* fix prepare context redundant code problem, optimize executor by caching create_varaiables
* supports collective training in executor
* make fetch_list runable with variables, add more unittest for use_program_cache
* fix comment
* use unique name for nccl_id
* supports output to stream in program_to_code
* insert sync_comm_stream before regularization; add skip_op_callstack capability in program_to_code
* set op role in collective training
* add collective op role
* remove orig file
* add build optimizer by strategy
* add collective strategy
* refine collective strategy
* add multi-process role maker
* refine strategy building factory so that we can easily plugin more strategy
* scale loss grad in collective sgd transpiler
* add support for distributed fc
* code format
* revert some features for dist fc
* add support for distributed fc training
* fix prepare context redundant code problem, optimize executor by caching create_varaiables
* supports collective training in executor
* make fetch_list runable with variables, add more unittest for use_program_cache
* use unique name for nccl_id
* supports output to stream in program_to_code
* insert sync_comm_stream before regularization; add skip_op_callstack capability in program_to_code
* set op role in collective training
* add collective op role
* fix comment
* remove orig file
* add build optimizer by strategy
* add collective strategy
* refine collective strategy
* add multi-process role maker
* refine strategy building factory so that we can easily plugin more strategy
* scale loss grad in collective sgd transpiler
* add support for distributed fc
* code format
* revert some features for dist fc
* add support for distributed fc training
* test=develop
add collective op unittest standard
* test=develop
remove the test_collective directory
* test=develop
remove the test_collective directory
* remove slicegather test
* code format for reducescatter
* update attr of shard_index_op
* Modify macro nccl_helper
* remove test without distribute
* macro collective_helper
* marcro update
* test=develop
update support python3.5
* test=develop change gpu memory use to 0.1 when test
* test=develop
update ut equal func
* test=develop
set flags to 1.5
* test=develop fix pickle dumple py35
* test=develop
fix divide in slice and add sync_comm_stream
update atol and rtol to 1e-05
rm shard_index op and test
modify read input from file to read from memory
remove origin_program in framework and add i/o in c_sync_calc_stream
* test=develop update unittest sync operator I/O
1. fix the bug that out_put_var in SaveSelectedRows would be empty string
2. use merge_sparse_lookup_table to replace sum op for load_persistables_for_inference
3. fix the bug in _clone_var_in_block_ when the var is SELECTED_ROWS.
(1) use channel instead of vector/BlockingQueue in Dataset,to keep same with existing implementation, and make code more readable and flexible (dataset single output channel or multi output channel). one previous memory out of limit problem is cause by not release memory after training.
(2) add Record because MultiSlotType costs too much memory (80B),fix memory out of limit problem.
(3) add Channel, Archive in paddle/fluid/framework
(4) change dataset from shared_ptr to unique_ptr in pybind
(5) move create/destroy readers from trainer to dataset
(6) move shuffle from datafeed to dataset. dataset holds memory, datafeed is only for load data and feed data to network.
(7) fix thread num bug of Dataset when filelist size < thread num
(8) support set_queue_num in InMemoryDataset
* test=develop, add add_multi_gpu_install_check
* test=develop, refine warning doc
* test=develop, refine warning doc
* test=develop, refine warning doc
* test=develop, support multi cpu
* test=develop, find right num of cuda device
* test=develop, find right num of cuda device
* test=develop, fix multigpu processing and fix type bug in dygraph
* test=develop, fix multigpu processing and fix type bug in dygraph
* Update backward.py:
- If there is no input grad var in all outputs of previous ops, do not append this op into graph.
- Only apply this stragety when double backward.
* Update some double backward op.
* Update sum_op to judge whether a tensor is empty by numel or IsInitialized().
* test=develop add target assign for retinanet
* test=develop
run ci
* test=developp
add test_layers
* test=develop
add APi.spec
* test=develop
alter round 1
* test=develop
alter rpn_target_assign_op.cc
* test=develop
alter test_rpn_target_assign_op.py
* test=develop
alter rpn_target_assign_op.cc
* test=develop
alter API.spec
* test=develop
alter paddle/fluid/operators/detection/rpn_target_assign_op.cc
* test=develop
alter rpn_target_assign_op.cc
* test=develop
alter python/paddle/fluid/layers/detection.py
* test=develop
alter paddle/fluid/API.spec
* Remove layers.detection_map API
* Since uers can use fluid.metrics.DetectionMAP to calculate mAP of current-batch and cumulative-batch. layers.detection_map only can calculate cur-batch mAP.
* test=develop
The scatter op has a calc bug when the indices has same index, the scatter op use overwrite mode to calculate the same index, fix this bug by using the accumulate mode to calculate the same index.At the same time, the gather op has the same bug when the op calc the grad. And we use the lib of open-blas and eigen to optimize the time cost in accumulate mode.
* test=develop
Fix some code format problem, and the same time add the test case in gather and scatter op
* Cherry-pick fix random Python3 CI failure.
In some tests, SWEs used "print('xxx').format('xxx')". The syntax
is only supported in Python2, not python3. However, since those
lines are related to data download, if the CI machines already have
the data, it passes CI tests. That causes random failure.
* Cherry-pick: disable CUDNN case of test_warpctc_op
Also temporary disable a unit test. The test will be fixed under high priority.
* add deformable psroi pooling
* test=develop
* test=develop
* test=develop
modify format
* fix bug
* test=develop run ci
* test=develop
add API.spec
* add test_layers.py
* run ci again
* test=develop
run ci again
* run ci again
* test=develop
run ci again
* test=develop
run ci again
* test=develop
run ci again
* add space between two lines
* test=develop
add space between two lines
* test=develop
add space between lines
* test=develop
modify comment in nn.py
* test=develop
add space between two lines
* test=develop
add space between two lines
* update API.spec
* run ci again
* test=develop
run ci again
* rerun ci
* test=develop
rerun ci
* change input shape
* run ci
* test=develop
run ci
* modify format of nn.py
* test=develop
* test=develop
* test=develop
update API.spec
* test=develop
fix API doc
* modify API comment
* modift API comment
* test=develop
update API.spec
* test=develop
modify comment
* test=develop
modift comment
* test=develop
modift comment
* test=develop
update API.spec
* test=develop
modify comment
* test=develop
add inference in nn.py
* test=develop
update API.spec
* test=develop
resolve confict
* test=develop
update API.spec
* add unfold op
* fix divide bug in python3 when calculating output width and height
* add name=None in python api, move redundant code into inline function
* try to trigger ci for this code
* add 'UserDefinedRoleMakerNCCL' for collective mode.
* code style
* add the name UserDefinedRoleMakerNCCL to __all__
* rename to UserDefinedRoleMakerCollective
* rename to UserDefinedCollectiveRoleMaker
Add Pipeline Concurrency Train Mode:
- Cpp: pipeline_trainer & section_worker
- Python: PipelineOptimizer
- Add a new data_feed type: PrivateInstantDataFeed
- Add a test demo of pipeline trainer and the test model is gnn
- Do not support win32 now
* Enable seq_pool op to accept len 0 input
* Update sequence_pool's api
* Add more unittest cases for seq_pool op
* Remove legacy comments
* Don't use template in op maker
* test=develop, refine api
* test=develop, fix bug when error occured on save_persistable with no optimizer
* test=develop, refine waring
* test=develop, refine example code and comments
* save optimizer related vars in dygraph
* test=develop, add optimizer save and load
* test=develop, add optimizer save and load
* test=develop, merge code and add multi-optimizer save and load
* test=develop, fix test_imperative_checkpoint
* test=develop, fix include error
* test=develop, fix include error
* test=develop, renew api spec
* test=develop, refine code
* test=develop, set default value for checkpoint
* test=develop, fix ci error
* test=develop, change API.spec and make api more readable
* test=develop, refine version and time stamp
* test=develop, add example code and refine code
* test=develop, refine doc
* test=develop, change version
* for debug
* test=develop, memory optimize for dygraph using shared_ptr
* test=develop, fix travis ci showed error
* test=develop, fix bug for recurrent usage of varbase
* test=develop, init varbase when it need to be Add
* test=develop, fix problem of recurrent gradient
* test=develop, add gradient test for recurrent varbase usage
* for debug
* test=develop, memory optimize for dygraph using shared_ptr
* test=develop, fix travis ci showed error
* test=develop, fix bug for recurrent usage of varbase
* test=develop, init varbase when it need to be Add
Note the append_batch_size variable is doing prepend. We should
change the name, but due to backward compatibility, I suggest to
change at v2.0. Not now.
* fix prepare context redundant code problem, optimize executor by caching create_varaiables
* cache sub_scope, program, var when use_program_cache=True is set
* make fetch_list runable with variables, add more unittest for use_program_cache
* Enhance fused_elementwise_activation op.
* Move the api fused_elementwise_activation to contrib.
* Add including files.
* Add the support of sigmoid in fused_elementwise_activetion op.
* Update API.spec.
* add gradient clip in minimize; test=develop
* fix bug; test=develop
* fix format; test=develop
* move new grad clip to dygraph/grad_clip.py; test=develop
* fix lr decay and grad clip test; test=develop
* seperate dygraph grad clip; test=develop
* fix grad clip test; develop
* fix api spec bug; test=develop
* add blank line, test=develop,test=document_preview
to fix format problem
* fix the api example for create_global_var, create_parameter, SGDOptimizer, RMSPropOptimizer, MomentumOptimizer, LarsMomentumOptimizer, FtrlOptimizer
* add example for adamoptimizer
fix API.spec
* test=develop
* test=develop
* fix the bug that sub_scope_ may be null in AnalysisPredictor::Run.
* add more directions about io APIs' docs.
* update the API.spec. test=develop test=document_preview
* fuse mul and elementwise add to fc
* Reimplement the FC forward operator
* Fix FC MKLDNN integration by transposing weights
* Add FC MKLDNN Pass
* FC MKLDNN Pass: change memcpy to std::copy
* Fix MKLDNN FC handling of mismatch input and weights dims
* Lower tolerance for MKL-DNN in resnet50 test
* Adjust FC to support MKLDNN Op placement
* Adjust Placement Op to set use_mkldnn attribute for graph
* MKLDNN FC: fix weights format so that gemm version is called
* FC MKLDNN: Remove tolerance decrease from tester_helper
* FC MKL-DNN: Refactor the code, change input reorder to weight reorder
* MKL-DNN FC: Introduce operator caching
* FC MKL-DNN: Fix the tensor type in ExpectedKernelType
* FC MKL-DNN: fix style changes
* FC MKL-DNN: fallback to native on non-supported dim sizes
* FC MKLDNN: fix CMake paths
* FC MKLDNN: Refine placement pass graph mkldnn attribute
* Fix Transpiler error for fuse_conv_eltwise
* Fix missing STL includes in files
* FC MKL-DNN: Enable new output size computation
Also, refine pass to comply with newest interface.
* FC MKL-DNN: enable only when fc_mkldnn_pass is enabled
* FC MKL-DNN: Allow Weights to use oi or io format
* FC MKL-DNN: Adjust UT to work with correct dims
* Enable MKL DEBUG for resnet50 analyzer
* FC MKL-DNN: Improve Hashing function
* FC MKL-DNN: Fix shape for fc weights in transpiler
* FC MKL-DNN: Update input pointer in re-used fc primitive
* Add log for not handling fc fuse for unsupported dims
* FC MKL-DNN: Move transpose from pass to Op Kernel
* FC MKL-DNN: Disable transpose in unit test
* FC MKL-DNN: Remove fc_mkldnn_pass from default list
* Correct Flag for fake data analyzer tests
* FC MKL-DNN: Add comment about fc mkldnn pass disablement
* FC MKL-DNN: Disable fc in int8 tests