evaluation Process](#contents)
### Evaluation
#### evaluation on cola dataset when running on Ascend
Before running the command below, please check the load pretrain checkpoint path has been set. Please set the checkpoint path to be the absolute full path, e.g:"/username/pretrain/checkpoint_100_300.ckpt".
bash scripts/run_classifier.sh
The command above will run in the background, you can view training logs in classfier_log.txt.
If you choose accuracy as assessment method, the result will be as follows:
acc_num XXX, total_num XXX, accuracy 0.588986
#### evaluation on cluener dataset when running on Ascend
bash scripts/ner.sh
The command above will run in the background, you can view training logs in ner_log.txt.
If you choose F1 as assessment method, the result will be as follows:
Precision 0.920507
Recall 0.948683
F1 0.920507
#### evaluation on squad v1.1 dataset when running on Ascend
bash scripts/squad.sh
The command above will run in the background, you can view training logs in squad_log.txt.
The result will be as follows:
{"exact_match": 80.3878923040233284, "f1": 87.6902384023850329}
## [Model Description](#contents)
## [Performance](#contents)
### Pretraining Performance
| Parameters | Ascend | GPU |
| -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| Model Version | BERT_base | BERT_base |
