# MindSpore Lite 端侧骨骼检测demo(Android)
本示例程序演示了如何在端侧利用MindSpore Lite API以及MindSpore Lite骨骼检测模型完成端侧推理,对设备摄像头捕获的内容进行检测,并在App图像预览界面中显示连续目标检测结果。
## 运行依赖
- Android Studio >= 3.2 (推荐4.0以上版本)
- NDK 21.3
- CMake 3.10
- Android SDK >= 26
## 构建与运行
1. 在Android Studio中加载本示例源码,并安装相应的SDK(指定SDK版本后,由Android Studio自动安装)。
启动Android Studio后,点击`File->Settings->System Settings->Android SDK`,勾选相应的SDK。如下图所示,勾选后,点击`OK`,Android Studio即可自动安装SDK。
使用过程中若出现Android Studio配置问题,可参考第5项解决。
2. 连接Android设备,运行骨骼检测示例应用程序。
通过USB连接Android设备调试,点击`Run 'app'`即可在你的设备上运行本示例项目。
> 编译过程中Android Studio会自动下载MindSpore Lite、模型文件等相关依赖项,编译过程需做耐心等待。
Android Studio连接设备调试操作,可参考<https://developer.android.com/studio/run/device?hl=zh-cn>。
3. 在Android设备上,点击“继续安装”,安装完即可查看到设备摄像头捕获的内容和推理结果。
4. Android Studio 配置问题解决方案可参考下表:
| | 报错 | 解决方案 |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | Gradle sync failed: NDK not configured. | 在local.properties中指定安装的ndk目录:ndk.dir={ndk的安装目录} |
| 2 | Requested NDK version did not match the version requested by ndk.dir | 可手动下载相应的[NDK版本](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads?hl=zh-cn),并在Project Structure - Android NDK location设置中指定SDK的位置(可参考下图完成) |
| 3 | This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio or newer. | 在工具栏-help-Checkout for Updates中更新版本 |
| 4 | SSL peer shut down incorrectly | 重新构建 |
## 示例程序详细说明
骨骼检测Android示例程序通过Android Camera 2 API实现摄像头获取图像帧,以及相应的图像处理等功能,在[Runtime](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/lite/zh-CN/master/use/runtime.html)中完成模型推理的过程。
### 示例程序结构
├── app
│ ├── build.gradle # 其他Android配置文件
│ ├── download.gradle # APP构建时由gradle自动从HuaWei Server下载依赖的库文件及模型文件
│ ├── proguard-rules.pro
│ └── src
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── AndroidManifest.xml # Android配置文件
│ │ ├── java # java层应用代码
│ │ │ └── com
│ │ │ └── mindspore
│ │ │ └── posenetdemo # 图像处理及推理流程实现
│ │ │ ├── CameraDataDealListener.java
│ │ │ ├── ImageUtils.java
│ │ │ ├── MainActivity.java
│ │ │ ├── PoseNetFragment.java
│ │ │ ├── Posenet.java #
│ │ │ └── TestActivity.java
│ │ └── res # 存放Android相关的资源文件
│ └── test
└── ...
### 下载及部署模型文件
从MindSpore Model Hub中下载模型文件,本示例程序中使用的目标检测模型文件为`posenet_model.ms`,同样通过`download.gradle`脚本在APP构建时自动下载,并放置在`app/src/main/assets`工程目录下。
> 若下载失败请手动下载模型文件,posenet_model.ms [下载链接](https://download.mindspore.cn/model_zoo/official/lite/posenet_lite/posenet_model.ms)。
### 编写端侧推理代码
在骨骼检测demo中,使用Java API实现端测推理。相比于C++ API,Java API可以直接在Java Class中调用,无需实现JNI层的相关代码,具有更好的便捷性。
- 本实例通过识别鼻子眼睛等身体特征、获取身体特征位置、计算结果的置信分数,来实现骨骼检测的目的。
public enum BodyPart {
public class Position {
int x;
int y;
public class KeyPoint {
BodyPart bodyPart = BodyPart.NOSE;
Position position = new Position();
float score = 0.0f;
public class Person {
List<KeyPoint> keyPoints;
float score = 0.0f;
1. 加载MindSpore Lite模型文件,构建上下文、会话以及用于推理的计算图。
- 加载模型:从文件系统中读取MindSpore Lite模型,并进行模型解析。
// Load the .ms model.
model = new Model();
if (!model.loadModel(mContext, "posenet_model.ms")) {
Log.e("MS_LITE", "Load Model failed");
return false;
- 创建配置上下文:创建配置上下文`MSConfig`,保存会话所需的一些基本配置参数,用于指导图编译和图执行。
// Create and init config.
msConfig = new MSConfig();
if (!msConfig.init(DeviceType.DT_CPU, NUM_THREADS, CpuBindMode.MID_CPU)) {
Log.e("MS_LITE", "Init context failed");
return false;
- 创建会话:创建`LiteSession`,并调用`init`方法将上一步得到`MSConfig`配置到会话中。
// Create the MindSpore lite session.
session = new LiteSession();
if (!session.init(msConfig)) {
Log.e("MS_LITE", "Create session failed");
return false;
- 加载模型文件并构建用于推理的计算图
// Complile graph.
if (!session.compileGraph(model)) {
Log.e("MS_LITE", "Compile graph failed");
return false;
// Note: when use model.freeBuffer(), the model can not be complile graph again.
2. 输入数据: Java目前支持`byte[]`或者`ByteBuffer`两种类型的数据,设置输入Tensor的数据。
- 在输入数据之前,需要对存储图像信息的Bitmap进行解读分析与转换。
* Scale the image to a byteBuffer of [-1,1] values.
private ByteBuffer initInputArray(Bitmap bitmap) {
final int bytesPerChannel = 4;
final int inputChannels = 3;
final int batchSize = 1;
ByteBuffer inputBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
batchSize * bytesPerChannel * bitmap.getHeight() * bitmap.getWidth() * inputChannels
final float mean = 128.0f;
final float std = 128.0f;
int[] intValues = new int[bitmap.getWidth() * bitmap.getHeight()];
bitmap.getPixels(intValues, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
int pixel = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.getWidth(); x++) {
int value = intValues[pixel++];
inputBuffer.putFloat(((float) (value >> 16 & 0xFF) - mean) / std);
inputBuffer.putFloat(((float) (value >> 8 & 0xFF) - mean) / std);
inputBuffer.putFloat(((float) (value & 0xFF) - mean) / std);
return inputBuffer;
- 通过`ByteBuffer`输入数据。
long estimationStartTimeNanos = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
ByteBuffer inputArray = this.initInputArray(bitmap);
List<MSTensor> inputs = session.getInputs();
if (inputs.size() != 1) {
return null;
Log.i("posenet", String.format("Scaling to [-1,1] took %.2f ms",
1.0f * (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - estimationStartTimeNanos) / 1_000_000));
MSTensor inTensor = inputs.get(0);
long inferenceStartTimeNanos = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
3. 对输入Tensor按照模型进行推理,获取输出Tensor,并进行后处理。
- 使用`runGraph`进行模型推理。
// Run graph to infer results.
if (!session.runGraph()) {
Log.e("MS_LITE", "Run graph failed");
return null;
lastInferenceTimeNanos = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() - inferenceStartTimeNanos;
String.format("Interpreter took %.2f ms", 1.0f * lastInferenceTimeNanos / 1_000_000)
- 通过输出Tensor得到推理结果。
// Get output tensor values.
List<MSTensor> heatmaps_list = session.getOutputsByNodeName("Conv2D-27");
if (heatmaps_list == null) {
return null;
MSTensor heatmaps_tensors = heatmaps_list.get(0);
float[] heatmaps_results = heatmaps_tensors.getFloatData();
int[] heatmapsShape = heatmaps_tensors.getShape(); //1, 9, 9 ,17
float[][][][] heatmaps = new float[heatmapsShape[0]][][][];
for (int x = 0; x < heatmapsShape[0]; x++) { // heatmapsShape[0] =1
float[][][] arrayThree = new float[heatmapsShape[1]][][];
for (int y = 0; y < heatmapsShape[1]; y++) { // heatmapsShape[1] = 9
float[][] arrayTwo = new float[heatmapsShape[2]][];
for (int z = 0; z < heatmapsShape[2]; z++) { //heatmapsShape[2] = 9
float[] arrayOne = new float[heatmapsShape[3]]; //heatmapsShape[3] = 17
for (int i = 0; i < heatmapsShape[3]; i++) {
int n = i + z * heatmapsShape[3] + y * heatmapsShape[2] * heatmapsShape[3] + x * heatmapsShape[1] * heatmapsShape[2] * heatmapsShape[3];
arrayOne[i] = heatmaps_results[n]; //1*9*9*17 ??
arrayTwo[z] = arrayOne;
arrayThree[y] = arrayTwo;
heatmaps[x] = arrayThree;
List<MSTensor> offsets_list = session.getOutputsByNodeName("Conv2D-28");
if (offsets_list == null) {
return null;
MSTensor offsets_tensors = offsets_list.get(0);
float[] offsets_results = offsets_tensors.getFloatData();
int[] offsetsShapes = offsets_tensors.getShape();
float[][][][] offsets = new float[offsetsShapes[0]][][][];
for (int x = 0; x < offsetsShapes[0]; x++) {
float[][][] offsets_arrayThree = new float[offsetsShapes[1]][][];
for (int y = 0; y < offsetsShapes[1]; y++) {
float[][] offsets_arrayTwo = new float[offsetsShapes[2]][];
for (int z = 0; z < offsetsShapes[2]; z++) {
float[] offsets_arrayOne = new float[offsetsShapes[3]];
for (int i = 0; i < offsetsShapes[3]; i++) {
int n = i + z * offsetsShapes[3] + y * offsetsShapes[2] * offsetsShapes[3] + x * offsetsShapes[1] * offsetsShapes[2] * offsetsShapes[3];
offsets_arrayOne[i] = offsets_results[n];
offsets_arrayTwo[z] = offsets_arrayOne;
offsets_arrayThree[y] = offsets_arrayTwo;
offsets[x] = offsets_arrayThree;
- 对输出节点的数据进行处理,得到骨骼检测demo的返回值`person`,实现功能。
int height = ((Object[]) heatmaps[0]).length; //9
int width = ((Object[]) heatmaps[0][0]).length; //9
int numKeypoints = heatmaps[0][0][0].length; //17
// Finds the (row, col) locations of where the keypoints are most likely to be.
Pair[] keypointPositions = new Pair[numKeypoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numKeypoints; i++) {
keypointPositions[i] = new Pair(0, 0);
for (int keypoint = 0; keypoint < numKeypoints; keypoint++) {
float maxVal = heatmaps[0][0][0][keypoint];
int maxRow = 0;
int maxCol = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
if (heatmaps[0][row][col][keypoint] > maxVal) {
maxVal = heatmaps[0][row][col][keypoint];
maxRow = row;
maxCol = col;
keypointPositions[keypoint] = new Pair(maxRow, maxCol);
// Calculating the x and y coordinates of the keypoints with offset adjustment.
int[] xCoords = new int[numKeypoints];
int[] yCoords = new int[numKeypoints];
float[] confidenceScores = new float[numKeypoints];
for (int i = 0; i < keypointPositions.length; i++) {
Pair position = keypointPositions[i];
int positionY = (int) position.first;
int positionX = (int) position.second;
yCoords[i] = (int) ((float) positionY / (float) (height - 1) * bitmap.getHeight() + offsets[0][positionY][positionX][i]);
xCoords[i] = (int) ((float) positionX / (float) (width - 1) * bitmap.getWidth() + offsets[0][positionY][positionX][i + numKeypoints]);
confidenceScores[i] = sigmoid(heatmaps[0][positionY][positionX][i]);
Person person = new Person();
KeyPoint[] keypointList = new KeyPoint[numKeypoints];
for (int i = 0; i < numKeypoints; i++) {
keypointList[i] = new KeyPoint();
float totalScore = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < keypointList.length; i++) {
keypointList[i].position.x = xCoords[i];
keypointList[i].position.y = yCoords[i];
keypointList[i].score = confidenceScores[i];
totalScore += confidenceScores[i];
person.keyPoints = Arrays.asList(keypointList);
person.score = totalScore / numKeypoints;
return person;