# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Iterable
import contextlib
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
from . wrapped_decorator import signature_safe_contextmanager , wrap_decorator
import os
import re
import traceback
import six
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
import sys
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
import logging
from . . import compat as cpt
from . proto import framework_pb2
from . import core
from . import unique_name
__all__ = [
' Program ' ,
' default_startup_program ' ,
' default_main_program ' ,
' program_guard ' ,
' name_scope ' ,
' cuda_places ' ,
' cpu_places ' ,
' cuda_pinned_places ' ,
' in_dygraph_mode ' ,
' is_compiled_with_cuda ' ,
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
' Variable ' ,
' load_op_library ' ,
EMPTY_VAR_NAME = core . kEmptyVarName ( )
TEMP_VAR_NAME = core . kTempVarName ( )
GRAD_VAR_SUFFIX = core . kGradVarSuffix ( )
ZERO_VAR_SUFFIX = core . kZeroVarSuffix ( )
CONTROL_DEP_VAR_PREFIX = core . kControlDepVarName ( )
_dygraph_tracer_ = None
_dygraph_current_expected_place_ = None
def in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
This function checks whether the program runs in dynamic graph mode or not .
You can turn on dynamic graph mode with : ref : ` api_fluid_dygraph_guard ` api .
Returns :
bool : Whether the program is running in dynamic graph mode .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
if fluid . in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
print ( ' running in dygraph mode ' )
else :
print ( ' not running in dygraph mode ' )
return _dygraph_tracer_ is not None
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def _dygraph_not_support_ ( func ) :
def __impl__ ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert not in_dygraph_mode (
) , " We don ' t support %s in Dygraph mode " % func . __name__
return func ( * args , * * kwargs )
return __impl__
def _dygraph_only_ ( func ) :
def __impl__ ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
assert in_dygraph_mode (
) , " We Only support %s in Dygraph mode, please use fluid.dygraph.guard() as context to run it in Dygraph Mode " % func . __name__
return func ( * args , * * kwargs )
return __impl__
dygraph_not_support = wrap_decorator ( _dygraph_not_support_ )
dygraph_only = wrap_decorator ( _dygraph_only_ )
def _dygraph_tracer ( ) :
return _dygraph_tracer_
def _current_expected_place ( ) :
return _dygraph_current_expected_place_
def _cpu_num ( ) :
if " CPU_NUM " not in os . environ . keys ( ) :
if multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) > 1 :
sys . stderr . write (
' !!! The CPU_NUM is not specified, you should set CPU_NUM in the environment variable list. \n '
' CPU_NUM indicates that how many CPUPlace are used in the current task. \n '
' And if this parameter are set as N (equal to the number of physical CPU core) the program may be faster. \n \n '
' export CPU_NUM= {} # for example, set CPU_NUM as number of physical CPU core which is {} . \n \n '
' !!! The default number of CPU_NUM=1. \n ' . format (
multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) , multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) ) )
os . environ [ ' CPU_NUM ' ] = str ( 1 )
cpu_num = os . environ . get ( ' CPU_NUM ' )
return int ( cpu_num )
def _cuda_ids ( ) :
gpus_env = os . getenv ( " FLAGS_selected_gpus " )
if gpus_env :
device_ids = [ int ( s ) for s in gpus_env . split ( " , " ) ]
else :
device_ids = six . moves . range ( core . get_cuda_device_count ( ) )
return device_ids
def is_compiled_with_cuda ( ) :
Whether this whl package can be used to run the model on GPU .
Returns ( bool ) : support gpu or not .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
support_gpu = fluid . is_compiled_with_cuda ( )
return core . is_compiled_with_cuda ( )
def _var_base_to_np ( var_base ) :
convert VarBase tp numpy
Args :
var_base ( VarBase ) : the VarBase to convert
Returns ( np . ndarray ) : the np . ndarray contain the value of VarBase
var = var_base . _copy_to ( core . CPUPlace ( ) , True )
return np . array ( var . value ( ) . get_tensor ( ) )
def cuda_places ( device_ids = None ) :
* * Note * * :
For multi - card tasks , please use ` FLAGS_selected_gpus ` environment variable to set the visible GPU device .
The next version will fix the problem with ` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES ` environment variable .
This function creates a list of : code : ` fluid . CUDAPlace ` objects .
If : code : ` device_ids ` is None , environment variable of
: code : ` FLAGS_selected_gpus ` would be checked first . For example , if
: code : ` FLAGS_selected_gpus = 0 , 1 , 2 ` , the returned list would
be [ fluid . CUDAPlace ( 0 ) , fluid . CUDAPlace ( 1 ) , fluid . CUDAPlace ( 2 ) ] .
If : code : ` FLAGS_selected_gpus ` is not set , all visible
gpu places would be returned according to the : code : ` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES ` environment variable .
If : code : ` device_ids ` is not None , it should be the device
ids of GPUs . For example , if : code : ` device_ids = [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] ` ,
the returned list would be
[ fluid . CUDAPlace ( 0 ) , fluid . CUDAPlace ( 1 ) , fluid . CUDAPlace ( 2 ) ] .
Parameters :
device_ids ( list or tuple of int , optional ) : list of GPU device ids .
Returns :
list of fluid . CUDAPlace : Created GPU place list .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cuda_places = fluid . cuda_places ( )
assert core . is_compiled_with_cuda ( ) , \
" Not compiled with CUDA "
if device_ids is None :
device_ids = _cuda_ids ( )
elif not isinstance ( device_ids , ( list , tuple ) ) :
device_ids = [ device_ids ]
return [ core . CUDAPlace ( dev_id ) for dev_id in device_ids ]
def cpu_places ( device_count = None ) :
This function creates a list of : code : ` fluid . CPUPlace ` objects , and returns the created list .
If : code : ` device_count ` is None , the device count would
be determined by environment variable : code : ` CPU_NUM ` .
If : code : ` CPU_NUM ` is not set , the default value is 1 ,
i . e . CPU_NUM = 1.
: code : ` CPU_NUM ` indicates the number of devices used in the current task .
The running of the program can be accelerated if : code : ` CPU_NUM ` is the same as the number of physical cores .
Parameters :
device_count ( int , optional ) : device number . Default : None .
Returns :
list of fluid . CPUPlace : Created list of CPU places .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cpu_places = fluid . cpu_places ( )
if device_count is None :
device_count = _cpu_num ( )
return [ core . CPUPlace ( ) ] * device_count
def cuda_pinned_places ( device_count = None ) :
This function creates a list of : code : ` fluid . CUDAPinnedPlace ` objects .
If : code : ` device_count ` is None , the device count would
be determined by environment variable : code : ` CPU_NUM ` .
If : code : ` CPU_NUM ` is not set , the default value is 1 ,
i . e . CPU_NUM = 1.
: code : ` CPU_NUM ` indicates the number of devices used in the current task .
The running of the program can be accelerated if : code : ` CPU_NUM ` is the same as the number of physical cores .
Parameters :
device_count ( int , optional ) : device number . Default : None .
Returns :
list of fluid . CUDAPinnedPlace : Created list of CUDA pinned places .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cuda_pinned_places_cpu_num = fluid . cuda_pinned_places ( )
# or
cuda_pinned_places = fluid . cuda_pinned_places ( 1 )
assert core . is_compiled_with_cuda ( ) , \
" Not compiled with CUDA "
if device_count is None :
device_count = _cpu_num ( )
return [ core . cuda_pinned_places ( ) ] * device_count
class NameScope ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , name = " " , parent = None ) :
self . _children = dict ( )
self . _name = name
self . _parent = parent
def child ( self , prefix ) :
if prefix not in self . _children :
new_child = NameScope ( prefix , self )
self . _children [ prefix ] = [ new_child ]
else :
new_child = NameScope ( prefix + " _ %d " % len ( self . _children [ prefix ] ) ,
self )
self . _children [ prefix ] . append ( new_child )
return new_child
def parent ( self ) :
return self . _parent
def name ( self ) :
return self . _name
_name_scope = NameScope ( )
def name_scope ( prefix = None ) :
Generate hierarchical name prefix for the operators .
Note : This should only used for debugging and visualization purpose .
Don ' t use it for serious analysis such as graph/program transformations.
Args :
prefix ( str ) : prefix .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
with fluid . name_scope ( " s1 " ) :
a = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' data ' , shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = ' int32 ' )
b = a + 1
with fluid . name_scope ( " s2 " ) :
c = b * 1
with fluid . name_scope ( " s3 " ) :
d = c / 1
with fluid . name_scope ( " s1 " ) :
f = fluid . layers . pow ( d , 2.0 )
with fluid . name_scope ( " s4 " ) :
g = f - 1
# TODO(panyx0718): Only [0-9a-z].
# in dygraph we don't need namescope since it will cause mem leak
if not in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
assert prefix , " namescope prefix cannot be empty. "
global _name_scope
_name_scope = _name_scope . child ( prefix )
_name_scope = _name_scope . parent ( )
else :
def _full_name_scope ( ) :
global _name_scope
scope = _name_scope
name = " "
while scope :
name = scope . name ( ) + " / " + name
scope = scope . parent ( )
return name
def generate_control_dev_var_name ( ) :
import random
return CONTROL_DEP_VAR_PREFIX + " @ " + str ( random . random ( ) )
def grad_var_name ( var_name ) :
Returns :
str : gradient name for a certain var name
return var_name + GRAD_VAR_SUFFIX
def convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_ ( np_dtype ) :
Convert the data type in numpy to the data type in Paddle
Args :
np_dtype ( np . dtype ) : the data type in numpy .
Returns :
core . VarDesc . VarType : the data type in Paddle .
dtype = np . dtype ( np_dtype )
if dtype == np . float32 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . FP32
elif dtype == np . float64 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . FP64
elif dtype == np . float16 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . FP16
elif dtype == np . int32 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . INT32
elif dtype == np . int16 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . INT16
elif dtype == np . int64 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . INT64
elif dtype == np . bool :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . BOOL
elif dtype == np . uint16 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . INT16
elif dtype == np . uint8 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . UINT8
elif dtype == np . int8 :
return core . VarDesc . VarType . INT8
else :
raise ValueError ( " Not supported numpy dtype %s " % dtype )
def dtype_is_floating ( dtype ) :
Check the data type is floating or not .
Args :
dtype ( np . dtype | core . VarDesc . VarType ) : data type .
Could be numpy format or Paddle format
Returns ( bool ) : True if data type is a float value
if not isinstance ( dtype , core . VarDesc . VarType ) :
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_ ( dtype )
return dtype in [
core . VarDesc . VarType . FP16 , core . VarDesc . VarType . FP32 ,
core . VarDesc . VarType . FP64
def _debug_string_ ( proto , throw_on_error = True ) :
Get the debug string of a protobuf message . The message could be not
initialized .
Args :
proto ( google . protobuf . message . Message ) : The protobuf message
throw_on_error ( bool ) : True if raise an error when the protobuf message
is not initialized .
Returns ( str ) : The debug string of the protobuf message
error_fields = list ( )
if not proto . IsInitialized ( error_fields ) and throw_on_error :
raise ValueError ( " {0} are not initialized. \n The message is {1} : \n " .
format ( error_fields , proto ) )
return proto . __str__ ( )
class Variable ( object ) :
* * Notes * * :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * The constructor of Variable should not be invoked directly . * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * In Static Graph Mode : Please use * * ` Block . create_var ` * * to create a Static variable which has no data until being feed . * *
* * In Dygraph Mode : Please use * * : ref : ` api_fluid_dygraph_to_variable ` * * to create a dygraph variable with real data * *
In Fluid , every input and output of an OP is a variable . In most
cases , variables are used for holding different kinds of data or training
labels . A variable belongs to a : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` . All variable has its own name and
two variables in different : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` could have the same name .
There are many kinds of variables . Each kind of them has its own attributes
and usages . Please refer to the ` framework . proto < https : / / github . com / PaddlePaddle / Paddle / blob / develop / paddle / fluid / framework / framework . proto > ` _ for details .
Most of a Variable ' s member variables can be setted to be None. It mean
it is not available or will be specified later .
Examples :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
In Static Graph Mode :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
In ` Dygraph < . . / . . / user_guides / howto / dygraph / DyGraph . html > ` _ Mode :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
new_variable = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( np . arange ( 10 ) )
def __init__ ( self ,
block ,
type = core . VarDesc . VarType . LOD_TENSOR ,
name = None ,
shape = None ,
dtype = None ,
lod_level = None ,
capacity = None ,
persistable = None ,
error_clip = None ,
stop_gradient = False ,
is_data = False ,
need_check_feed = False ,
belong_to_optimizer = False ,
* * kwargs ) :
self . block = block
if name is None :
name = unique_name . generate ( ' _generated_var ' )
if dtype is not None :
if not isinstance ( dtype , core . VarDesc . VarType ) :
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_ ( dtype )
self . belong_to_optimizer = belong_to_optimizer
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
# record vars in tracer rather than blocks
self . _ivar = kwargs . get ( " ivar " , None )
Feature/auto prune in dygraph (#19757)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
* support auto prune in dygraph mode
* test=develop, support auto prune
* test=develop, merge develop conflict
* test=develop, fix test_layer and test_tracer ut
* test=develop, fix bug which may cause stop_gradient disabled with a list of backward inputs
5 years ago
self . stop_gradient_ = kwargs . get ( " stop_gradient " , True )
if not self . _ivar :
self . _ivar = core . VarBase (
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
name , type
if type else core . VarDesc . VarType . LOD_TENSOR , dtype
if dtype else core . VarDesc . VarType . FP32 ,
Feature/auto prune in dygraph (#19757)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
* support auto prune in dygraph mode
* test=develop, support auto prune
* test=develop, merge develop conflict
* test=develop, fix test_layer and test_tracer ut
* test=develop, fix bug which may cause stop_gradient disabled with a list of backward inputs
5 years ago
list ( shape ) if shape else [ ] , True
if persistable else False )
if persistable :
_dygraph_tracer ( ) . trace_var ( name , self )
self . op = None
else :
self . error_clip = error_clip
is_new_var = False
name = cpt . to_text ( name )
self . desc = self . block . desc . find_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( name ) )
if self . desc is None :
self . desc = self . block . desc . var ( cpt . to_bytes ( name ) )
is_new_var = True
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_type ( type )
elif self . desc . type ( ) != type :
raise ValueError (
" Variable {0} has been created before. The "
" previous type is {1} ; the new type is {2} . They "
" are not matched " . format ( self . name , self . desc . type ( ) ,
type ) )
if shape is not None :
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_shape ( shape )
else :
old_shape = self . shape
shape = tuple ( shape )
if shape != old_shape :
raise ValueError (
" Variable {0} has been created before. the previous "
" shape is {1} ; the new shape is {2} . They are not "
" matched. " . format ( self . name , old_shape , shape ) )
if dtype is not None :
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_dtype ( dtype )
else :
old_dtype = self . dtype
if dtype != old_dtype :
raise ValueError (
" Variable {0} has been created before. "
" The previous data type is {1} ; the new "
" data type is {2} . They are not "
" matched. " . format ( self . name , old_dtype , dtype ) )
if lod_level is not None :
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_lod_level ( lod_level )
else :
if lod_level != self . lod_level :
raise ValueError (
" Variable {0} has been created before. "
" The previous lod_level is {1} ; the new "
" lod_level is {2} . They are not "
" matched " . format ( self . name , self . lod_level ,
lod_level ) )
if persistable is not None :
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_persistable ( persistable )
else :
if persistable != self . persistable :
raise ValueError (
" Variable {0} has been created before. "
" The previous persistable is {1} ; the new "
" persistable is {2} . They are not matched " . format (
self . name , self . persistable , persistable ) )
if need_check_feed and is_new_var :
self . desc . set_need_check_feed ( need_check_feed )
if capacity is not None :
if is_new_var :
self . desc . set_capacity ( capacity )
else :
# TODO(abhinavarora) : Compare with set capacity once,
# get_capacity is implemented
self . block . vars [ name ] = self
self . op = None
self . _stop_gradient = stop_gradient
self . is_data = is_data
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def detach ( self ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns a new Variable , detached from the current graph .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
( : ref : ` api_guide_Variable_en ` | dtype is same as current Variable ) : The detached Variable .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . base import to_variable
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import FC
import numpy as np
data = np . random . uniform ( - 1 , 1 , [ 30 , 10 , 32 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
fc = FC ( " fc " , 64 , num_flatten_dims = 2 )
data = to_variable ( data )
x = fc ( data )
y = x . detach ( )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
new_var = self . _cloneVar ( )
self . block . append_op (
type = " assign " ,
inputs = { ' X ' : [ self ] } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ new_var ] } ,
stop_gradient = True )
return new_var
else :
raise AttributeError ( " static graph model DO NOT supprt detach " )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def numpy ( self ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * Notes * * :
* * This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns a numpy array shows the value of current : ref : ` api_guide_Variable_en `
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
ndarray : The numpy value of current Variable .
Returns type :
ndarray : dtype is same as current Variable
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . base import to_variable
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import FC
import numpy as np
data = np . random . uniform ( - 1 , 1 , [ 30 , 10 , 32 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
fc = FC ( " fc " , 64 , num_flatten_dims = 2 )
data = to_variable ( data )
x = fc ( data )
print ( x . numpy ( ) )
if not self . _ivar . value ( ) . get_tensor ( ) . _is_initialized ( ) :
raise ValueError ( " %s is Empty, Please check if it has no data in " %
self . name )
new_ivar = self . _ivar . _copy_to ( core . CPUPlace ( ) , True )
return np . array ( new_ivar . value ( ) . get_tensor ( ) )
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
def set_value ( self , value ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
Set a new value for this Variable .
Args :
value ( Variable | np . ndarray ) : the new value .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . base import to_variable
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import FC
import numpy as np
data = np . ones ( [ 3 , 32 , 32 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
fc = fluid . dygraph . FC ( " fc " , 4 )
t = to_variable ( data )
fc ( t ) # call with default weight
custom_weight = np . random . randn ( 1024 , 4 ) . astype ( " float32 " )
fc . weight . set_value ( custom_weight ) # change existing weight
out = fc ( t ) # call with different weight
assert isinstance ( value , ( Variable , np . ndarray , core . VarBase ) ) , \
" Variable set_value function, arguments type only support Variable, numpy, VarBase "
value_np = value
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
if isinstance ( value , Variable ) :
value_np = value . numpy ( )
elif isinstance ( value , core . VarBase ) :
value_np = _var_base_to_np ( value )
self_tensor = self . _ivar . value ( ) . get_tensor ( )
self_tensor_np = np . array ( self_tensor )
assert self_tensor_np . shape == value_np . shape , \
" Variable Shape not match, Variable [ {} ] need tensor with shape {} but load set tensor with shape {} " . format ( self . _ivar . name , self_tensor_np . shape , value_np . shape )
assert self_tensor_np . dtype == value_np . dtype , \
" Variable dtype not match, Variable [ {} ] need tensor with dtype {} but load tensor with dtype {} " . format ( self . _ivar . name , self_tensor_np . dtype , value_np . dtype )
self_tensor . set ( value_np , _current_expected_place ( ) )
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def backward ( self , backward_strategy = None ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * Notes * * :
* * This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Run backward of current Graph which starts from current Variable
Args :
backward_strategy ( : ref : ` api_fluid_dygraph_BackwardStrategy ` ) : The Backward Strategy to run backward
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
NoneType : None
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
x = np . ones ( [ 2 , 2 ] , np . float32 )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
inputs2 = [ ]
for _ in range ( 10 ) :
tmp = fluid . dygraph . base . to_variable ( x )
# if we don't set tmp's stop_gradient as False then, all path to loss will has no gradient since
# there is no one need gradient on it.
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
tmp . stop_gradient = False
inputs2 . append ( tmp )
ret2 = fluid . layers . sums ( inputs2 )
loss2 = fluid . layers . reduce_sum ( ret2 )
backward_strategy = fluid . dygraph . BackwardStrategy ( )
backward_strategy . sort_sum_gradient = True
loss2 . backward ( backward_strategy )
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
from . dygraph import BackwardStrategy
if backward_strategy is None :
backward_strategy = BackwardStrategy ( )
backward_strategy . sort_sum_gradient = False
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
self . _ivar . _run_backward ( backward_strategy , _dygraph_tracer ( ) )
else :
raise ValueError (
" Variable.backward() is only avaliable in DyGraph mode " )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def gradient ( self ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * Notes * * :
* * This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Get the Gradient of Current Variable
Returns :
ndarray : Numpy value of the gradient of current Variable
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
x = np . ones ( [ 2 , 2 ] , np . float32 )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
inputs2 = [ ]
for _ in range ( 10 ) :
tmp = fluid . dygraph . base . to_variable ( x )
tmp . stop_gradient = False
inputs2 . append ( tmp )
ret2 = fluid . layers . sums ( inputs2 )
loss2 = fluid . layers . reduce_sum ( ret2 )
backward_strategy = fluid . dygraph . BackwardStrategy ( )
backward_strategy . sort_sum_gradient = True
loss2 . backward ( backward_strategy )
print ( loss2 . gradient ( ) )
if self . _ivar . _grad_ivar ( ) is None :
raise ValueError ( " %s has no grad, Please set Variable.stop_gradient=False, or " \
" check if this is the first and only variable need grad, if so, please set its pre-Variable ' s " \
" stop_gradient=False, to make sure it has gradient " % self . name )
if not self . _ivar . _grad_ivar ( ) . value ( ) . get_tensor ( ) . _is_initialized ( ) :
raise ValueError (
" %s ' s Grad is Empty, Please check if it has no data in " %
self . name )
new_ivar = self . _ivar . _grad_ivar ( ) . _copy_to ( core . CPUPlace ( ) , True )
return np . array ( new_ivar . value ( ) . get_tensor ( ) )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def clear_gradient ( self ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * Notes * * :
* * 1. This API is ONLY avaliable in Dygraph mode * *
* * 2. Use it only Variable has gradient , normally we use this for Parameters since other temporal Variable will be deleted by Python ' s GC**
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Clear ( set to ` ` 0 ` ` ) the Gradient of Current Variable
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns : None
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
x = np . ones ( [ 2 , 2 ] , np . float32 )
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
inputs2 = [ ]
for _ in range ( 10 ) :
tmp = fluid . dygraph . base . to_variable ( x )
tmp . stop_gradient = False
inputs2 . append ( tmp )
ret2 = fluid . layers . sums ( inputs2 )
loss2 = fluid . layers . reduce_sum ( ret2 )
backward_strategy = fluid . dygraph . BackwardStrategy ( )
backward_strategy . sort_sum_gradient = True
loss2 . backward ( backward_strategy )
print ( loss2 . gradient ( ) )
loss2 . clear_gradient ( )
print ( " After clear {} " . format ( loss2 . gradient ( ) ) )
self . _ivar . _clear_gradient ( )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . to_string ( True )
def to_string ( self , throw_on_error , with_details = False ) :
Get debug string .
Args :
throw_on_error ( bool ) : True if raise an exception when self is not initialized .
with_details ( bool ) : more details about variables and parameters ( e . g . trainable , optimize_attr , . . . ) will be printed when with_details is True . Default value is False ;
Returns :
str : The debug string .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
print ( new_variable . to_string ( True ) )
print ( " =============with detail=============== " )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
print ( new_variable . to_string ( True , True ) )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
# TODO(panyx0718): add more dygraph debug info.
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
tensor = self . _ivar . value ( ) . get_tensor ( )
if tensor . _is_initialized ( ) :
return ' name %s , dtype: %s shape: %s %s ' % (
self . name , self . dtype , self . shape , str ( tensor ) )
else :
return ' name %s , shape: %s , not inited ' % ( self . name ,
self . shape )
assert isinstance ( throw_on_error , bool ) and isinstance ( with_details ,
bool )
protostr = self . desc . serialize_to_string ( )
proto = framework_pb2 . VarDesc . FromString ( six . binary_type ( protostr ) )
res_str = _debug_string_ ( proto , throw_on_error )
if with_details :
additional_attr = ( " error_clip " , " stop_gradient " )
for attr_name in additional_attr :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
res_str + = " %s : %s \n " % ( attr_name ,
cpt . to_text ( getattr ( self , attr_name ) ) )
return res_str
__repr__ = __str__
def stop_gradient ( self ) :
Indicating if we stop gradient from current Variable
* * Notes : This Property has default value as * * ` ` True ` ` * * in * * ` Dygraph < . . / . . / user_guides / howto / dygraph / DyGraph . html > ` _ * * mode , while Parameter ' s default value is False. However, in Static Graph Mode all Variable ' s default stop_gradient value is * * ` ` False ` `
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
value0 = np . arange ( 26 ) . reshape ( 2 , 13 ) . astype ( " float32 " )
value1 = np . arange ( 6 ) . reshape ( 2 , 3 ) . astype ( " float32 " )
value2 = np . arange ( 10 ) . reshape ( 2 , 5 ) . astype ( " float32 " )
fc = fluid . FC ( " fc1 " , size = 5 , dtype = " float32 " )
fc2 = fluid . FC ( " fc2 " , size = 3 , dtype = " float32 " )
a = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( value0 )
b = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( value1 )
c = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( value2 )
out1 = fc ( a )
out2 = fc2 ( b )
out1 . stop_gradient = True
out = fluid . layers . concat ( input = [ out1 , out2 , c ] , axis = 1 )
out . backward ( )
assert ( fc . _w . gradient ( ) == 0 ) . all ( )
assert ( out1 . gradient ( ) == 0 ) . all ( )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return self . _ivar . stop_gradient
else :
return self . _stop_gradient
def stop_gradient ( self , s ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
self . _ivar . stop_gradient = s
else :
self . _stop_gradient = s
def persistable ( self ) :
Indicating if we current Variable should be long - term alive
* * Notes : This Property will be deprecated and this API is just to help user understand concept * *
* * 1. All Variable ' s persistable is** ``False`` **except Parameters.**
* * 2. In * * ` Dygraph < . . / . . / user_guides / howto / dygraph / DyGraph . html > ` _ * * mode , this property should not be changed * *
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " persistable of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . persistable ) )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return self . _ivar . persistable
else :
return self . desc . persistable ( )
def persistable ( self , p ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
logging . warn (
" There will be no use to set persistable in Dygraph Mode, since "
" you can just do it by hold it as normal Python variable " )
else :
self . desc . set_persistable ( p )
def name ( self ) :
Indicating name of current Variable
* * Notes : If it has two or more Varaible share the same name in the same * * : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` * * , it means these Variable will share content in no - * * ` Dygraph < . . / . . / user_guides / howto / dygraph / DyGraph . html > ` _ * * mode . This is how we achieve Parameter sharing * *
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " name of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . name ) )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return self . _ivar . name
else :
return cpt . to_text ( self . desc . name ( ) )
def name ( self , new_name ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
self . _ivar . name = new_name
else :
self . desc . set_name ( new_name )
def shape ( self ) :
Indicating shape of current Variable
* * Notes : This is a read - only property * *
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " shape of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . shape ) )
# convert to tuple, make it as same as numpy API.
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return self . _ivar . shape
else :
return tuple ( self . desc . shape ( ) )
def dtype ( self ) :
Indicating data type of current Variable
* * Notes : This is a read - only property * *
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " Dtype of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . dtype ) )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return self . _ivar . dtype
else :
return self . desc . dtype ( )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def lod_level ( self ) :
Indicating ` ` LoD ` ` info of current Variable , please refer to : ref : ` api_fluid_LoDTensor_en ` to check the meaning
of ` ` LoD ` `
* * Notes * * :
* * 1. This is a read - only property * *
* * 2. Don ' t support this property in** `Dygraph <../../user_guides/howto/dygraph/DyGraph.html>`_ **mode, it ' s value should be * * ` ` 0 ( int ) ` `
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " LoD Level of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . lod_level ) )
# TODO(minqiyang): Support lod_level in dygraph mode
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
raise Exception ( " Dygraph model DO NOT supprt lod " )
return self . desc . lod_level ( )
def type ( self ) :
Indicating Type of current Variable
* * Notes : This is a read - only property * *
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
new_variable = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
print ( " Type of current Var is: {} " . format ( new_variable . type ) )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
return self . _ivar . type
else :
return self . desc . type ( )
def _set_error_clip ( self , error_clip ) :
Set the error_clip .
Args :
error_clip ( BaseErrorClipAttr ) : The new error_clip .
Returns :
self . error_clip = error_clip
def _slice_indices ( self , slice , length ) :
Reference implementation for the slice . indices method .
# Compute step and length as integers.
step = 1 if slice . step is None else slice . step
# Raise ValueError for negative length or zero step.
if length < 0 :
raise ValueError ( " length should not be negative " )
if step == 0 :
raise ValueError ( " slice step cannot be zero " )
# Find lower and upper bounds for start and stop.
lower = - 1 if step < 0 else 0
upper = length - 1 if step < 0 else length
# Compute start.
if slice . start is None :
start = upper if step < 0 else lower
else :
start = slice . start
start = max ( start + length , lower ) if start < 0 else min ( start ,
upper )
# Compute stop.
if slice . stop is None :
stop = lower if step < 0 else upper
else :
stop = slice . stop
stop = max ( stop + length , lower ) if stop < 0 else min ( stop , upper )
return start , stop , step
def _detectEllipsis ( self , item ) :
has_ellipsis = False
start = 0
end = len ( self . shape )
for index , o in enumerate ( item ) :
if o is Ellipsis :
if has_ellipsis :
raise ValueError ( " Index can have one ellipsis only. " )
has_ellipsis = True
start = index
else :
if has_ellipsis :
end = index
return has_ellipsis , start , end
def _reconstructSliceinfo ( self , item ) :
has_ellipsis , start , end = self . _detectEllipsis ( item )
if has_ellipsis :
newitem = [ ]
for i in range ( start ) :
newitem . append ( item [ i ] )
for i in range ( start , end ) :
newitem . append ( slice ( None , None , None ) )
for i in range ( end , len ( item ) ) :
newitem . append ( item [ i ] )
return newitem
else :
return None
def _detectContinuesSlice ( self , item ) :
starts = [ ]
ends = [ ]
for index , o in enumerate ( item ) :
if isinstance ( o , int ) :
start = int ( o )
if ( index > 0 and index > = self . shape [ index ] ) \
or ( index < 0 and ( index + self . shape [ index ] ) < 0 ) :
raise IndexError ( " invalid index " )
start = max ( start + self . shape [ index ] , 0 ) if start < 0 else min (
start , self . shape [ index ] )
starts . append ( start )
ends . append ( start + 1 )
elif isinstance ( o , slice ) :
start , stop , step = self . _slice_indices ( o , self . shape [ index ] )
if step == 1 or step == - 1 :
starts . append ( start )
ends . append ( stop )
else :
return False , None
else :
raise IndexError ( " Valid index accept int or slice or ellipsis " )
return True , [ starts , ends ]
def _cloneVar ( self , copy = False ) :
if not copy :
return self . block . create_var (
name = unique_name . generate_with_ignorable_key ( self . name ) ,
dtype = self . dtype )
else :
return self
def _sliceVar ( self , axes , starts , ends ) :
new_var = self . _cloneVar ( )
self . block . append_op (
type = " slice " ,
inputs = { ' Input ' : [ self ] } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ new_var ] } ,
attrs = { ' axes ' : axes ,
' starts ' : starts ,
' ends ' : ends } )
return new_var
def _concatVar ( self , inputs , axis ) :
new_var = self . _cloneVar ( )
self . block . append_op (
type = " concat " ,
inputs = { ' X ' : inputs } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ new_var ] } ,
attrs = { ' axis ' : axis , } )
return new_var
def _sliceAndConcatVar ( self , item , axis ) :
if isinstance ( item , slice ) :
if self . shape [ axis ] < 0 :
return self . _cloneVar ( True )
start , stop , step = self . _slice_indices ( item , self . shape [ axis ] )
if step == 1 :
return self . _sliceVar ( [ axis ] , [ start ] , [ stop ] )
else :
vars = [ ]
if step > 0 :
while start < stop :
vars . append (
self . _sliceVar ( [ axis ] , [ start ] , [ start + 1 ] ) )
start + = step
else :
while start > stop :
vars . append (
self . _sliceVar ( [ axis ] , [ start ] , [ start + 1 ] ) )
start + = step
return self . _concatVar ( vars , axis )
elif isinstance ( item , int ) :
if self . shape [ axis ] < 0 :
return self . _cloneVar ( True )
index = int ( item )
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
if ( index > 0 and index > = self . shape [ axis ] ) \
or ( index < 0 and ( index + self . shape [ axis ] ) < 0 ) :
raise IndexError ( " invalid index " )
return self . _sliceVar ( [ axis ] , [ index ] , [ index + 1 ] )
else :
raise IndexError ( " Valid index accept int or slice or tuple " )
def __getitem__ ( self , item ) :
Slice the variable .
Args :
item ( int / slice / tuple ) : the index .
Returns :
Sliced variable
if not isinstance ( item , tuple ) :
item = [ item ]
decrease_axis = [ ]
slice_axis = [ ]
slice_start = [ ]
slice_end = [ ]
reverse_axis = [ ]
def fill_constant ( shape , dtype , value , force_cpu = False , out = None ) :
self . block . append_op (
type = ' fill_constant ' ,
inputs = { } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ out ] } ,
attrs = {
' shape ' : shape ,
' dtype ' : out . dtype ,
' value ' : float ( value ) ,
' force_cpu ' : force_cpu or force_init_on_cpu ( )
} ,
stop_gradient = True )
out . stop_gradient = True
return out
for dim , slice_item in enumerate ( item ) :
if isinstance ( slice_item , slice ) :
start = slice_item . start
end = slice_item . stop
step = slice_item . step if slice_item . step else 1
assert ( step == 1 or step == - 1 )
if step == - 1 :
reverse_axis . append ( dim )
assert ( start is None and end is None )
if start is None and end is None :
if start is None :
start = 0
if end is None :
end = 10000000
slice_axis . append ( dim )
slice_start . append ( start )
slice_end . append ( end )
else :
decrease_axis . append ( dim )
slice_axis . append ( dim )
slice_start . append ( slice_item )
if isinstance ( slice_item , Variable ) :
temp_1 = self . block . create_var ( dtype = ' int32 ' )
fill_constant ( [ 1 ] , ' int32 ' , 1 , force_cpu = True , out = temp_1 )
temp_end = self . block . create_var ( dtype = ' int32 ' )
self . block . append_op (
type = ' elementwise_add ' ,
inputs = { ' X ' : slice_item ,
' Y ' : temp_1 } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : temp_end } ,
attrs = { ' axis ' : - 1 } )
slice_end . append ( temp_end )
else :
slice_end . append ( slice_item + 1
if slice_item != - 1 else 10000000 )
def contain_var ( one_list ) :
for ele in one_list :
if isinstance ( ele , Variable ) :
return True
return False
def get_new_list_tensor ( old_list ) :
new_list_tensor = [ ]
for dim in old_list :
if isinstance ( dim , Variable ) :
dim . stop_gradient = True
new_list_tensor . append ( dim )
else :
assert ( isinstance ( dim , int ) )
temp_out = self . block . create_var ( dtype = ' int32 ' )
fill_constant (
[ 1 ] , ' int32 ' , dim , force_cpu = True , out = temp_out )
new_list_tensor . append ( temp_out )
return new_list_tensor
inputs = { ' Input ' : [ self ] }
attrs = {
' axes ' : slice_axis ,
' starts ' : [ ] ,
' ends ' : [ ] ,
' decrease_axis ' : decrease_axis
infer_flags = list ( 1 for i in range ( len ( slice_axis ) ) )
# starts
if not contain_var ( slice_start ) :
attrs [ ' starts ' ] = slice_start
else :
inputs [ ' StartsTensorList ' ] = get_new_list_tensor ( slice_start )
for i , dim in enumerate ( slice_start ) :
if isinstance ( dim , Variable ) :
attrs [ ' starts ' ] . append ( - 1 )
infer_flags [ i ] = - 1
else :
attrs [ ' starts ' ] . append ( dim )
# ends
if not contain_var ( slice_end ) :
attrs [ ' ends ' ] = slice_end
else :
inputs [ ' EndsTensorList ' ] = get_new_list_tensor ( slice_end )
for i , dim in enumerate ( slice_end ) :
if isinstance ( dim , Variable ) :
attrs [ ' ends ' ] . append ( - 1 )
infer_flags [ i ] = - 1
else :
attrs [ ' ends ' ] . append ( dim )
# infer_flags
attrs [ ' infer_flags ' ] = infer_flags
out = self
if len ( slice_axis ) > 0 :
# append slice_op here
slice_out_var = self . block . create_var (
name = unique_name . generate_with_ignorable_key ( self . name +
" _slice " ) ,
dtype = self . dtype )
self . block . append_op (
type = " slice " ,
inputs = inputs ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ slice_out_var ] } ,
attrs = attrs )
out = slice_out_var
if len ( reverse_axis ) > 0 :
reverse_out_var = self . block . create_var (
name = unique_name . generate_with_ignorable_key ( self . name +
" _slice_reverse " ) ,
dtype = self . dtype )
self . block . append_op (
type = " reverse " ,
inputs = { ' X ' : out } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : [ reverse_out_var ] } ,
attrs = { ' axis ' : reverse_axis } )
out = reverse_out_var
return out
def get_all_op_protos ( ) :
Get all registered op proto from PaddlePaddle C + + end .
Returns :
list : list of OpProto .
protostrs = core . get_all_op_protos ( )
ret_values = [ ]
for pbstr in protostrs :
op_proto = framework_pb2 . OpProto . FromString ( six . binary_type ( pbstr ) )
ret_values . append ( op_proto )
return ret_values
class OpProtoHolder ( object ) :
A global variable to hold all OpProtos from C + + as a map
def instance ( cls ) :
if not hasattr ( cls , ' _instance ' ) :
cls . _instance = cls ( )
return cls . _instance
def __init__ ( self ) :
assert not hasattr (
self . __class__ ,
' _instance ' ) , ' Please use `instance()` to get OpProtoHolder object! '
op_protos = get_all_op_protos ( )
self . op_proto_map = { }
for proto in op_protos :
self . op_proto_map [ proto . type ] = proto
def get_op_proto ( self , type ) :
Get OpProto by a type string .
Args :
type ( str ) : The type that operator registered in C + + side .
Returns ( framework_pb2 . OpProto ) : The OpProto
if type not in self . op_proto_map :
raise ValueError ( " Operator \" %s \" has not been registered. " % type )
return self . op_proto_map [ type ]
def update_op_proto ( self ) :
op_protos = get_all_op_protos ( )
for proto in op_protos :
if proto . type not in self . op_proto_map :
self . op_proto_map [ proto . type ] = proto
def generated_op_attr_names ( ) :
return {
core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . kOpRoleAttrName ( ) ,
core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . kOpRoleVarAttrName ( ) ,
core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . kOpNameScopeAttrName ( ) ,
core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . kOpCreationCallstackAttrName ( )
class Operator ( object ) :
In Fluid , all the operation are represented by Operator , and Operator
is regarded as a build in an instruction of a Block . Users can use the
build in instructions to describe their neural network .
Args :
block ( Block ) : The block has the current operator .
desc ( core . OpDesc ) : The protobuf description of Operator .
type ( str ) : The type of operator . Default None .
inputs ( dict ) : The input of this Operator . it is a dictionary , for every
element , key is the input parameter name , and value is a list of
variables . Default None .
outputs ( dict ) : The output of this Operator . it is a dictionary , for
every element , key is the input parameter name , and value is a list
of variables . Default None .
attrs ( dict ) : The attributes of this Operator . it is a dictionary , for
every element , key is attribute name , and value is the attribute value .
The attribute type should be as same as the type registered in C + + side .
Default None .
Returns :
Operator : The initialized Operator .
Raises :
ValueError : If the passed input , output and attrs doesn ' t match the
initializing Operator ' s that registered in C++ side.
Notes :
The constructor of operator should not be invoked directly . Use
Block . append_op or Block . _prepend_op instead .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
# var1 += var2 + var3
cur_block . append_op ( type = " sum " ,
inputs = { " X " : [ var1 , var2 , var3 ] } ,
outputs = { " Out " : [ var1 ] } )
' feed ' , ' fetch ' , ' recurrent ' , ' go ' , ' rnn_memory_helper_grad ' ,
' conditional_block ' , ' while ' , ' send ' , ' recv ' , ' listen_and_serv ' ,
' fl_listen_and_serv ' , ' ncclInit ' , ' select ' , ' checkpoint_notify ' ,
' gen_nccl_id ' , ' c_gen_nccl_id ' , ' c_comm_init ' , ' c_sync_calc_stream ' ,
' c_sync_comm_stream '
def __init__ ( self ,
block ,
desc ,
type = None ,
inputs = None ,
outputs = None ,
attrs = None ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
if type is None :
raise ValueError (
" `type` to initialized an Operator can not be None. " )
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
self . _type = type
self . attrs = attrs if attrs else { }
else :
self . block = block
self . desc = desc
# note: not add self.attrs here:
# https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/12583#pullrequestreview-145093173
op_attrs = attrs
if op_attrs is None :
op_attrs = dict ( )
del attrs
op_maker = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker
if op_maker . kOpRoleAttrName ( ) not in op_attrs :
op_attrs [ op_maker . kOpRoleAttrName (
) ] = self . block . program . _op_role
role_var_name = op_maker . kOpRoleVarAttrName ( )
if len ( self . block . program .
_op_role_var ) != 0 and role_var_name not in op_attrs :
op_attrs [ role_var_name ] = self . block . program . _op_role_var
if role_var_name in op_attrs and len ( op_attrs [ role_var_name ] ) == 0 :
del op_attrs [ role_var_name ]
if len ( self . desc . type ( ) ) != 0 :
if type is None :
raise ValueError (
" `type` to initialized an Operator can not be None. " )
else :
callstack_var_name = op_maker . kOpCreationCallstackAttrName ( )
op_attrs [ callstack_var_name ] = list (
reversed ( traceback . format_stack ( ) ) ) [ 1 : ]
self . desc . set_type ( type )
proto = OpProtoHolder . instance ( ) . get_op_proto ( type )
namescope_var_name = op_maker . kOpNameScopeAttrName ( )
op_attrs [ namescope_var_name ] = _full_name_scope ( )
def find_name ( var_list , name ) :
for var_name in var_list :
if var_list [ var_name ] is not None and var_name == name :
return True
return False
if inputs is not None :
for in_proto in proto . inputs :
found = find_name ( inputs , in_proto . name )
assert found or in_proto . dispensable , " Input {} not found " . format (
in_proto . name )
if found :
in_args = inputs [ in_proto . name ]
if not isinstance ( in_args , list ) :
in_args = [ in_args ]
if not in_proto . duplicable and len ( in_args ) > 1 :
raise ValueError (
" Input %s expects only one input, but %d are given. "
% ( in_proto . name , len ( in_args ) ) )
in_arg_names = [ ]
for index , arg in enumerate ( in_args ) :
if isinstance ( arg , six . string_types ) :
in_arg_names . append ( arg )
elif isinstance ( arg , six . binary_type ) :
in_arg_names . append ( arg . decode ( ) )
elif isinstance ( arg , Variable ) :
in_arg_names . append ( cpt . to_text ( arg . name ) )
else :
raise ValueError (
" not suprt args type , should be[ string_type, binary_type, Varibale] "
self . desc . set_input ( in_proto . name , in_arg_names )
else :
self . desc . set_input ( in_proto . name , [ ] )
if outputs is not None :
for m in proto . outputs :
if ( m . name not in outputs ) and m . dispensable :
if not ( ( m . name in outputs ) or m . dispensable ) :
raise ValueError ( ( " Incorrect setting for output(s) of "
" operator \" %s \" , should set: [ %s ]. " )
% ( type , m . name ) )
for out_proto in proto . outputs :
if out_proto . name not in outputs :
out_args = outputs [ out_proto . name ]
if not isinstance ( out_args , list ) :
out_args = [ out_args ]
if not out_proto . duplicable and len ( out_args ) > 1 :
raise ValueError (
" Output %s expects only one output, but %d are given. "
% ( out_proto . name , len ( out_args ) ) )
out_arg_names = [ ]
for arg in out_args :
out_arg_names . append ( cpt . to_text ( arg . name ) )
# TODO(minqiyang): could we remove variable's op in static mode?
if not in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
arg . op = self
self . desc . set_output ( out_proto . name , out_arg_names )
if op_attrs is not None :
if not isinstance ( op_attrs , dict ) :
raise TypeError ( " ' attrs ' should be a dict. " )
for attr in proto . attrs :
attr_name = attr . name
if ( attr_name not in op_attrs ) or (
op_attrs [ attr_name ] is None ) :
attr_val = op_attrs [ attr_name ]
self . _update_desc_attr ( attr_name , attr_val )
self . desc . check_attrs ( )
if self . _has_kernel ( type ) :
self . desc . infer_var_type ( self . block . desc )
self . desc . infer_shape ( self . block . desc )
def _has_kernel ( self , op_type ) :
return op_type not in self . OP_WITHOUT_KERNEL_SET
def to_string ( self , throw_on_error ) :
Get debug string .
Args :
throw_on_error ( bool ) : Whether to raise exception if self is not
initialized .
Returns :
str : The debug string .
protostr = self . desc . serialize_to_string ( )
proto = framework_pb2 . OpDesc . FromString ( six . binary_type ( protostr ) )
return _debug_string_ ( proto , throw_on_error )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . to_string ( True )
__repr__ = __str__
def type ( self ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
return self . _type
else :
return self . desc . type ( )
def input ( self , name ) :
Get the input arguments according to the input parameter name .
Args :
name ( str ) : The input parameter name .
Returns :
list : return the list of argument names that associated with \
the specific parameter name .
return self . desc . input ( name )
def _rename_input ( self , old_name , new_name ) :
Rename the ` old_name ` to ` new_name ` .
Args :
old_name ( str ) : The old name of the Operator ' s input.
new_name ( str ) : The new name of the Operator ' s input.
Returns :
self . desc . _rename_input ( old_name , new_name )
def _rename_output ( self , old_name , new_name ) :
Rename the ` old_name ` to ` new_name ` .
Args :
old_name ( str ) : The old name of the Operator ' s output.
new_name ( str ) : The new name of the Operator ' s output.
Returns :
self . desc . _rename_output ( old_name , new_name )
def input_names ( self ) :
return self . desc . input_names ( )
def input_arg_names ( self ) :
return self . desc . input_arg_names ( )
def output_arg_names ( self ) :
return self . desc . output_arg_names ( )
def output ( self , name ) :
Get output arguments by the output parameter name .
Args :
name ( str ) : The output parameter name .
Returns :
list : return the list of argument names associated with \
the specific parameter name .
return self . desc . output ( name )
def output_names ( self ) :
return self . desc . output_names ( )
def idx ( self ) :
for i , op in enumerate ( self . block . ops ) :
if op == self :
return i
raise ValueError (
" Can ' t find op itself in it ' s block. It could be a bug of Paddle. " )
def has_attr ( self , name ) :
Whether this Operator has the attribute with name or not .
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
bool : True if has this attribute .
return self . desc . has_attr ( name )
def attr_type ( self , name ) :
Get the type of attribute by attribute ' s name.
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
core . AttrType : the attribute type .
return self . desc . attr_type ( name )
def _set_attr ( self , name , val ) :
Set the value of attribute by attribute ' s name.
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
val ( bool | int | str | float | list ) : the value of the attribute .
Raises :
ValueError : If the type of value doesn ' t match with desc.attr_type(name).
self . _update_desc_attr ( name , val )
def _remove_attr ( self , name ) :
self . desc . remove_attr ( name )
def _update_desc_attr ( self , name , val ) :
Update the value of desc ' s attribute by attribute ' s name .
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
val ( bool | int | str | float | list ) : the value of the attribute .
Raises :
ValueError : If the type of value doesn ' t match with desc.attr_type(name).
if isinstance ( val , Block ) :
self . desc . set_block_attr ( name , val . desc )
elif isinstance ( val , list ) and val and all (
isinstance ( v , Block ) for v in val ) :
self . desc . set_blocks_attr ( name , [ v . desc for v in val ] )
elif isinstance ( val , core . BlockDesc ) or \
isinstance ( val , core . ProgramDesc ) :
self . desc . set_serialized_attr ( name , val . serialize_to_string ( ) )
else :
self . desc . _set_attr ( name , val )
def attr_names ( self ) :
return self . desc . attr_names ( )
def attr ( self , name ) :
Get the attribute by name .
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
bool | int | str | float | list : The attribute value . The return value
can be any valid attribute type .
return self . desc . attr ( name )
def _block_attr_id ( self , name ) :
Get the block attribute ' s id by name.
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
int : the block index .
return self . desc . _block_attr_id ( name )
def _block_attr ( self , name ) :
Get the block attribute by name .
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
block : the block attribute .
id = self . _block_attr_id ( name )
assert ( id > = 0 and id < len ( self . block . program . blocks ) )
return self . block . program . blocks [ id ]
def _blocks_attr ( self , name ) :
Get the blocks attribute by name .
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
list : list of the blocks attribute .
attrs = [ ]
for i in self . _blocks_attr_ids ( name ) :
assert ( i > = 0 and i < len ( self . block . program . blocks ) )
attrs . append ( self . block . program . blocks [ i ] )
return attrs
def _blocks_attr_ids ( self , name ) :
Get the blocks attribute ' s ids by name.
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
Returns :
list : list of the blocks ids .
return self . desc . _blocks_attr_ids ( name )
def all_attrs ( self ) :
Get the attribute dict .
Returns :
dict : The Operator ' s attribute dict, name->attr.
attr_names = self . attr_names
attr_map = { }
for n in attr_names :
attr_type = self . desc . attr_type ( n )
if attr_type == core . AttrType . BLOCK :
attr_map [ n ] = self . _block_attr ( n )
if attr_type == core . AttrType . BLOCKS :
attr_map [ n ] = self . _blocks_attr ( n )
attr_map [ n ] = self . attr ( n )
return attr_map
class Block ( object ) :
In Fluid , a Program is consistence of multi - Block , and Block stores
VarDesc and OpDesc . In a specific Block , a VarDesc have a unique name .
One block could have some child blocks , and child block ' s name scopes
should inherit the parent ' s so that OpDesc in child block can reference
a VarDesc that is stored in the parent block .
Please reference the framework . proto for details .
Args :
program ( Program ) : The Program that the Block belongs to .
idx ( int ) : The block ' s id in the Program.
Notes :
The constructor of Block should not be invoked directly . Please
use ` Program . _create_block ( ) ` to create a block .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
cur_program = fluid . Program ( )
cur_block = cur_program . current_block ( )
var = cur_block . create_var ( name = " X " ,
shape = [ - 1 , 23 , 48 ] ,
dtype = ' float32 ' )
cur_block . append_op ( type = " abs " ,
inputs = { " X " : [ var ] } ,
outputs = { " Out " : [ var ] } )
def __init__ ( self , program , idx ) :
self . desc = program . desc . block ( idx )
self . vars = collections . OrderedDict ( ) # var_name --> var
self . ops = list ( ) # operator list
self . program = program
self . removed_vars = collections . OrderedDict ( )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . to_string ( True )
def to_string ( self , throw_on_error , with_details = False ) :
Get debug string .
Args :
throw_on_error ( bool ) : raise exception when self is not initialized
when throw_on_error is True .
with_details ( bool ) : more details about variables and parameters
( e . g . trainable , optimize_attr , . . . ) will be printed when
with_details is True . Default False .
Returns :
str : The debug string .
assert isinstance ( throw_on_error , bool ) and isinstance ( with_details ,
bool )
if with_details :
re_add_indent = re . compile ( r " \ n(.) " )
res_str = " blocks { \n idx: %d \n parent_idx: %d " % (
self . idx , self . parent_idx )
for var in list ( self . vars . values ( ) ) :
res_str + = " \n vars { \n %s } " % re_add_indent . sub (
r " \ n \ 1 " , var . to_string ( throw_on_error , with_details ) )
for op in self . ops :
res_str + = " \n ops { \n %s } " % re_add_indent . sub (
r " \ n \ 1 " , op . to_string ( throw_on_error ) )
res_str + = " \n } "
else :
protostr = self . desc . serialize_to_string ( )
proto = framework_pb2 . BlockDesc . FromString (
six . binary_type ( protostr ) )
res_str = _debug_string_ ( proto , throw_on_error )
return res_str
__repr__ = __str__
def parent_idx ( self ) :
return self . desc . parent
def forward_block_idx ( self ) :
return self . desc . get_forward_block_idx ( )
def _set_forward_block_idx ( self , idx ) :
Set the forward block Idx .
Args :
idx ( int ) : the block index .
Returns :
self . desc . _set_forward_block_idx ( idx )
def idx ( self ) :
return self . desc . id
def var ( self , name ) :
Get a Variable by name from this block .
Args :
name ( str ) : the Variable ' s name.
Raises :
ValueError : The If input ' s type is not str, or this block
doesn ' t have a Variable with the giving name.
Returns :
Variable : the Variable with the giving name .
if not isinstance ( name , six . string_types ) :
raise TypeError (
" var require string as parameter, but get %s instead. " %
( type ( name ) ) )
v = self . vars . get ( name , None )
if v is None :
raise ValueError ( " var %s not in this block " % name )
return v
def _find_var_recursive ( self , name ) :
Get a Variable by name from this block recursively .
Args :
name ( str ) : the Variable ' s name.
Returns :
Variable : the Variable with the giving name . Or None if not found .
frontier = list ( )
visited = set ( )
frontier . append ( self )
prog = self . program
while len ( frontier ) != 0 : # BFS
cur = frontier [ 0 ]
frontier = frontier [ 1 : ]
if id ( cur ) in visited :
if cur . has_var ( name ) :
return cur . var ( name )
if cur . parent_idx != - 1 :
frontier . append ( prog . block ( cur . parent_idx ) )
if cur . forward_block_idx != - 1 :
frontier . append ( prog . block ( cur . forward_block_idx ) )
visited . add ( id ( cur ) )
return None
def _var_recursive ( self , name ) :
Get a Variable by name from this block recursively .
Args :
name ( str ) : the Variable ' s name.
Raises :
ValueError : this block and this parent block doesn ' t
have a Variable with the giving name .
Returns :
Variable : the Variable with the giving name .
var = self . _find_var_recursive ( name )
if var :
return var
else :
raise ValueError ( " Var {0} is not found recursively " . format ( name ) )
def all_parameters ( self ) :
return list ( self . iter_parameters ( ) )
def iter_parameters ( self ) :
return ( item [ 1 ] for item in six . iteritems ( self . vars )
if isinstance ( item [ 1 ] , Parameter ) )
def create_var ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
var = Variable ( block = self , * args , * * kwargs )
if ' initializer ' in kwargs :
kwargs [ ' initializer ' ] ( var , self )
return var
def has_var ( self , name ) :
return name in self . vars
def _rename_var ( self , name , new_name ) :
Rename variable in vars and ops ' inputs and outputs
Args :
name ( str ) : the name that need to be renamed .
new_name ( str ) : the name that need to rename to .
Raises :
ValueError : If this block doesn ' t have this the giving name,
or the type of the var with the giving name is not Parameter
or Variable .
Returns :
Variable : the Variable with the giving name .
name = cpt . to_text ( name )
new_name = cpt . to_text ( new_name )
if not self . has_var ( name ) :
raise ValueError ( " var %s is not in current block " % name )
v = self . var ( name )
if type ( v ) == Parameter :
var_type = " Parameter "
stop_gradient = v . stop_gradient
trainable = v . trainable
optimize_attr = v . optimize_attr
regularizer = v . regularizer
gradient_clip_attr = v . gradient_clip_attr
error_clip = v . error_clip
elif type ( v ) == Variable :
var_type = " Variable "
error_clip = v . error_clip
stop_gradient = v . stop_gradient
else :
raise ValueError ( " unsupported var type: %s " , type ( v ) )
orig_var_type = v . type
self . desc . _rename_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( name ) , cpt . to_bytes ( new_name ) )
# NOTE: v is destroyed by C++ after calling _rename_var.
d = self . desc . find_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( new_name ) )
if var_type == " Parameter " :
var = Parameter (
self ,
d . shape ( ) ,
d . dtype ( ) ,
type = orig_var_type ,
name = new_name ,
stop_gradient = stop_gradient ,
trainable = trainable ,
optimize_attr = optimize_attr ,
regularizer = regularizer ,
gradient_clip_attr = gradient_clip_attr ,
error_clip = error_clip )
elif var_type == " Variable " :
var = Variable (
self ,
type = orig_var_type ,
name = new_name ,
error_clip = error_clip ,
stop_gradient = stop_gradient )
# rename the python side, _sync_with_cpp will only add
# new vars/ops to python side.
self . vars [ new_name ] = var
del self . vars [ name ]
self . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return var
def _remove_var ( self , name ) :
self . _sync_with_cpp ( )
self . desc . _remove_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( name ) )
del self . vars [ name ]
def create_parameter ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
global_block = self . program . global_block ( )
param = Parameter ( global_block , * args , * * kwargs )
if ' initializer ' in kwargs :
def _is_inited_by ( block , var ) :
init_ops = [ ]
for op in block . ops :
if var . name in op . output_arg_names :
# In startup_program, "c_broadcast" and "c_sync_comm_stream"
# are treated as initialization ops that cause error.
# Think of "c_broadcast" and "c_sync_comm_stream" as a special case here.
if op . type in [ " c_broadcast " , " c_sync_comm_stream " ] :
init_ops . append ( op )
return init_ops
initializer = kwargs [ ' initializer ' ]
init_ops = _is_inited_by ( global_block , param )
init_ops_len = len ( init_ops )
if init_ops_len > 1 :
raise RuntimeError ( " param " + param . name +
" is inited by multiple init ops " + str (
init_ops ) )
elif init_ops_len == 1 :
#TODO already inited, do nothing, should log a warning
else :
initializer ( param , self )
Feature/auto prune in dygraph (#19757)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
* support auto prune in dygraph mode
* test=develop, support auto prune
* test=develop, merge develop conflict
* test=develop, fix test_layer and test_tracer ut
* test=develop, fix bug which may cause stop_gradient disabled with a list of backward inputs
5 years ago
param . stop_gradient = False
return param
def append_op ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
Appends a new Operator according to the giving arguments .
Returns :
Operator : the append Operator .
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
attrs = kwargs . get ( " attrs " , { } )
if _dygraph_tracer_ . _train_mode == False :
# eval mode
if ( ' trainable_statistics ' not in attrs
) or not attrs [ ' trainable_statistics ' ] :
attrs [ ' is_test ' ] = True
else :
attrs [ ' is_test ' ] = False
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
type = kwargs . get ( " type " , None )
op = Operator (
block = self ,
desc = None ,
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
type = type ,
inputs = None ,
outputs = None ,
attrs = attrs )
# record ops in tracer rather than blocks
# TODO(minqiyang): add op stop_gradient support in static mode too.
# currently, we only support stop_gradient in dygraph mode.
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
_dygraph_tracer ( ) . trace_op ( type ,
kwargs . get ( " inputs " , { } ) ,
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
kwargs . get ( " outputs " , { } ) , attrs
if attrs else { } ,
kwargs . get ( " stop_gradient " , False ) )
else :
op_desc = self . desc . append_op ( )
op = Operator (
block = self ,
desc = op_desc ,
type = kwargs . get ( " type " , None ) ,
inputs = kwargs . get ( " inputs " , None ) ,
outputs = kwargs . get ( " outputs " , None ) ,
attrs = kwargs . get ( " attrs " , None ) )
self . ops . append ( op )
return op
def _insert_op ( self , index , * args , * * kwargs ) :
Insert a Operator according to the giving arguments .
Args :
index ( int ) : the place that the operator to insert .
Returns :
Operator : the insert Operator .
self . _sync_with_cpp ( )
op_desc = self . desc . _insert_op ( index )
op = Operator ( block = self , desc = op_desc , * args , * * kwargs )
self . ops . insert ( index , op )
return op
def _remove_op ( self , index ) :
Remove the specific position operator .
Args :
index ( int ) : the position that the operator to insert .
Returns :
self . _sync_with_cpp ( )
self . desc . _remove_op ( index , index + 1 )
del self . ops [ index ]
def _slice_ops ( self , start , end ) :
Return the Operator between start and end .
Args :
start ( int ) : the start position .
end ( int ) : the end position .
Returns :
list : the Operators between start and end .
return self . ops [ start : end ]
def _prepend_op ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
type = kwargs . get ( " type " , None )
attrs = kwargs . get ( " attrs " , { } )
op = Operator (
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
self , None , type = type , inputs = None , outputs = None , attrs = attrs )
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
_dygraph_tracer ( ) . trace_op ( type ,
kwargs . get ( " inputs " , { } ) ,
Refactor dygraph (#19107)
* refactor dygraph,test=develop
* fix failed unittest,test=develop
* polish code,test=develop
* check windows ci error,test=develop
try to fix windows ci error by np.allclose,test=develop
* polish vlog and profiler, test=develop
* try to fix preceding ops order,test=develop
* test transformer in windows ci, test=develop
* use python c-api to speed up tracer.trace,test=develop
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, add ut for debug string and gradient_accumulator
* test=develop, add tests for layer/gradient_accumulator/prepared_op
* test=develop, fix complie error for test_prepared_op
* test=develop, add more ut for dygraph
* test=develop, create API.spec for dygraph api change
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, refoctor name to make it easier to understand
* test=develop, fix multi-gpu failed problem , add Tracer tests, change PADDLEENFORCE to PADDLEENFORCE_EQ
* test=develop, fix ut failed on parallel se-resnext
* test=develop, change one more PADDLE_ENFORCE
6 years ago
kwargs . get ( " outputs " , { } ) , attrs
if attrs else { } ,
kwargs . get ( " stop_gradient " , False ) )
else :
op_desc = self . desc . _prepend_op ( )
op = Operator (
self ,
op_desc ,
type = kwargs . get ( " type " , None ) ,
inputs = kwargs . get ( " inputs " , None ) ,
outputs = kwargs . get ( " outputs " , None ) ,
attrs = kwargs . get ( " attrs " , None ) )
self . ops . insert ( 0 , op )
return op
def _sync_with_cpp ( self ) :
Sync from the desc on the c + + end . This method is used to synchronize
the c + + desc instance generated by backward .
# sync variables from cpp
for var in self . desc . all_vars ( ) :
if not self . has_var ( var . name ( ) ) :
self . create_var ( name = var . name ( ) , desc = var , type = var . type ( ) )
# sync variables removed from c++ end
for var in list ( self . vars . keys ( ) ) :
if not self . desc . find_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( var ) ) :
self . vars . pop ( var )
# sync operators from cpp
ops_in_cpp = [ ]
for op_idx in range ( 0 , self . desc . op_size ( ) ) :
ops_in_cpp . append ( self . desc . op ( op_idx ) )
if len ( self . ops ) != 0 :
first_op_in_python = self . ops [ 0 ] . desc
last_op_in_python = self . ops [ len ( self . ops ) - 1 ] . desc
start_index = None
end_index = None
for index in range ( len ( ops_in_cpp ) ) :
if first_op_in_python == ops_in_cpp [ index ] :
start_index = index
if last_op_in_python == ops_in_cpp [ index ] :
end_index = index
assert start_index is not None
assert end_index is not None
assert start_index < = end_index
else :
start_index = 0
end_index = - 1
# sync ops append to the head of cpp_ops
for index in range ( ( start_index - 1 - 1 ) , - 1 , - 1 ) :
op_desc = ops_in_cpp [ index ]
op = Operator ( self , op_desc )
self . ops . insert ( 0 , op )
# sync ops append to the end of cpp_ops
for index in range ( ( end_index + 1 ) , len ( ops_in_cpp ) ) :
op_desc = ops_in_cpp [ index ]
op = Operator ( self , op_desc )
self . ops . append ( op )
# sync ops removed from c++ end
if end_index != - 1 and end_index < len ( self . ops ) :
ops_in_cpp_index = 0
ops_in_python_index = 0
while ops_in_python_index < len (
self . ops ) and ops_in_cpp_index < len ( ops_in_cpp ) :
if self . ops [ ops_in_python_index ] . desc != ops_in_cpp [
ops_in_cpp_index ] :
del self . ops [ ops_in_python_index ]
else :
ops_in_cpp_index + = 1
ops_in_python_index + = 1
assert len ( self . ops ) == len ( ops_in_cpp )
for index in range ( len ( self . ops ) ) :
assert self . ops [ index ] . desc == ops_in_cpp [ index ]
def _copy_param_info_from ( self , other ) :
Copy the information of parameters from the other block .
Args :
other ( Block ) : the other block .
Raises :
ValueError : If type of input is not Block , or the ` other ` and this
block is not in the same topology .
Returns :
if not isinstance ( other , Block ) :
raise TypeError (
" _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with Block " )
for p in other . iter_parameters ( ) :
assert isinstance ( p , Parameter )
v = self . vars . get ( p . name , None )
if v is None :
raise ValueError ( " _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with "
" same topology " )
assert isinstance ( v , Variable )
new_p = Parameter (
block = self ,
shape = v . shape ,
dtype = v . dtype ,
type = v . type ,
lod_level = v . lod_level ,
stop_gradient = p . stop_gradient ,
trainable = p . trainable ,
optimize_attr = p . optimize_attr ,
regularizer = p . regularizer ,
gradient_clip_attr = p . gradient_clip_attr ,
error_clip = p . error_clip ,
name = v . name )
self . vars [ new_p . name ] = new_p
def _clone_variable ( self , var , force_persistable = True ) :
Clone a variable into current block .
Args :
var : the variable to be cloned .
force_persistable ( bool ) : True means setting the result variable to being persistable .
False means setting the persistable the same with that of input var .
default : True .
Returns :
Variable : the new variable cloned from ' var ' in current block .
assert isinstance ( var , Variable )
ret_var = None
# make STEP_SCOPES var can be safely cloned.
if var . type == core . VarDesc . VarType . STEP_SCOPES :
ret_var = self . create_var (
name = var . name , persistable = var . persistable , type = var . type )
elif var . type == core . VarDesc . VarType . RAW :
ret_var = self . create_var (
name = var . name , persistable = var . persistable , type = var . type )
elif var . type == core . VarDesc . VarType . SELECTED_ROWS :
ret_var = self . create_var (
name = var . name ,
shape = var . shape ,
dtype = var . dtype ,
type = var . type ,
persistable = True if force_persistable else var . persistable ,
is_data = var . is_data ,
need_check_feed = var . desc . need_check_feed ( ) )
else :
ret_var = self . create_var (
name = var . name ,
shape = var . shape ,
dtype = var . dtype ,
type = var . type ,
lod_level = var . lod_level ,
persistable = True if force_persistable else var . persistable ,
is_data = var . is_data ,
need_check_feed = var . desc . need_check_feed ( ) )
return ret_var
class IrNode ( object ) :
Python IrNode . Beneath it is a core . Node , which is used for Ir Pass .
def __init__ ( self , node ) :
Construct an IrNode using core . Node .
Args :
node ( core . Node ) : C + + Node .
assert isinstance ( node ,
core . Node ) , ' node must be the instance of core.Node. '
self . node = node
def name ( self ) :
Return the node name .
Returns :
str : node name .
return self . node . name ( )
def node_type ( self ) :
Return the node type .
Returns :
core . Node . Type : node type ( core . Node . Type . Operation or core . Node . Type . Variable ) .
return self . node . node_type ( )
def var ( self ) :
Return the node variable description .
Returns :
core . VarDesc : node variable description .
return self . node . var ( )
def op ( self ) :
Return the node operator description .
Returns :
core . OpDesc : node operator description .
return self . node . op ( )
def id ( self ) :
Return the node id .
Returns :
int : node id .
return self . node . id ( )
def is_op ( self ) :
If the node is an operator , then return true .
Returns :
bool : indicate whether the node is an operator .
return self . node . is_op ( )
def is_var ( self ) :
If the node is a variable , then return true .
Returns :
bool : indicate whether the node is a variable .
return self . node . is_var ( )
def is_ctrl_var ( self ) :
If the node is a control dependence variable , then return true .
Returns :
bool : indicate whether the node is a control dependence variable .
return self . node . is_ctrl_var ( )
def clear_inputs ( self ) :
Clear the node inputs . After executing the ` clear_inputs ` function ,
the node inputs will be empty .
self . node . clear_inputs ( )
def remove_input_by_id ( self , node_id ) :
Remove a node from inputs by the given node id .
Args :
node_id ( int ) : the given node id .
self . node . remove_input ( node_id )
def remove_input ( self , node ) :
Remove a node from inputs .
Args :
node ( IrNode ) : the node being removed .
self . node . remove_input ( node . node )
def append_input ( self , node ) :
Append a node in inputs .
Args :
node ( IrNode ) : the node being appended .
self . node . append_input ( node . node )
def clear_outputs ( self ) :
Clear the node outputs . After executing the ` clear_outputs ` function ,
the node outputs will be empty .
self . node . clear_outputs ( )
def remove_output_by_id ( self , node_id ) :
Remove a node from outputs by the given node id .
Args :
node_id ( int ) : the given node id .
self . node . remove_output ( node_id )
def remove_output ( self , node ) :
Remove a node from outputs .
Args :
node ( IrNode ) : the node being removed .
self . node . remove_output ( node . node )
def append_output ( self , node ) :
Append a node in outputs .
Args :
node ( IrNode ) : the node being appended .
self . node . append_output ( node . node )
def inputs ( self ) :
Return the node inputs .
Returns :
list ( IrNode ) : node inputs wrapped by IrNode .
return [ IrNode ( n ) for n in self . node . inputs ]
def outputs ( self ) :
Return the node outputs .
Returns :
list ( IrNode ) : node outputs wrapped by IrNode .
return [ IrNode ( n ) for n in self . node . outputs ]
class IrVarNode ( IrNode ) :
Python IrVarNode . Beneath it is a core . Node , it inherits from IrNode .
def __init__ ( self , node ) :
Construct an IrVarNode using core . Node .
Args :
node ( core . Node ) : C + + Node .
assert isinstance ( node , core . Node ) and node . is_var ( ) , \
' node must be the instance of core.Node and it must be a variable node. '
super ( IrVarNode , self ) . __init__ ( node )
self . node = node
def set_shape ( self , shape ) :
Set the node variable shape .
Args :
shape ( list ) : shape to be set .
assert self . node . var ( ) is not None , \
" The node variable description cannot be None. "
self . node . var ( ) . set_shape ( shape )
def persistable ( self ) :
If the variable node is a persistable variable , then return true .
Returns :
bool : indicate whether the variable is persistable .
assert self . node . var ( ) is not None , \
" The node variable description cannot be None. "
return self . node . var ( ) . persistable ( )
def type ( self ) :
Return the variable type .
Returns :
core . VarDesc . VarType : the variable type .
assert self . node . var ( ) is not None , \
" The node variable description cannot be None. "
return self . node . var ( ) . type ( )
def dtype ( self ) :
Return the variable data type .
Returns :
core . VarDesc . VarType : the variable data type .
assert self . node . var ( ) is not None , \
" The node variable description cannot be None. "
return self . node . var ( ) . dtype ( )
def shape ( self ) :
Return the variable shape .
Returns :
list : the variable shape .
assert self . node . var ( ) is not None , \
" The node variable description cannot be None. "
return self . node . var ( ) . shape ( )
def inputs ( self ) :
Return the node inputs .
Returns :
list ( IrOpNode ) : node inputs wrapped by IrOpNode .
return [ IrOpNode ( n ) for n in self . node . inputs ]
def outputs ( self ) :
Return the node outputs .
Returns :
list ( IrOpNode ) : node outputs wrapped by IrOpNode .
return [ IrOpNode ( n ) for n in self . node . outputs ]
class IrOpNode ( IrNode ) :
Python IrOpNode . Beneath it is a core . Node , it inherits from IrNode .
def __init__ ( self , node ) :
Construct an IrOpNode using core . Node .
Args :
node ( core . Node ) : C + + Node .
assert isinstance ( node , core . Node ) and node . is_op ( ) , \
' node must be the instance of core.Node and it must be a operator node. '
super ( IrOpNode , self ) . __init__ ( node )
self . node = node
def rename_input ( self , old_input_name , new_input_name ) :
Rename the input of this node .
Args :
old_input_name ( str ) : the old input name .
new_input_name ( str ) : the new input name .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
self . node . op ( ) . _rename_input ( old_input_name , new_input_name )
def rename_output ( self , old_output_name , new_output_name ) :
Rename the output of this node .
Args :
old_output_name ( str ) : the old output name .
new_output_name ( str ) : the new output name .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
print ( " op: {} , old: {} , new: {} \n " . format ( self . node . op ( ) . type (
) , old_output_name , new_output_name ) )
self . node . op ( ) . _rename_output ( old_output_name , new_output_name )
def input ( self , name ) :
Get the argument name list by the parameter name for input .
Args :
name ( str ) : the parameter name .
Returns :
list ( str ) : the argument name list .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
return self . node . op ( ) . input ( name )
def output ( self , name ) :
Get the argument name list by the parameter name for output .
Args :
name ( str ) : the parameter name .
Returns :
list ( str ) : the argument name list .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
return self . node . op ( ) . output ( name )
def set_type ( self , new_type ) :
Change the operator type into new type .
Args :
new_type ( str ) : new operator type to be set .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
return self . node . op ( ) . set_type ( new_type )
def set_attr ( self , name , val ) :
Set the value of attribute by attribute ' s name.
Args :
name ( str ) : the attribute name .
val ( bool | int | str | float | list ) : the value of the attribute .
self . _update_desc_attr ( name , val )
def _update_desc_attr ( self , name , val ) :
Update the value of the op desc ' s attribute by attribute ' s name .
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
desc = self . node . op ( )
if isinstance ( val , Block ) :
desc . set_block_attr ( name , val . desc )
elif isinstance ( val , list ) and val and \
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
all ( isinstance ( v , Block ) for v in val ) :
desc . set_blocks_attr ( name , [ v . desc for v in val ] )
elif isinstance ( val , core . BlockDesc ) or \
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
isinstance ( val , core . ProgramDesc ) :
desc . set_serialized_attr ( name , val . serialize_to_string ( ) )
else :
desc . _set_attr ( name , val )
def input_arg_names ( self ) :
Return input arguments ' names of this op node.
Returns :
list ( str ) : input arguments ' names of this op node.
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
return self . node . op ( ) . input_arg_names ( )
def output_arg_names ( self ) :
Return output arguments ' names of this op node.
Returns :
list ( str ) : output arguments ' names of this op node.
assert self . node . op ( ) is not None , \
" The node operator description cannot be None. "
return self . node . op ( ) . output_arg_names ( )
def inputs ( self ) :
Return the node inputs .
Returns :
list ( IrVarNode ) : node inputs wrapped by IrVarNode .
return [ IrVarNode ( n ) for n in self . node . inputs ]
def outputs ( self ) :
Return the node outputs .
Returns :
list ( IrVarNode ) : node outputs wrapped by IrVarNode .
return [ IrVarNode ( n ) for n in self . node . outputs ]
class IrGraph ( object ) :
Python IrGraph . Beneath it is a core . Graph , which is used for
creating a c + + Ir Pass Graph . An IrGraph is just a graph view of
a Program . In an IrGraph , both Variables and Operators are graph
nodes .
def __init__ ( self , graph , for_test = False ) :
Construct an IrGraph using core . Graph .
Args :
graph ( core . Graph ) : C + + Graph .
for_test ( bool ) : True for the test graph and false for the train graph .
assert isinstance (
graph , core . Graph ) , ' graph must be the instance of core.Graph. '
self . graph = graph
self . _for_test = for_test
def clone ( self ) :
Create a new and duplicated IrGraph .
Warns :
The method only clones the graph structure , not its attributes .
Returns :
IrGraph : A new and duplicated graph .
g = self . graph . clone ( )
return IrGraph ( g , self . _for_test )
def is_test ( self ) :
If the graph is used for testing , the function returns true . Otherwise , returns false .
return self . _for_test
def all_nodes ( self ) :
Return all nodes included in the graph as a set .
return { IrNode ( node ) for node in self . graph . nodes ( ) }
def all_var_nodes ( self ) :
Return all variable nodes included in the graph as a set .
return { IrVarNode ( node ) for node in self . graph . nodes ( ) if node . is_var ( ) }
def all_persistable_nodes ( self ) :
Return all persistable variable nodes included in the graph as a set .
persistable_nodes = set ( )
for node in self . graph . nodes ( ) :
if node . is_var ( ) and node . var ( ) is not None and node . var (
) . persistable ( ) :
persistable_nodes . add ( node )
return { IrVarNode ( p ) for p in persistable_nodes }
def all_op_nodes ( self ) :
Return all operator nodes included in the graph as a set .
return { IrOpNode ( node ) for node in self . graph . nodes ( ) if node . is_op ( ) }
def create_persistable_node ( self , name , var_type , shape , var_dtype ) :
Create a persistable variable node in the graph . In IrGraph ,
it can not distinguish between persistable variables and parameters .
Args :
name ( str ) : the name of the persistable variable node .
vart_type ( core . VarDesc . VarType ) : the type of the persistable variable node .
shape ( list ) : the shape of the persistable variable node .
var_dtype ( core . VarDesc . VarType ) : the data type of the persistable variable node .
Returns :
IrVarNode : the created persistable variable node .
var_desc = core . VarDesc ( name )
var_desc . set_type ( var_type )
var_desc . set_shape ( shape )
var_desc . set_dtype ( var_dtype )
var_desc . set_persistable ( True )
return IrVarNode ( self . graph . create_var_node ( var_desc ) )
def create_var_node ( self , name , var_type , shape , var_dtype ) :
Create a variable node in the graph . The created variable node is
not persistable .
Args :
name ( str ) : the name of the variable node .
vart_type ( core . VarDesc . VarType ) : the type of the variable node .
shape ( list ) : the shape of the variable node .
var_dtype ( core . VarDesc . VarType ) : the data type of the variable node .
Returns :
IrVarNode : the created variable node .
var_desc = core . VarDesc ( name )
var_desc . set_type ( var_type )
var_desc . set_shape ( shape )
var_desc . set_dtype ( var_dtype )
return IrVarNode ( self . graph . create_var_node ( var_desc ) )
def create_var_node_from_desc ( self , var_desc ) :
Create a variable node by using an existing VarDesc in the graph .
Depend on the giving VarDesc , the created variable node may be persistable .
Args :
var_desc ( core . VarDesc ) : the giving variable description .
Returns :
IrVarNode : the created variable node .
return IrVarNode ( self . graph . create_var_node ( var_desc ) )
def create_op_node ( self , op_type , attrs , inputs , outputs ) :
Create a operator node in the graph .
Args :
op_type ( str ) : the type of the operator node .
attrs ( dict ) : the attributes of the operator node .
inputs ( dict ) : the inputs of the operator node .
outputs ( dict ) : the outpus of the operator node .
Returns :
IrOpNode : the created operator node .
op_desc = core . OpDesc ( )
op_desc . set_type ( op_type )
for attr , value in six . iteritems ( attrs ) :
self . _update_desc_attr ( op_desc , attr , value )
for input_name , var_nodes in six . iteritems ( inputs ) :
if not isinstance ( var_nodes , list ) :
var_nodes = [ var_nodes ]
op_desc . set_input ( input_name ,
[ var_node . name ( ) for var_node in var_nodes ] )
for output_name , var_nodes in six . iteritems ( outputs ) :
if not isinstance ( var_nodes , list ) :
var_nodes = [ var_nodes ]
op_desc . set_output ( output_name ,
[ var_node . name ( ) for var_node in var_nodes ] )
return IrOpNode ( self . graph . create_op_node ( op_desc ) )
def create_op_node_from_desc ( self , op_desc ) :
Create a operator node by using an existing OpDesc in the graph .
Args :
op_desc ( core . VarDesc ) : the giving operator description .
Returns :
IrOpNode : the created operator node .
return IrOpNode ( self . graph . create_op_node ( op_desc ) )
def update_input_link ( self , old_input_node , new_input_node , op_node ) :
Update the input ' s link of a operator node.
Args :
old_input_node ( IrNode ) : the old input node of the giving op_node .
new_input_node ( IrNode ) : the new input node of the giving op_node .
op_node ( IrOpNode ) : the operator node that is needed to update input ' s link.
assert old_input_node . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) and new_input_node . node in \
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
self . graph . nodes ( ) and op_node . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) , \
' The three arguments(old_input_node&new_input_node&op_node) must be in the graph nodes. '
old_input_node . remove_output ( op_node )
op_node . remove_input ( old_input_node )
new_input_node . append_output ( op_node )
op_node . append_input ( new_input_node )
op_node . rename_input ( old_input_node . name ( ) , new_input_node . name ( ) )
def update_output_link ( self , old_output_node , new_output_node , op_node ) :
Update the output ' s link of an operator node.
Args :
old_output_node ( IrNode ) : the old output node of the giving op_node .
new_output_node ( IrNode ) : the new output node of the giving op_node .
op_node ( IrOpNode ) : the operator node that is needed to update input ' s link.
assert old_output_node . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) and new_output_node . node in \
self . graph . nodes ( ) and op_node . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) , \
' The three arguments(old_output_node &new_output_node &op_node) must be in the graph nodes. '
old_output_node . remove_input ( op_node )
op_node . remove_output ( old_output_node )
new_output_node . append_input ( op_node )
op_node . append_output ( new_output_node )
op_node . rename_output ( old_output_node . name ( ) , new_output_node . name ( ) )
def link_to ( self , node_in , node_out ) :
Connect two nodes .
Args :
node_in ( IrNode ) : the input node .
node_out ( IrNode ) : the output node .
assert node_in . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) and node_out . node in self . graph . nodes ( ) , \
' The two arguments(node_in&node_out) must be in the graph nodes. '
node_in . append_output ( node_out )
node_out . append_input ( node_in )
def safe_remove_nodes ( self , remove_nodes ) :
Remove nodes safely since links connected to these removed nodes are
also removed .
Args :
remove_nodes ( set ) : the nodes prepared to be removed .
if not isinstance ( remove_nodes , set ) :
if isinstance ( remove_nodes , Iterable ) :
remove_nodes = set ( remove_nodes )
else :
remove_nodes = { remove_nodes }
original_nodes = { n . node for n in remove_nodes }
core . graph_safe_remove_nodes ( self . graph , original_nodes )
def resolve_hazard ( self ) :
ordered_nodes = core . topology_sort ( self . graph )
var_nodes = dict ( )
for node in ordered_nodes :
if node . is_op ( ) and node . op ( ) is not None :
for each_var_name in node . op ( ) . input_arg_names ( ) :
if each_var_name not in var_nodes :
var_nodes [ each_var_name ] = [
self . _find_node_by_name ( node . inputs , each_var_name )
for each_var_name in node . op ( ) . output_arg_names ( ) :
if each_var_name not in var_nodes :
var_nodes [ each_var_name ] = [
self . _find_node_by_name ( node . outputs , each_var_name )
else :
var_nodes [ each_var_name ] . append (
self . _find_node_by_name ( node . outputs ,
each_var_name ) )
self . graph . resolve_hazard ( var_nodes )
def has_circle ( self ) :
Check if the graph has a circle .
Returns :
bool : True if the graph has a circle else False .
return core . has_circle ( self . graph )
def graph_num ( self ) :
Count the number of unconnected graphs in this graph .
Returns :
int : the number of unconnected graphs .
return core . graph_num ( self . graph )
def topology_sort ( self ) :
Perform the topology sort operation on the graph .
Notes : the ` graph ` cannot contain a circle .
Returns :
list ( IrNode ) : nodes in topology order .
ordered_nodes = core . topology_sort ( self . graph )
return [ IrNode ( n ) for n in ordered_nodes ]
def build_adjacency_list ( self ) :
Build an adjacency list of operations for the ` graph ` .
Returns :
dict { IrNode : set ( IrNode ) } : the adjacency list .
adj_list = core . build_adjacency_list ( self . graph )
wrapped_adj_list = dict ( )
for k , v in six . iteritems ( adj_list ) :
wrapped_adj_list [ IrNode ( k ) ] = { IrNode ( n ) for n in v }
return wrapped_adj_list
def draw ( self , save_path , name , marked_nodes = None , remove_ctr_var = True ) :
Draw the graph . If ` dot ` command is installed , the drawn graph
will be saved as pdf file type , otherwise dot file type is used .
Args :
save_path ( str ) : the save path of drawn graph .
name ( str ) : the name of drawn graph .
marked_nodes ( set ( IrNode ) ) : nodes that are needed to be marked .
Default value is None .
remove_ctr_var ( bool ) : If it is set True , all control variable nodes
in the graph will be removed . Default value is True .
def _convert_to_pdf ( dot_file_path ) :
pdf_save_path = os . path . splitext ( dot_file_path ) [ 0 ] + ' .pdf '
exited_code = subprocess . call ( ' dot -Tpdf ' + dot_file_path \
Dygraph Layer kwargs & param getter setter (#19901)
* opt FC
* opt rest of dygraph.nn
* new param shape check and unittest
* add kwargs for Layer
* add new set_value api
* use property decorator
* update API.spec, test=develop
* use UserList, separate gettersetters, test=develop
* update test_custom_layer_with_kwargs, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* fix UserList compatibility, test=develop
* keep FC._w, test=develop
* add unittests, Conv3D bug fix, test=develop
* clean code, test=develop
* fix dygraph guard in unittest, test=develop
* add property setters, remove unused param in tracer, test=develop
* tracer none check, test=develop
* merge, test=develop
* refine, test=develop
* bug fix in prelu and conv3d_transpose, test=develop
* rm __set__, test=develop
* set tensor value instead of assign op
* fix property setter call, test=develop
* fix api.spec, test=develop
* fix doc sample, test=develop
5 years ago
+ ' -o ' + pdf_save_path , shell = True )
if exited_code != 0 :
print ( ' The dot command is needed for creating pdf files. ' )
print ( ' The {} is saved as the dot filetype. ' . format (
dot_file_path ) )
remove_ctr_vars = set ( )
if remove_ctr_var :
for node in self . all_var_nodes ( ) :
if node . is_ctrl_var ( ) :
remove_ctr_vars . add ( node )
self . safe_remove_nodes ( remove_ctr_vars )
print ( ' Total ops num = {} . ' . format ( len ( self . all_op_nodes ( ) ) ) )
if marked_nodes is not None :
if not isinstance ( marked_nodes , set ) :
if isinstance ( marked_nodes , Iterable ) :
marked_nodes = set ( marked_nodes )
else :
marked_nodes = { marked_nodes }
marked_nodes = { n . node for n in marked_nodes }
remove_ctr_vars = { n . node for n in remove_ctr_vars }
marked_nodes = marked_nodes - remove_ctr_vars
if self . graph . has ( ' __graphviz__marked_node__ ' ) :
self . graph . erase ( ' __graphviz__marked_node__ ' )
self . graph . set ( ' __graphviz__marked_node__ ' , marked_nodes )
if not os . path . exists ( save_path ) :
os . makedirs ( save_path )
viz_dot_path = os . path . join ( save_path , name ) + ' .dot '
viz_pass = core . get_pass ( ' graph_viz_pass ' )
viz_pass . set ( ' graph_viz_path ' , viz_dot_path )
viz_pass . apply ( self . graph )
_convert_to_pdf ( viz_dot_path )
def to_program ( self ) :
Convert the graph into a Program .
WARN : When the graph includes backward operator nodes , the
conversion process may be failed . Usually , this function is
only used to convert a test graph .
Returns :
Program : a program converted from the graph .
convert_pass = core . get_pass ( ' graph_to_program_pass ' )
desc = core . ProgramDesc ( )
convert_pass . set_not_owned ( ' program ' , desc )
convert_pass . apply ( self . graph )
program = Program . _construct_from_desc ( desc )
return program
def _find_node_by_name ( self , nodes , node_name ) :
Find a node in the giving nodes set by the name .
target_node = None
for n in nodes :
if n . name ( ) == node_name :
target_node = n
assert target_node is not None , " Cannot find the target node in the giving set. "
return target_node
def _update_desc_attr ( self , desc , name , val ) :
Update the value of desc ' s attribute by attribute ' s name .
if isinstance ( val , Block ) :
desc . set_block_attr ( name , val . desc )
elif isinstance ( val , list ) and val and all (
isinstance ( v , Block ) for v in val ) :
desc . set_blocks_attr ( name , [ v . desc for v in val ] )
elif isinstance ( val , core . BlockDesc ) or \
isinstance ( val , core . ProgramDesc ) :
desc . set_serialized_attr ( name , val . serialize_to_string ( ) )
else :
desc . _set_attr ( name , val )
class Program ( object ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Create Python Program . It has at least one : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` , when the
control flow op like conditional_block , while : ref : ` api_fluid_layers_While ` is included ,
it will contain nested block .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Please reference the
` framework . proto < https : / / github . com / PaddlePaddle / Paddle / blob / develop / paddle / fluid / framework / framework . proto > ` _
for details .
A set of Program usually contains startup program and main program .
A startup program is set to contain some initial work , eg . initialize the ` ` Parameter ` ` , and the main
program will contain the network structure and vars for train .
A set of Program can be used for test or train , in train program ,
Paddle will contain all content to build a train network , in test
program Paddle will prune some content which is irrelevant to test , eg .
backward ops and vars .
* * Notes * * :
* * we have * * : ref : ` api_fluid_default_startup_program ` * * and * * : ref : ` api_fluid_default_main_program `
* * by default , a pair of them will shared the parameters . The * * : ref : ` api_fluid_default_startup_program ` * * only run once to initialize parameters , * *
: ref : ` api_fluid_default_main_program ` * * run in every mini batch and adjust the weights . * *
Returns :
Program : An empty Program .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_program = fluid . Program ( )
startup_program = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_program = main_program , startup_program = startup_program ) :
x = fluid . layers . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ - 1 , 784 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . layers . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ - 1 , 1 ] , dtype = ' int32 ' )
z = fluid . layers . fc ( name = " fc " , input = x , size = 10 , act = " relu " )
print ( " main program is: {} " . format ( main_program ) )
print ( " start up program is: {} " . format ( startup_program ) )
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . desc = core . ProgramDesc ( )
self . blocks = [ Block ( self , 0 ) ]
self . current_block_idx = 0
self . _seed = 0
self . _current_role = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . OpRole . Forward
self . __op_role_var = [ ]
# for distribute training
# _is_distributed = True if under distributed training
self . _is_distributed = False
# _is_chief = True if the trainer is the first one, usually No.0
self . _is_chief = False
# _parameters_on_pservers records all the parameters distributed on parameter servers.
self . _parameters_on_pservers = None
# _endpoints is a list about parameter servers ip:port, such as ["ip:port","ip:port"]
self . _endpoints = [ ]
# if current role is parameter server, the _ps_endpoint is its "ip:port"
self . _ps_endpoint = None
# trainers_endpoints, it is used for distribution.
self . _trainers_endpoints = [ ]
# the distributed lookup table names
self . _distributed_lookup_table = None
# use Deep gradient comrepssion or not
self . _enable_dgc = False
self . _use_lamb = False
self . _nccl_comm_num = 1
self . _use_hierarchical_allreduce = False
self . _hierarchical_allreduce_inter_nranks = 0
# if this program has been optimized by distributed optimizer
# fleet_opt will be given a value
self . _fleet_opt = None
self . _program_config = None
# assigned if this program has been parsed by a pipeline optimizer
self . _pipeline_opt = None
# appending gradients times
self . _appending_grad_times = 0
def _op_role ( self ) :
The operator role . In a enum { Forward , Backward , Optimize } .
Notes : this is a low level API . It is used only for ParallelExecutor to
duplicate or schedule operator to devices .
For example , the forward operator should be executed on every device .
The backward operator should be executed on every device and the
parameter gradient of backward ( use : code : ` _op_role_var ` to get this
variable ) operator should be merged to one device . The optimization
operators should be executed on only one device and broadcast the
optimization result , i . e . , the new parameter , to every other device .
return self . _current_role
def _op_role ( self , role ) :
self . _current_role = role
def _op_role_var ( self ) :
The auxiliary variables for : code : ` _op_role ` property .
See Also : : code : ` Program . _op_role ` ' s documentation for details.
Notes : This is a very low - level API . Users should not use it directly .
return self . __op_role_var
def _backward_role_guard ( self ) :
tmp_role = self . _current_role
OpRole = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . OpRole
self . _current_role = OpRole . Backward
self . _current_role = tmp_role
def _optimized_guard ( self , param_and_grads ) :
A with guard to set : code : ` Optimization ` : code : ` OpRole ` and
: code : ` OpRoleVar ` automatically .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not use it directly .
Args :
param_and_grads ( list ) : The variables ( names ) to be optimized .
Examples :
>> > import paddle . fluid as fluid
>> > p , g = backward ( . . . )
>> > with program . _optimized_guard ( [ p , g ] ) :
>> > p = p - 0.001 * g
tmp_role = self . _current_role
tmp_var = self . __op_role_var
OpRole = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . OpRole
self . _current_role = OpRole . Optimize
self . __op_role_var = [
var . name if isinstance ( var , Variable ) else var
for var in param_and_grads
self . __op_role_var = tmp_var
self . _current_role = tmp_role
def _lr_schedule_guard ( self , is_with_opt = False ) :
A with guard to set : code : ` LRSched ` : code : ` OpRole ` and
: code : ` OpRoleVar ` automatically . The : code : ` OpRoleVar ` is
set to the target learning rate .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not use it directly .
Args :
is_with_opt : Only set to true if these ops a in the middle
of a bunch of optimize ops so that it can be treated
correctly . For example , sgd - > lr_op - > sgd - > lr_op - > sgd .
Examples :
>> > import paddle . fluid as fluid
>> > p , g = backward ( . . . )
>> > with program . lr_schedule_guard ( ) :
>> > lr = lr * decay
tmp_role = self . _current_role
tmp_var = self . __op_role_var
OpRole = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker . OpRole
self . _current_role = OpRole . LRSched
if is_with_opt :
self . _current_role = int ( OpRole . LRSched ) | int ( OpRole . Optimize )
# TODO(typhoonzero): how to set target learning rate var
self . __op_role_var = [ ]
self . __op_role_var = tmp_var
self . _current_role = tmp_role
def __str__ ( self ) :
Get the protobuf debug string of this Program .
Returns :
( str ) : The protobuf debug string .
Raises :
ValueError : If any of required fields is not set .
return self . to_string ( True )
def to_string ( self , throw_on_error , with_details = False ) :
To debug string .
Args :
throw_on_error ( bool ) : raise Value error when any of required fields is not set .
with_details ( bool ) : True if more details about variables and parameters , e . g . , : code : ` trainable ` , : code : ` optimize_attr ` , need to print .
Returns :
str : The debug string describe current Program .
Raises :
ValueError : If any of required fields is not set and throw_on_error is True .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
prog_string = prog . to_string ( throw_on_error = True , with_details = False )
print ( " program string without detial: {} " . format ( prog_string ) )
prog_string_with_detail = prog . to_string ( throw_on_error = True , with_details = True )
print ( " program string with detial: {} " . format ( prog_string_with_detail ) )
assert isinstance ( throw_on_error , bool ) and isinstance ( with_details ,
bool )
if with_details :
res_str = " "
for block in self . blocks :
res_str + = block . to_string ( throw_on_error , with_details )
else :
protostr = self . desc . serialize_to_string ( )
proto = framework_pb2 . ProgramDesc . FromString (
six . binary_type ( protostr ) )
res_str = _debug_string_ ( proto , throw_on_error )
return res_str
def _get_desc ( self ) :
Get the C + + side of ` ProgramDesc ` object pointer . The C + + object is
exposed by : code : ` pybind ` .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not use this API
directly .
return self . desc
def _version ( self ) :
return self . desc . _version ( )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def clone ( self , for_test = False ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * Notes * * :
* * 1. * * : code : ` Program . clone ( ) ` * * method DOES NOT clone * * : ref : ` api_fluid_io_DataLoader ` .
* * 2. Recommend you to use * * : code : ` clone ` * * before using * * : code : ` Opimizer . minimize ` .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
* * 3. This API has no effect in Dygraph Mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Create a new Program with forward content of original one when ` ` for_test = True ` ` .
Create a new Program as the same as original one when ` ` for_test = False ` `
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Some operators , e . g . , : ref : ` api_fluid_layers_batch_norm ` , behave differently between
training and testing . They have an attribute , : code : ` is_test ` , to
control this behaviour . This method will change the : code : ` is_test `
attribute of them to : code : ` True ` when : code : ` for_test = True ` .
* Set for_test to False when we want to clone the program for training .
* Set for_test to True when we want to clone the program for testing .
We will prune the backward and optimize part of the program when you
use : code : ` clone ` after : code : ` Opimizer . minimize ` , but we still
recommend you to use : code : ` clone ` before using : code : ` Opimizer . minimize ` .
For Example :
. . code - block : : python
test_program = fluid . default_main_program ( ) . clone ( for_test = True )
# Here we use clone before Momentum
optimizer = fluid . optimizer . Momentum ( learning_rate = 0.01 , momentum = 0.9 )
optimizer . minimize ( )
Args :
for_test ( bool ) : True if change the : code : ` is_test ` attribute of operators to : code : ` True ` .
Returns :
Program : A new Program with forward content of original one when ` ` for_test = True ` ` . A new Program as the same as original one when ` ` for_test = False ` `
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
* * Notes : The Program ' s order maybe different after** :code:`clone` **and
this will not affect your training or testing progress . In the following
example we give you an simple method * * : code : ` print_prog ( program ) ` * * to
print Program Descs inorder to make sure you have same print result
after * * : code : ` clone ` :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import six
def print_prog ( prog ) :
for name , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( prog . block ( 0 ) . vars ) ) :
print ( value )
for op in prog . block ( 0 ) . ops :
print ( " op type is {} " . format ( op . type ) )
print ( " op inputs are {} " . format ( op . input_arg_names ) )
print ( " op outputs are {} " . format ( op . output_arg_names ) )
for key , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( op . all_attrs ( ) ) ) :
if key not in [ ' op_callstack ' , ' op_role_var ' ] :
print ( " [ attrs: {} : {} ] " . format ( key , value ) )
1. To clone a test program , the sample code is :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import six
def print_prog ( prog ) :
for name , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( prog . block ( 0 ) . vars ) ) :
print ( value )
for op in prog . block ( 0 ) . ops :
print ( " op type is {} " . format ( op . type ) )
print ( " op inputs are {} " . format ( op . input_arg_names ) )
print ( " op outputs are {} " . format ( op . output_arg_names ) )
for key , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( op . all_attrs ( ) ) ) :
if key not in [ ' op_callstack ' , ' op_role_var ' ] :
print ( " [ attrs: {} : {} ] " . format ( key , value ) )
train_program = fluid . Program ( )
startup_program = fluid . Program ( )
# startup_program is used to do some parameter init work,
# and main program is used to hold the network
with fluid . program_guard ( train_program , startup_program ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
img = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' image ' , shape = [ 784 ] )
hidden = fluid . layers . fc ( input = img , size = 200 , act = ' relu ' )
hidden = fluid . layers . dropout ( hidden , dropout_prob = 0.5 )
loss = fluid . layers . cross_entropy (
input = fluid . layers . fc ( hidden , size = 10 , act = ' softmax ' ) ,
label = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' label ' , shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = ' int64 ' ) )
avg_loss = fluid . layers . mean ( loss )
test_program = train_program . clone ( for_test = False )
print_prog ( test_program )
# Due to parameter sharing usage for train and test, so we need to use startup program of train
# instead of using test startup program, while nothing is in test's startup program
# In Paddle Fluid we will share weights by using the same Variable name. In train and test program
# all parameters will have the same name and this can make train and test program sharing parameters,
# that's why we need to use startup program of train. And for startup program of test, it has nothing,
# since it is a new program.
with fluid . program_guard ( train_program , startup_program ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
sgd = fluid . optimizer . SGD ( learning_rate = 1e-3 )
sgd . minimize ( avg_loss )
2. The clone method can be avoid if you create program for training and program for testing individually .
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import six
def print_prog ( prog ) :
for name , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( prog . block ( 0 ) . vars ) ) :
print ( value )
for op in prog . block ( 0 ) . ops :
print ( " op type is {} " . format ( op . type ) )
print ( " op inputs are {} " . format ( op . input_arg_names ) )
print ( " op outputs are {} " . format ( op . output_arg_names ) )
for key , value in sorted ( six . iteritems ( op . all_attrs ( ) ) ) :
if key not in [ ' op_callstack ' , ' op_role_var ' ] :
print ( " [ attrs: {} : {} ] " . format ( key , value ) )
def network ( is_test ) :
img = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' image ' , shape = [ 784 ] )
hidden = fluid . layers . fc ( input = img , size = 200 , act = ' relu ' )
hidden = fluid . layers . dropout ( hidden , dropout_prob = 0.5 )
loss = fluid . layers . cross_entropy (
input = fluid . layers . fc ( hidden , size = 10 , act = ' softmax ' ) ,
label = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' label ' , shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = ' int64 ' ) )
avg_loss = fluid . layers . mean ( loss )
return avg_loss
train_program_2 = fluid . Program ( )
startup_program_2 = fluid . Program ( )
test_program_2 = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( train_program_2 , startup_program_2 ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
sgd = fluid . optimizer . SGD ( learning_rate = 1e-3 )
sgd . minimize ( avg_loss )
# the test startup program is not used.
with fluid . program_guard ( test_program_2 , fluid . Program ( ) ) :
with fluid . unique_name . guard ( ) :
loss = network ( is_test = True )
print ( test_program_2 )
The two code snippets above will generate and print same programs .
if for_test :
if self . _appending_grad_times > 0 :
forward_prog = Program ( )
forward_prog . desc = core . prune_backward ( self . desc )
forward_prog . blocks = [
Block ( forward_prog , i )
for i in six . moves . range ( forward_prog . desc . num_blocks ( ) )
forward_prog . _sync_with_cpp ( )
p = forward_prog . _inference_optimize ( prune_read_op = False )
else :
p = self . _inference_optimize ( prune_read_op = False )
else :
p = Program ( )
p . current_block_idx = self . current_block_idx
p . _seed = self . _seed
p . desc = core . ProgramDesc ( self . desc )
p . blocks = [
Block ( p , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( self . desc . num_blocks ( ) )
p . _current_role = self . _current_role
p . __op_role_var = self . __op_role_var
p . _appending_grad_times = self . _appending_grad_times
p . _sync_with_cpp ( )
p . _copy_param_info_from ( self )
p . _copy_data_info_from ( self )
p . _copy_dist_param_info_from ( self )
return p
def _prune ( self , targets ) :
Prune operators and variables which are not needed to generate
: code : ` targets ` .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not use this API
directly . This API is in flux and not stable .
Args :
targets ( list | Variable | Operator ) : A list of variables or operators
need to be pruned
Returns :
Program : A new , pruned program .
if not isinstance ( targets , list ) :
targets = [ targets ]
targets_idx = [ ]
for t in targets :
if not isinstance ( t , Operator ) :
if isinstance ( t , Variable ) :
# After transpiler processing, the op that output this
# variable maybe has been changed, so t.op is not reliable
# and we need to find the current op that generate this
# variable here.
t . op = None
global_block = self . global_block ( )
for idx , op in enumerate ( global_block . ops ) :
if t . name in op . output_arg_names :
t . op = op
t = t . op
if t is None :
raise ValueError (
" The target variable must have an "
" associated operator that generates it. " )
else :
raise ValueError ( " All targets of prune() can only be "
" Variable or Operator. " )
targets_idx . append ( [ t . block . idx , t . idx ] )
res = Program ( )
res . desc = core . prune ( self . desc , set ( ) , targets_idx )
res . blocks = [
Block ( res , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( res . desc . num_blocks ( ) )
res . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return res
def _prune_with_input ( self , feeded_var_names , targets ) :
Prune operators and variables which are not needed to generate
: code : ` targets ` . Prune operators and variables which are needed
to generate feeded_var
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not use this API
directly . This API is in flux and not stable .
Args :
feeded_var_names ( list | str ) : A list of variable names from where
pruning start . If it is set as [ ] , this API works just like _prune ( )
targets ( list | Variable | Operator ) : A list of variables or operators
need to be pruned
Returns :
Program : A new , pruned program .
if not isinstance ( feeded_var_names , list ) :
feeded_var_names = [ feeded_var_names ]
if not isinstance ( targets , list ) :
targets = [ targets ]
for var in feeded_var_names :
if not isinstance ( var , six . string_types ) :
raise ValueError ( " All feeded_var_names of prune() can only be "
" str. " )
targets_idx = [ ]
for t in targets :
if not isinstance ( t , Operator ) :
if isinstance ( t , Variable ) :
# After transpiler processing, the op that output this
# variable maybe has been changed, so t.op is not reliable
# and we need to find the current op that generate this
# variable here.
t . op = None
global_block = self . global_block ( )
for idx , op in enumerate ( global_block . ops ) :
if t . name in op . output_arg_names :
t . op = op
t = t . op
if t is None :
raise ValueError (
" The target variable must have an "
" associated operator that generates it. " )
else :
raise ValueError ( " All targets of prune() can only be "
" Variable or Operator. " )
targets_idx . append ( [ t . block . idx , t . idx ] )
res = Program ( )
res . desc = core . prune ( self . desc , set ( feeded_var_names ) , targets_idx )
res . blocks = [
Block ( res , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( res . desc . num_blocks ( ) )
res . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return res
def _inference_optimize ( self , prune_read_op = True ) :
This method will create a new program and do following adjustments on it :
1. Remove all reader variables and their creator ops if exist .
2. Remove the : code : ` read_op ` if exists .
3. change the : code : ` is_test `
attribute of operators to : code : ` True ` . All the : code : ` Parameter `
information will be lost .
Args :
prune_read_op ( bool ) : remove the read ops that are added by py_reader
for cpp inference library
Notes : This API is a very low level API . Use
: code : ` Program . clone ( for_test = True ) ` instead .
Returns :
Program : The new program .
res = Program ( )
res . desc = core . ProgramDesc ( self . desc )
# remove all readers and the read_op if exist
read_op_idx = 0
root_block = res . desc . block ( 0 )
if prune_read_op :
while True :
if read_op_idx > = root_block . op_size ( ) or root_block . op (
read_op_idx ) . type ( ) == ' read ' :
read_op_idx + = 1
if read_op_idx < root_block . op_size ( ) :
root_block . _remove_op ( 0 , read_op_idx + 1 )
for var in root_block . all_vars ( ) :
if var . type ( ) == core . VarDesc . VarType . READER :
root_block . _remove_var ( cpt . to_bytes ( var . name ( ) ) )
# change all `is_test` attributes to True
for i in six . moves . range ( res . desc . num_blocks ( ) ) :
block = res . desc . block ( i )
for j in six . moves . range ( block . op_size ( ) ) :
op = block . op ( j )
if op . has_attr ( ' is_test ' ) :
op . _set_attr ( ' is_test ' , True )
res . blocks = [
Block ( res , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( res . desc . num_blocks ( ) )
res . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return res
def parse_from_string ( binary_str ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * 1. All information about parameters will be lost after serialization * *
* * 2. This API has no effect in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Deserialize a Program from ` protobuf < https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Protocol_Buffers > ` _ binary string .
This method always use to save and load model
Args :
binary_str_type ( str ) : the binary prootbuf string .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
Program : A deserialized Program .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
startup_prog = fluid . Program ( )
main_prog = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( startup_prog , main_prog ) :
x = fluid . layers . data (
name = ' X ' , shape = [ 1000 , 784 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , append_batch_size = False )
y = fluid . layers . data (
name = ' Y ' , shape = [ 784 , 100 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , append_batch_size = False )
z = fluid . layers . mul ( x = x , y = y )
binary_str = fluid . default_main_program ( ) . desc . serialize_to_string ( )
prog_restored = fluid . default_main_program ( ) . parse_from_string ( binary_str )
print ( fluid . default_main_program ( ) )
print ( prog_restored )
p = Program ( )
p . desc = core . ProgramDesc ( binary_str )
p . blocks = [ Block ( p , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( p . desc . num_blocks ( ) ) ]
p . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return p
def _construct_from_desc ( desc ) :
Construct a program from program desc .
Args :
desc ( core . ProgramDesc ) : The program desc for constructing .
Returns :
Program : A program .
p = Program ( )
p . desc = desc
p . blocks = [ Block ( p , i ) for i in six . moves . range ( p . desc . num_blocks ( ) ) ]
p . _sync_with_cpp ( )
return p
def random_seed ( self ) :
The default random seed for random operators in Program . ` ` 0 ` ` means get
the random seed from random device .
* * Notes : It must be set before the operators have been added . * *
Returns :
int64 : Random seed in current Program
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
random_seed = prog . random_seed
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
x_var = fluid . layers . data ( name = " X " , shape = [ 3 , 3 ] , dtype = " float32 " , append_batch_size = False )
# Here we need to set random seed before we use fluid.layers.dropout
print ( random_seed )
prog . random_seed = 1
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
z_var = fluid . layers . dropout ( x_var , 0.7 )
print ( prog . random_seed )
return self . _seed
def num_blocks ( self ) :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
The number of : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` in this Program .
* * Notes : This API has no effect in Dygraph mode * *
Returns :
int ( Platform - dependent size ) : num of : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` in current Program
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
num_blocks = prog . num_blocks
print ( num_blocks )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
return self . desc . num_blocks ( )
def random_seed ( self , seed ) :
if not isinstance ( seed , int ) :
raise ValueError ( " Seed must be a integer. " )
self . _seed = seed
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return self . __str__ ( )
def global_block ( self ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * This API has no effect in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Get the first : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` of this Program .
Returns :
: ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` : The first : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` of this Program .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
gb_block = prog . global_block ( )
print ( gb_block )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
return self . blocks [ 0 ]
def block ( self , index ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * This API has no effect in Dygraph mode * *
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Get the : code : ` index ` : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` of this Program
Args :
index ( int ) - The index of : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` to get
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
: ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` : The : code : ` index ` block
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
block_0 = prog . block ( 0 )
print ( block_0 )
return self . blocks [ index ]
def current_block ( self ) :
* * Notes * * :
* * This API has no effect in Dygraph mode * *
Get the current : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` . The : code : ` current ` : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en `
is the : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` to append operators .
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns :
: ref : ` api_guide_Block_en ` : The : code : ` index ` : ref : ` api_guide_Block_en `
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
current_blk = prog . current_block ( )
print ( current_blk )
return self . blocks [ self . current_block_idx ]
def _create_block ( self , parent_idx = None ) :
Create a new block with the : code : ` parent_idx ` and change the current block
to new block .
Args :
parent_idx ( int ) : The parent block index .
Returns :
Block : The new block .
new_block_idx = len ( self . blocks )
parent = self . current_block ( ) if parent_idx is None else self . block (
parent_idx )
self . desc . append_block ( parent . desc )
self . current_block_idx = new_block_idx
self . blocks . append ( Block ( self , self . current_block_idx ) )
return self . current_block ( )
def _rollback ( self ) :
Exit a code block , i . e . , roll back to the parent block .
Returns :
self . current_block_idx = self . current_block ( ) . parent_idx
def _sync_with_cpp ( self ) :
Synchronize Python instance to its binding C + + object instance .
If the program is modified in C + + space , this method should be invoked .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not invoke it
directly .
Returns :
for block_idx in range ( len ( self . blocks ) , self . desc . num_blocks ( ) ) :
self . blocks . append ( Block ( self , block_idx ) )
for block in self . blocks :
block . _sync_with_cpp ( )
def _copy_param_info_from ( self , other ) :
Copy the information of parameters from other program .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not invoke it
directly .
Args :
other ( Program ) : Other program
Returns :
if not isinstance ( other , Program ) :
raise TypeError ( " _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with "
" Program " )
if len ( self . blocks ) != len ( other . blocks ) :
raise ValueError ( " _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with two "
" program, with represent the same topology " )
self . global_block ( ) . _copy_param_info_from ( other . global_block ( ) )
def _copy_dist_param_info_from ( self , other ) :
Copy the information of distributed information from other program .
Args :
other ( Program ) : Other program
Returns :
if not isinstance ( other , Program ) :
raise TypeError ( " _copy_dist_param_info_from should be invoked with "
" Program " )
self . _is_distributed = other . _is_distributed
self . _is_chief = other . _is_chief
self . _parameters_on_pservers = other . _parameters_on_pservers
self . _endpoints = other . _endpoints
self . _ps_endpoint = other . _ps_endpoint
self . _distributed_lookup_table = other . _distributed_lookup_table
def _copy_data_info_from ( self , other ) :
Copy the information of data variables from other program .
Notes : This is a very low level API . Users should not invoke it
directly .
Args :
other ( Program ) : Other program
Returns :
if not isinstance ( other , Program ) :
raise TypeError ( " _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with "
" Program " )
if len ( self . blocks ) != len ( other . blocks ) :
raise ValueError ( " _copy_param_info_from should be invoked with two "
" program, with represent the same topology " )
for var in list ( other . global_block ( ) . vars . values ( ) ) :
if var . is_data :
self . global_block ( ) . var ( var . name ) . is_data = True
if var . desc . need_check_feed ( ) :
self . global_block ( ) . var ( var . name ) . desc . set_need_check_feed ( True )
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
def list_vars ( self ) :
Get all : ref : ` api_guide_Variable_en ` from this Program . A iterable object is returned .
Returns :
iterable : ref : ` api_guide_Variable_en ` : The Generator will yield every variable in this program .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
img = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' img ' , shape = [ 1 , 28 , 28 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
label = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' label ' , shape = [ 128 , 1 ] , dtype = ' int64 ' )
for var in prog . list_vars ( ) :
print ( var )
for each_block in self . blocks :
for each_var in list ( each_block . vars . values ( ) ) :
yield each_var
class Parameter ( Variable ) :
Parameter is derived from Variable . A parameter is a persistable
Variable , and will be updated by optimizers after each iteration .
The training of a neural network is essentially the updating of
its parameters .
Relative to a general Variable , a Parameter has several its own
member variables :
Args :
trainable ( bool ) : True if the parameter need to be updated after
iterations .
optimize_attr ( map ) : Parameter attributes related with optimizing .
Currently , it only contains ' learning_rate ' .
Default : { ' learning_rate ' : 1.0 }
regularizer ( WeightDecayRegularizer ) : The Regularizer which will
be applied on the parameter . Default : None
gradient_clip_attr ( BaseGradientClipAttr ) : The gradint clip strategy
which will be applied on the parameter . Default : None
do_model_average ( bool ) : True if the model average strategy will
be applied on this parameter .
def __init__ ( self , block , shape , dtype , * * kwargs ) :
if shape is None :
raise ValueError ( " The shape of Parameter should not be None " )
if dtype is None :
raise ValueError ( " The dtype of Parameter should not be None " )
if len ( shape ) == 0 :
raise ValueError (
" The dimensions of shape for Parameter must be greater than 0 " )
for each in shape :
if each < 0 :
raise ValueError (
" Each dimension of shape for Parameter must be greater than 0, but received %s "
% list ( shape ) )
Variable . __init__ (
self , block , persistable = True , shape = shape , dtype = dtype , * * kwargs )
self . trainable = kwargs . get ( ' trainable ' , True )
self . optimize_attr = kwargs . get ( ' optimize_attr ' , { ' learning_rate ' : 1.0 } )
self . regularizer = kwargs . get ( ' regularizer ' , None )
self . gradient_clip_attr = kwargs . get ( ' gradient_clip_attr ' , None )
self . do_model_average = kwargs . get ( ' do_model_average ' , None )
self . is_distributed = False
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . to_string ( True )
def to_string ( self , throw_on_error , with_details = False ) :
To debug string .
Args :
throw_on_error ( bool ) : raise exception when self is not initialized
when throw_on_error is True
with_details ( bool ) : more details about variables and parameters
( e . g . trainable , optimize_attr , . . . ) will be printed when with_details is True
Returns ( str ) : The debug string .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
rlt = fluid . layers . data ( " fake_data " , shape = [ 1 , 1 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
debug_str = prog . to_string ( throw_on_error = True , with_details = False )
print ( debug_str )
assert isinstance ( throw_on_error , bool ) and isinstance ( with_details ,
bool )
if with_details :
res_str = Variable . to_string ( self , throw_on_error , True )
additional_attr = ( " trainable " , " optimize_attr " , " regularizer " ,
" gradient_clip_attr " , " do_model_average " )
for attr_name in additional_attr :
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
res_str + = " %s : %s \n " % ( attr_name ,
cpt . to_text ( getattr ( self , attr_name ) ) )
else :
res_str = Variable . to_string ( self , throw_on_error , False )
return res_str
__repr__ = __str__
# program is a global instance.
_main_program_ = Program ( )
_startup_program_ = Program ( )
def default_startup_program ( ) :
Get default / global startup program .
The layer function in : ref : ` api_fluid_layers ` will create parameters , : ref : ` api_paddle_data_reader_reader ` ,
` NCCL < https : / / developer . nvidia . com / nccl > ` _ handles as global variables . The : code : ` startup_program ` will
initialize them by the OPs in startup : ref : ` api_fluid_Program ` . The : ref : ` api_fluid_layers ` function will
append these initialization operators into startup program .
This method will return the : code : ` default ` or the : code : ` current ` startup
program . Users can use : ref : ` api_fluid_program_guard ` to switch : ref : ` api_fluid_Program ` .
Returns : current default startup : ref : ` api_fluid_Program `
Optimze/optimize dygraph api (#19999)
* test=develop, fix docker with paddle nccl problem
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, Add Variable api and refine dygraph related API
* test=develop, refine test for new api and error info
* test=develop, refine error info and test_layers
* test=develop, add API.spec
* test=devleop, fix to_string python2 and python3 compat error and refien doc
* test=devleop, add API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=devleop, update API spec
* test=develop, invoke ci
* test=develop, fix example code
* test=develop, update API spec
* test=develop, add compat test and fix inplace campat dict error
5 years ago
Returns type : : ref : ` api_fluid_Program `
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_program = fluid . Program ( )
startup_program = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_program = main_program , startup_program = startup_program ) :
x = fluid . layers . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ - 1 , 784 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . layers . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ - 1 , 1 ] , dtype = ' int32 ' )
z = fluid . layers . fc ( name = " fc " , input = x , size = 10 , act = " relu " )
print ( " main program is: {} " . format ( fluid . default_main_program ( ) ) )
print ( " start up program is: {} " . format ( fluid . default_startup_program ( ) ) )
return _startup_program_
def default_main_program ( ) :
Get default / global main program . The main program is used for training or
testing .
All layer function in : code : ` fluid . layers ` will append operators and
variables to the : code : ` default_main_program ` .
The : code : ` default_main_program ` is the default program in a lot of APIs .
For example , the : code : ` Executor . run ( ) ` will execute the
: code : ` default_main_program ` when the program is not specified .
Returns :
Program : main program
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
# Sample Network:
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' image ' , shape = [ 3 , 224 , 224 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
label = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' label ' , shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = ' int64 ' )
conv1 = fluid . layers . conv2d ( data , 4 , 5 , 1 , act = None )
bn1 = fluid . layers . batch_norm ( conv1 , act = ' relu ' )
pool1 = fluid . layers . pool2d ( bn1 , 2 , ' max ' , 2 )
conv2 = fluid . layers . conv2d ( pool1 , 16 , 5 , 1 , act = None )
bn2 = fluid . layers . batch_norm ( conv2 , act = ' relu ' )
pool2 = fluid . layers . pool2d ( bn2 , 2 , ' max ' , 2 )
fc1 = fluid . layers . fc ( pool2 , size = 50 , act = ' relu ' )
fc2 = fluid . layers . fc ( fc1 , size = 102 , act = ' softmax ' )
loss = fluid . layers . cross_entropy ( input = fc2 , label = label )
loss = fluid . layers . mean ( loss )
opt = fluid . optimizer . Momentum (
learning_rate = 0.1 ,
momentum = 0.9 ,
regularization = fluid . regularizer . L2Decay ( 1e-4 ) )
opt . minimize ( loss )
print ( fluid . default_main_program ( ) . num_blocks )
print ( fluid . default_main_program ( ) . blocks [ 0 ] . var ( ' image ' ) )
return _main_program_
def switch_main_program ( program ) :
Switch the main program to a new program .
Args :
program ( Program ) : The new main program
Returns :
Program : The previous main program
global _main_program_
prev_program = _main_program_
_main_program_ = program
return prev_program
def switch_startup_program ( program ) :
Switch the startup program to a new program
Args :
program ( Program ) : The new startup program
Returns :
Program : The previous startup program
global _startup_program_
prev_program = _startup_program_
_startup_program_ = program
return prev_program
def program_guard ( main_program , startup_program = None ) :
Change the global main program and startup program with ` " with " ` statement .
Layer functions in the Python ` " with " ` block will append operators and
variables to the new main programs .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_program = fluid . Program ( )
startup_program = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_program , startup_program ) :
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' image ' , shape = [ 784 , 784 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
hidden = fluid . layers . fc ( input = data , size = 10 , act = ' relu ' )
Notes : The temporary : code : ` Program ` can be used if the user does not need
to construct either of startup program or main program .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_program = fluid . Program ( )
# does not care about startup program. Just pass a temporary value.
with fluid . program_guard ( main_program , fluid . Program ( ) ) :
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = ' image ' , shape = [ 784 , 784 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
Args :
main_program ( Program ) : New main program inside ` " with " ` statement .
startup_program ( Program ) : New startup program inside ` " with " ` statement .
None means not changing startup program .
if not isinstance ( main_program , Program ) :
raise TypeError ( " main_program should be Program " )
main_program = switch_main_program ( main_program )
if startup_program is not None :
if not isinstance ( startup_program , Program ) :
raise TypeError ( " startup_program should be Program " )
startup_program = switch_startup_program ( startup_program )
switch_main_program ( main_program )
if startup_program is not None :
switch_startup_program ( startup_program )
def _get_var ( name , program = None ) :
Get a variable by name from the global block of a program .
Args :
name ( str ) : name of the variable
program ( Program | None ) : program object .
If None , default_global_program ( ) will be used .
Returns :
if program is None :
program = default_main_program ( )
assert isinstance ( name , str )
assert isinstance ( program , Program )
return program . global_block ( ) . var ( name )
def _dygraph_guard ( tracer ) :
global _dygraph_tracer_
tmp_trace = _dygraph_tracer_
_dygraph_tracer_ = tracer
_dygraph_tracer_ = tmp_trace
def _dygraph_place_guard ( place ) :
global _dygraph_current_expected_place_
tmp_place = _dygraph_current_expected_place_
_dygraph_current_expected_place_ = place
_dygraph_current_expected_place_ = tmp_place
def load_op_library ( lib_filename ) :
Load a dynamic library , including custom operators and kernels .
When library is loaded , ops and kernels registered in the library
will be available in PaddlePaddle main process .
Please note , the type of custom operators cann ' t have the same type
with the existing operators in the framework .
Args :
lib_filename ( str ) : name of dynamic library .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
core . load_op_library ( lib_filename )
OpProtoHolder . instance ( ) . update_op_proto ( )